Cleveref 小写用于单个引用

Cleveref 小写用于单个引用

cleveref两个主要的引用命令:\Cref和,\cref取决于你是在句首引用(产生Figure 1)还是在其他地方引用(产生缩写形式fig. 1)。不过,在极少数情况下,人们可能希望在句子中间使用“长”标签。我该怎么做单身的标签是否为小写?答案使全部引用采用小写字母,但我正在寻找一种解决方案来保持包提供的标准cleveref,但在某些情况下将其更改为小写。

理想情况下,我希望在需要时有一个命令(比如说\smallCref)产生。figure 1




\Cref{fig:foo} shows a correct usage of \verb|\Cref{}| at the beginning of the sentence. Whereas we can see how to use \verb|\cref{}| at the end of a sentence (\cref{fig:foo}).
\par Sometimes though, one may want to reference \Cref{fig:foo} with the complete label ``figure'', but having it capitalized in the middle of a sentence is weird. How can I have that single reference in smallcaps, leaving all other references in the document in the original capitalization?






\Cref{fig:foo} shows a correct usage of \verb|\Cref{}| at the beginning of the sentence. Whereas we can see how to use \verb|\cref{}| at the end of a sentence (\cref{fig:foo}).
\par Sometimes though, one may want to reference \lccref{fig:foo} with the complete label ``figure'', but having it capitalized in the middle of a sentence is weird. How can I have that single reference in smallcaps, leaving all other references in the document in the original capitalization?

