我怎样才能将 tikz 图片缩放到全宽?

我怎样才能将 tikz 图片缩放到全宽?

在我的原始版本中,图片被很好地缩放到页面的整个宽度。不幸的是,我没有截图。然后我将半径增加到 5(一切正常),再次减小,现在图片太小了:





\lfoot{\textsf{\tiny x \LaTeX \ | \today}}



$\blacksquare$ \textbf{x}

\begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex][transform canvas={scale=2.0}]
% Draw the lines at multiples of pi/6
\foreach \ang in {0,...,11} {
  \draw [lightgray] (0,0) -- (\ang*360/12:2.5);

% Draw the lines at multiples of pi/4
\foreach \ang in {0,...,7} {
  \draw [lightgray] (0,0) -- (\ang*360/8:2.5);

% Concentric circles and radius labels
\foreach \s in {0, 1, 2} {
  \draw [lightgray] (0,0) circle (\s + 0.5);
  \draw (0,0) circle (\s);
  \node [fill=white] at (\s, 0) [below] {\scriptsize $\s$};

% Add the labels at multiples of pi/4
\foreach \ang/\lab/\dir in {
  0 /0       /right,
  1 /{\pi/4} /{above right},
  2 /{\pi/2} /above,
  3 /{3\pi/4}/{above left},
  4 /{\pi}   /left,
  5 /{5\pi/4}/{below left},
  7 /{7\pi/4}/{below right},
  6 /{3\pi/2}/below} {
    \node [fill=white] at (\ang*360/8:2.6) [\dir] {\scriptsize $\lab$};
% The double-lined circle around the whole diagram
\draw [style=double] (0,0) circle (2.5);


示例来自这里. 相关问题12没有解决问题或者我错过了什么。



\lfoot{\textsf{\tiny x \LaTeX \ | \today}}
\foreach \ang in {0,...,11} {
  \draw [lightgray] (0,0) -- (\ang*360/12:2.5);

% Draw the lines at multiples of pi/4
\foreach \ang in {0,...,7} {
  \draw [lightgray] (0,0) -- (\ang*360/8:2.5);

% Concentric circles and radius labels
\foreach \s in {0, 1, 2} {
  \draw [lightgray] (0,0) circle (\s + 0.5);
  \draw (0,0) circle (\s);
  \node [fill=white] at (\s, 0) [below] {\scriptsize $\s$};

% Add the labels at multiples of pi/4
\foreach \ang/\lab/\dir in {
  0 /0       /right,
  1 /{\pi/4} /{above right},
  2 /{\pi/2} /above,
  3 /{3\pi/4}/{above left},
  4 /{\pi}   /left,
  5 /{5\pi/4}/{below left},
  7 /{7\pi/4}/{below right},
  6 /{3\pi/2}/below} {
    \node [fill=white] at (\ang*360/8:2.6) [\dir] {\scriptsize $\lab$};
% The double-lined circle around the whole diagram
\draw [style=double] (0,0) circle (2.5);

