11pt,english, onehalfspacing, nolistspacing, liststotoc, headsepline, oneside, chapterinoneline, reqno, a4paper, toctotoc]{report}
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
\begin{table}[!htb] \centering
\small \caption{}
& Individual variance\\ \midrule
AAPL & 0.76 \\
BA & 0.55 \\
CBRE & 0.60 \\
CMG & 0.91 \\
DIS & 0.58 \\
GOLD & \cellcolor{red!25}1.00 \\
IBM & 0.64 \\
KO & 0.69 \\
MD & \cellcolor{green!25}0.0050 \\
MMM & 0.43 \\
NKE & 0.72 \\ \midrule \midrule
\end{table} \label{tab 1.5}
\caption{Biplot where $\mbox{FA}_1$ is on the $x$-axis and $\mbox{FA}_2$ is on the $y$-axis}
\adjustbox{valign=m,addcode={% see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/227051/121799
\begin{minipage}{\width}\captionof{table}{\label{tab 1.5}}}{\end{minipage}}}{
& Individual variance\\ \midrule
AAPL & 0.76 \\
BA & 0.55 \\
CBRE & 0.60 \\
CMG & 0.91 \\
DIS & 0.58 \\
GOLD & \cellcolor{red!25}1.00 \\
IBM & 0.64 \\
KO & 0.69 \\
MD & \cellcolor{green!25}0.0050 \\
MMM & 0.43 \\
NKE & 0.72 \\ \midrule \midrule
\end{tabular}} & &
\begin{minipage}{\width}}{\captionof{figure}{Biplot where $\text{FA}_1$ is on the $x$-axis and $\text{FA}_2$ is on the $y$-axis}\end{minipage}}}{\includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{example-image-duck}}\\
& Individual variance\\ \midrule
AAPL & 0.76 \\
BA & 0.55 \\
CBRE & 0.60 \\
CMG & 0.91 \\
DIS & 0.58 \\
GOLD & \cellcolor{red!25}1.00 \\
IBM & 0.64 \\
KO & 0.69 \\
MD & \cellcolor{green!25}0.0050 \\
MMM & 0.43 \\
NKE & 0.72 \\ \midrule \midrule
\caption{Biplot where $\mbox{FA}_1$ is on the $x$-axis and $\mbox{FA}_2$ is on the $y$-axis}}
另一个选择是切换到优秀的KOMA 脚本捆绑并使用报告类scrreprt
。它内置了所有必要的选项。在手册的第 133 页,它列出了完全符合您要求的代码。以下是适合您的 MWE 的代码:
\caption{Biplot where $\mbox{FA}_1$ is on the $x$-axis and $\mbox{FA}_2$ is on the $y$-axis}\label{fig:rechteck}
& Individual variance\\ \midrule
AAPL & 0.76 \\
BA & 0.55 \\
CBRE & 0.60 \\
CMG & 0.91 \\
DIS & 0.58 \\
GOLD & \cellcolor{red!25}1.00 \\
IBM & 0.64 \\
KO & 0.69 \\
MD & \cellcolor{green!25}0.0050 \\
MMM & 0.43 \\
NKE & 0.72 \\ \bottomrule