但我有一个option clash for package xcolor
\documentclass[english, a4paper, 12pt, twoside]{article}
% -------------- Setup, do not change these ---------------
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc, url}
\usepackage{minted} % Code highlighting
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm} % Mathematical packages
\usepackage{parskip} % Removing indenting in new paragraphs
\usepackage{chngcntr} % needed for correct table numbering
\counterwithin{table}{section} % numbering of tables
\counterwithin{figure}{section} % numbering of figures
\numberwithin{equation}{section} % numbering of equations
\hyphenpenalty=100000 % preventing splitting of words
\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc} % Fotnotes are fixed to bottom of page
\usepackage{lipsum} % For genereating dummy text
% --------- You can edit from this point on --------
% ----- Appearance and language -----
\usepackage[english]{babel} % document language
\graphicspath{{Images/}{../Images/}} % path to images
\usepackage[margin=2.54cm]{geometry} % sets margins for the document
\linespread{1.5} % line spread for the document
% ----- Sections -----
\titleformat*{\section}{\LARGE\bfseries} % \section heading
\titleformat*{\subsection}{\Large\bfseries} % \subsection heading
\titleformat*{\subsubsection}{\large\bfseries} % \subsubsection heading
% next three lines creates the \paragraph command with correct heading
{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
% ----- Figures and tables -----
\usepackage[labelfont=bf]{caption} % bold text for captions
\usepackage[para]{threeparttable} % fancy tables, check these before you use them
\fancyhead[R]{École supérieure
\linebreak S8, Avril 2018\vspace*{5\baselineskip}}
\fancyhead[L]{ \includegraphics[width=2.5in]{logo.png}}
调用这个 xcolor 包时我似乎漏掉了一个选项。但即使添加了它,问题仍然存在。这是错误消息:
l.69 \usepackage
The package xcolor has already been loaded with options:
There has now been an attempt to load it with options
Adding the global options:
to your \documentclass declaration may fix this.
Try typing <return> to proceed.