xkeyval 中不区分大小写的 \setkeys

xkeyval 中不区分大小写的 \setkeys

我正在尝试弄清楚如何使 usebib 包在我的 .bib 文件中的键上不区分大小写。我已经弄清楚了当定义为而不是时如何进行\KV@split修补:\KV@@sp@def\setkeyskeyvalxkeyval

    {Unpatchable command \string\KV@split. Fields will be case-sensitive.}
    {The version of the keyval package does not have a definition of \string\KV@split\space that is compatible with patching for case normalization.}


  Author = {Foo}
                 {Unpatchable command \string\KV@split. Fields will be case-sensitive.}
                 {The version of the keyval package does not have a definition of \string\KV@split\space that is compatible with patching for case normalization.}

但是,如果我xkeyval在开始时加载,那么我会得到Package usebib Error: Undefined key `foo' or empty value for `author'.因为xkeyval不使用\KV@split。即使在使用时,我如何使其工作xkeyval?(和/或有更好的方法来做到这一点?)
