从 CSV 传递变量时可能存在的错误

从 CSV 传递变量时可能存在的错误

我认为从 CSV 文件调用十进制数字时存在错误。请查看。

  1. 创建一个文件夹。

  2. 添加一个名为的 CSV 文件,texDemo.CSV其中包含以下内容。

  3. .tex在名为的同一文件夹中创建文档CallFromCSV.tex并添加以下代码。由于自动格式化,它看起来有两行分开。确保将所有行添加到文件中CallFromCSV.tex

    [\equal{\UniqueID}{#1}]% condition
    {CHCplanDB}% database
    {\UniqueID=UniqueID,\UniqueID=UniqueID}% assignments
    {\UniqueID }% body
    [\equal{\UniqueID}{#1}]% condition
    {CHCplanDB}% database
    {\UniqueID=UniqueID,\UniqueID=UniqueID}% assignments
    {\UniqueID }% body
    [\equal{\UniqueID}{#1}]% condition
    {CHCplanDB}% database
    {\UniqueID=UniqueID,\Name=Name}% assignments
    {\Name }% body
    [\equal{\UniqueID}{#1}]% condition
    {CHCplanDB}% database
    {\UniqueID=UniqueID,\PercentageComplete=PercentageComplete}% assignments
    {\PercentageComplete }% body
    [\equal{\UniqueID}{#1}]% condition
    {CHCplanDB}% database
    {\UniqueID=UniqueID,\DecimalPercentageComplete=DecimalPercentageComplete}% assignments
    {\DecimalPercentageComplete }% body
  4. 创建另一个文件Report.tex并添加以下内容:

    \RequirePackage[a4paper, portrait, top=20mm, bottom=20mm, left=17.5mm, right=17.5mm]{geometry}
    %used for making a progress bar
    I have to use MS Project and I've created a basic export.  The table below is what you'll see in the CSV file.
    \begin{tabular}{ |c|c|c|c| }
    UniqueID&Name&DecimalPercentageComplete&PercentageComplete \\ 
    \GetUniqueIDCHC{1} & \GetTaskNameCHC{1} & \GetDecimalPercentageCompleteCHC{1} & \GetPercentageCompleteCHC{1}\\ 
    \GetUniqueIDCHC{2} & \GetTaskNameCHC{2} & \GetDecimalPercentageCompleteCHC{2} & \GetPercentageCompleteCHC{2}\\
    \GetUniqueIDCHC{3} & \GetTaskNameCHC{3} & \GetDecimalPercentageCompleteCHC{3} & \GetPercentageCompleteCHC{3}\\
    \GetUniqueIDCHC{4} & \GetTaskNameCHC{4} & \GetDecimalPercentageCompleteCHC{4} & \GetPercentageCompleteCHC{4}\\ 
    \section{Section 1}
    When I put the numbers into the progressbar, it works fine.
    \progressbar[linecolor=blue, filledcolor=green, heighta=1cm, width=5cm]{.25} \begin{picture}(0,0)\put(-73,1.5) {\large$25\%$} \end{picture}\\
    When I call the variables from the newcommand - \textbackslash PerCompleteDecimal and \textbackslash PerCompleteInt, it works fine.
    \progressbar[linecolor=blue, filledcolor=green, heighta=1cm, width=5cm]{\PerCompleteDecimal} \begin{picture}(0,0)\put(-73,1.5) {\large$\PerCompleteInt\%$} \end{picture}\\
    If I try and call \textbackslash GetDecimalPercentageCompleteCHC{3} or \textbackslash GetPercentageCompleteCHC{3}, it errors out.  You'll see that it errors out.  Below I should have gotten a progressbar colot that shows 10\% but that doesn't happen.
    \progressbar[linecolor=blue, filledcolor=green, heighta=1cm, width=5cm]{\GetDecimalPercentageCompleteCHC{3}} \begin{picture}(0,0)\put(-73,1.5) {\large$\GetPercentageCompleteCHC{3}\%$} \end{picture}\\
    Here's what happens when I break the progressbar down.  I've put 0.10 for the color and I put\\
     \textbackslash GetPercentageCompleteCHC{3} to show the number.
    \progressbar[linecolor=blue, filledcolor=green, heighta=1cm, width=5cm]{0.10} \begin{picture}(0,0)\put(-73,1.5) {\large$\GetPercentageCompleteCHC{3}\%$} \end{picture}\\
    Here's one last thing for you.  I can manipulate it a little and put \textbackslash PerCompleteInt from the newcommand and place it like a decimal.  Here's what it looks like.  Notice that I put it as 0.\textbackslash PerCompleteInt
    \progressbar[linecolor=blue, filledcolor=green, heighta=1cm, width=5cm]{0.\PerCompleteInt} \begin{picture}(0,0)\put(-73,1.5) {\large$\PerCompleteInt\%$} \end{picture}\\
    Bascially, I'm just trying to put a progressbar in a table for a report.  Without submitting the whole report I've given a simplified one.  We have so much of our documentation and I want to automate this as much as possible when I have to submit my monthly reports this is why I'm asking the question.
      \begin{tabular}{ |c|c|c| } 
        UniqueID&Name&Progress \\ 
        \GetUniqueIDCHC{1} & \GetTaskNameCHC{1} & \progressbar[linecolor=blue, filledcolor=green]{.45} \begin{picture}(0,0)\put(-35,1.5) {\tiny$45\%$} \end{picture} \\ 
        \GetUniqueIDCHC{2} & \GetTaskNameCHC{2} & \progressbar[linecolor=blue, filledcolor=green]{.95} \begin{picture}(0,0)\put(-35,1.5) {\tiny$95\%$} \end{picture} \\
        \GetUniqueIDCHC{3} & \GetTaskNameCHC{3} & \progressbar[linecolor=blue, filledcolor=green]{0.10} \begin{picture}(0,0)\put(-35,1.5) {\tiny$10\%$} \end{picture} \\
        \GetUniqueIDCHC{4} & \GetTaskNameCHC{4} & \progressbar[linecolor=blue, filledcolor=green]{1} \begin{picture}(0,0)\put(-35,1.5) {\tiny$100\%$} \end{picture} \\
    I have to call from many exported CSV files because if I call from one big CSV with about 10000 lines, it takes forever for TexStudio to compile it into a PDF.  It handles many smaller files much easier than one big file.  I don't want to use something else and then call a PDF or any other way.  The reason why I like Latex is because I have so many files and parts of files that I can call from including code like XML or C\#.  \\
    Could this be a bug?  I think it might be.\\


我挑战任何人解释为什么这不起作用。我愿意采取另一种方法,但由于我的客户确实想要进度条,有没有另一种方法可以使用进度条并像我尝试从 CSV 文件调用变量那样使用它。








  \csname GetUniqueIDCHC@#1\endcsname
  \csname GetTaskNameCHC@#1\endcsname
  \csname GetDecimalPercentageCompleteCHC@#1\endcsname
  \csname GetPercentageCompleteCHC@#1\endcsname


