\tikzstyle{process}=[rectangle,minimum width=3cm,minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=orange!30]
\tikzstyle{decision}=[diamond,minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=green!30]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
\node (start) [process] {
\node (in1) [process, below of=start] {$\text{B}_{it}$};
\node (in2) [process, below of=in1] {$\text{C}_{it}$};
\node (pro2) [decision, right of=in1, xshift=2cm] {$\text{ D}_{it}$};
\draw [arrow] (start)--(pro2);
\draw [arrow] (in1)--(pro2);
\draw [arrow] (in2)--(pro2);
这将三个节点 A、B、C 连接到 D。
现在,我想在 D 的右侧创建另一个节点 E,但我不想添加箭头,而是添加加号。
像这样 ?
\tikzstyle{process}=[rectangle,minimum width=3cm,minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=orange!30]
\tikzstyle{decision}=[diamond,minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=green!30]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
\node (start) [process] {
\node (in1) [process, below of=start] {$\text{B}_{it}$};
\node (in2) [process, below of=in1] {$\text{C}_{it}$};
\node (pro2) [decision, right= 2cm of in1] {$\text{ D}_{it}$};
\node (pro3) [decision, right= 2cm of pro2] {$\text{ E}_{it}$};
\draw [arrow] (start)--(pro2);
\draw [arrow] (in1)--(pro2);
\draw [arrow] (in2)--(pro2);
\draw (pro2) edge node[draw,fill=white,circle]{+} (pro3);
从 tikz 2.10 版开始已被弃用,你必须使用\tikzset
which 给出:
%\tikzstyle{process}=[rectangle,minimum width=3cm,minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=orange!30]
%\tikzstyle{decision}=[diamond,minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=green!30]
process/.style={rectangle,minimum width=3cm,minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=orange!30},
decision/.style={diamond,minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, fill=green!30},
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm,arrows={-stealth},thick]
\node (start) [process] { $\text{A}_{it}$ };
\node (in1) [process, below of=start] {$\text{B}_{it}$};
\node (in2) [process, below of=in1] {$\text{C}_{it}$};
\node (pro2) [decision, right= 2cm of in1] {$\text{ D}_{it}$};
\node (pro3) [decision, right= 2cm of pro2] {$\text{ E}_{it}$};
\draw [->] (start)--(pro2);
\draw [->] (in1)--(pro2);
\draw [->] (in2)--(pro2);
\draw (pro2) edge node[fill=white]{+} (pro3);