我正在尝试在 amsmath align 环境中重新开始编号。我的 MWE 如下:
The following equations should be numbered $(1)$ and $(2)$.
7x - 15y &= 2 \\
x + 2y &= 3
The following should continue from the above numbering:
4x - 5y &= 2 \\
6x + 7y &= 3
But the following should be numbered $(1)$ and $(2)$ and not continued from the above.
7x - 6y &= 4 \\
5x + 7y &= 3
我想要将编号为 (5) 和 (6) 的方程式编号为 (1) 和 (2)。
The following equations should be numbered $(1)$ and $(2)$.
7x - 15y &= 2 \\
x + 2y &= 3
The following should continue from the above numbering:
4x - 5y &= 2 \\
6x + 7y &= 3
But the following should be numbered $(1)$ and $(2)$ and not continued from the above.
7x - 6y &= 4 \\
5x + 7y &= 3
but you could do
7x - 6y &= 4 \\
5x + 7y &= 3
and then
7x - 6y &= 4 \\
5x + 7y &= 3
欢迎使用 TeX-SE!我个人不想这么做。但是,如果你真的想这么做,你可以使用\tag
The following equations should be numbered $(1)$ and $(2)$.
7x - 15y &= 2 \\
x + 2y &= 3
The following should continue from the above numbering:
4x - 5y &= 2 \\
6x + 7y &= 3
But the following should be numbered $(1)$ and $(2)$ and not continued from the above.
7x - 6y &= 4 \tag{1} \\
5x + 7y &= 3 \tag{2}