





当前输出如下所示: https://i.stack.imgur.com/TJ4ln.jpg

\processtable{Some of the works with their contributions to the field and their recognition rates\label{tbl:0}}
Method    & Contribution    & Recognition Rate \\ 
Lopes et. al.  & Generating synthetic samples to broaden the database for CNN learning process & 98.92  \\ 
BDBN & A set of weak classifiers that each is responsible for classifying one expression.  & 96.70  \\ 
AUDP  & Decomposing a facial expression into Micro-Action-Patterns and grouping them for higher level representation & 93.70  \\
Fan \& Tjahjadi  & spatial–temporal framework based on histogram of gradients and optical flow & 83.70  \\
Zhong et. al.  & two-stage multi-task sparse learning (MTSL) framework to efficiently locate the discriminative patches that discloses the expressions  & 93.30  \\
Liu et. al.  & manifold modeling of videos based on a proposed mid-level representation, i.e. expressionlet & 94.19  \\
Gu et. al. & A radial encoding strategy for efficiently downsampling Gabor filter outputs and a new classifier combination method by extracting information from local classifiers. & 91.51  \\
Proposed & asdsa & 99 \\


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\processtable{Some of the works with their contributions to the field and their recognition rates\label{tbl:0}}
Method    & Contribution    & Recognition Rate \\ 
Lopes et. al.  & Generating synthetic samples to broaden the database for CNN learning process & 98.92  \\ 
BDBN & A set of weak classifiers that each is responsible for classifying one expression.  & 96.70  \\ 
AUDP  & Decomposing a facial expression into Micro-Action-Patterns and grouping them for higher level representation & 93.70  \\
Fan \& Tjahjadi  & spatial–temporal framework based on histogram of gradients and optical flow & 83.70  \\
Zhong et. al.  & two-stage multi-task sparse learning (MTSL) framework to efficiently locate the discriminative patches that discloses the expressions  & 93.30  \\
Liu et. al.  & manifold modeling of videos based on a proposed mid-level representation, i.e. expressionlet & 94.19  \\
Gu et. al. & A radial encoding strategy for efficiently downsampling Gabor filter outputs and a new classifier combination method by extracting information from local classifiers. & 91.51  \\
Proposed & asdsa & 99 \\

