

我有一个球体(取自http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/(感谢 Bartman 提供):

    % Steradian cone in sphere
% Author: Bartman
:Title: Steradian cone in sphere
:Tags: 3D;Angles;Intersections;Shadings;MMathematics;Geometry
:Author: Bartman
:Slug: steradian-cone-sphere

A graphical representation of a steradian.
It is the solid angle subtended at the center
of a unit sphere by a unit area on its surface. (Wikipedia)

Made by Bartman on

The part of the cone is from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/186109/213
\begin{tikzpicture}[font = \sansmath]
  \coordinate (O) at (0,0);

  % ball background color
  \shade[ball color = blue, opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle [radius = 2cm];

  % cone
    \def\rx{0.71}% horizontal radius of the ellipse
    \def\ry{0.15}% vertical radius of the ellipse
    \def\z{0.725}% distance from center of ellipse to origin

    \path [name path = ellipse]    (0,\z) ellipse ({\rx} and {\ry});
    \path [name path = horizontal] (-\rx,\z-\ry*\ry/\z)
                                -- (\rx,\z-\ry*\ry/\z);
    \path [name intersections = {of = ellipse and horizontal}];


  % ball
  \draw (O) circle [radius=2cm];
  % label of ball center point
  \filldraw (O) circle (1pt) node[below] {$O$};

  % radius
  \draw[densely dashed] (O) to [edge label = $1$] (-1.33,1.33);
  \draw[densely dashed] (O) -- (1.33,1.33);

  % cut of ball surface
  \draw[red, densely dashed] (-1.36,1.46) arc [start angle = 170, end angle = 10,
    x radius = 13.8mm, y radius = 3.6mm];
  \draw[red] (-1.29,1.52) arc [start angle=-200, end angle = 20,
    x radius = 13.75mm, y radius = 3.15mm];

  % label of cut of ball surface
  \draw (-1.2,2.2) -- (-0.23,1.1) node at (-1.37,2.37) {$B$};

我想添加一个像这样的角度 alpha:





\begin{tikzpicture}[font = \sansmath]
  \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
  \shade[ball color = blue, opacity = 0.2] (0,0) circle [radius = 2cm];
    \def\rx{0.71}% horizontal radius of the ellipse
    \def\ry{0.15}% vertical radius of the ellipse
    \def\z{0.725}% distance from center of ellipse to origin
    \path [name path = ellipse]    (0,\z) ellipse ({\rx} and {\ry});
    \path [name path = horizontal] (-\rx,\z-\ry*\ry/\z)
                                -- (\rx,\z-\ry*\ry/\z);
    \path [name intersections = {of = ellipse and horizontal}];
  \draw (O) circle [radius=2cm];
  \filldraw (O) circle (1pt) node[below] {$O$};
  \draw[densely dashed] (O) to [edge label = $1$] (-1.33,1.33) coordinate (x);
  \draw[densely dashed] (O) -- (1.33,1.33) coordinate (y);
  \draw[red, densely dashed] (-1.36,1.46) arc [start angle = 170, end angle = 10,
    x radius = 13.8mm, y radius = 3.6mm];
  \draw[red] (-1.29,1.52) arc [start angle=-200, end angle = 20,
    x radius = 13.75mm, y radius = 3.15mm];
  \draw (-1.2,2.2) -- (-0.23,1.1) node at (-1.37,2.37) {$B$};

  % Command for the angle
  \pic[draw,->,angle radius=.5cm,angle eccentricity=1.3,"$\alpha$"] {angle=y--O--x};



这只是对 Joule V 的回答的一个小补充,解决了主要问题。现在,我认为有更好的工具可以绘制此类图表。

  1. tikz-3dplot允许您安装正交投影,即拨动视角。
  2. 3d库允许您切换到平面来绘制纬度圆。因此您不再需要猜测椭圆。
  3. 可视角度,即虚线变成实线的角度,反之亦然,已经计算出来,例如这里,所以你也不需要猜测这一点。

 \pgfmathsetmacro{\R}{2} % radius
 \pgfmathsetmacro{\myang}{50} % latitude angle of the red circle
 \coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
 \shade[ball color = blue, opacity = 0.2,tdplot_screen_coords] 
 (O) circle [radius = \R*1cm];
 \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z={\R*sin(\myang)},transform shape]
  % \angVis from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/49589/121799
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]
   \draw[red,dashed] (\angVis:{\R*cos(\myang)}) arc (\angVis:180-\angVis:{\R*cos(\myang)});
  \draw[red] (180-\angVis:{\R*cos(\myang)}) arc (180-\angVis:360+\angVis:{\R*cos(\myang)});
  \path (0:{\R*cos(\myang)}) coordinate (R) 
  (180:{\R*cos(\myang)}) coordinate (L);
 \begin{scope}[on background layer]
  \draw[dashed] (L) -- (O) node[midway,below] {$L$} -- (R);
  \fill (O) circle[radius=1pt] node[below] {$O$};
  \pic[draw,-latex,angle radius=.5cm,angle eccentricity=1.3,"$\alpha$"] 



\foreach \Angle in {5,15,...,355}
 \pgfmathsetmacro{\R}{2} % radius
 \pgfmathsetmacro{\myang}{40+15*sin(2*\Angle)} % latitude angle of the red circle
 \coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
 \shade[ball color = blue, opacity = 0.2,tdplot_screen_coords] 
 (O) circle [radius = \R*1cm];
 \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z={\R*sin(\myang)},transform shape]
  % \angVis from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/49589/121799
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]
   \draw[red,dashed] (\angVis:{\R*cos(\myang)}) arc (\angVis:180-\angVis:{\R*cos(\myang)});
  \draw[red] (180-\angVis:{\R*cos(\myang)}) arc (180-\angVis:360+\angVis:{\R*cos(\myang)});
  \path (0:{\R*cos(\myang)}) coordinate (R) 
  (180:{\R*cos(\myang)}) coordinate (L);
 \begin{scope}[on background layer]
  \draw[dashed] (L) -- (O) node[midway,below] {$L$} -- (R);
  \fill (O) circle[radius=1pt] node[below] {$O$};
  \pic[draw,-latex,angle radius=.5cm,angle eccentricity=1.3,"$\alpha$"] 

