在 Windows 10 中使用 Texstudio(使用 MiKTeX 2.9)编译我的 Latex 项目时,我收到以下警告:
Values of option `pdfpagelayout':(hyperref) * `SinglePage'(hyperref) * `OneColumn'(hyperref) * `TwoColumnLeft'(hyperref) * `TwoColumnRight'(hyperref) * `TwoPageLeft' (PDF 1.5)
%input macros (i.e. write your own macros file called MacroFile1.tex)
%Tables and Figures
\usepackage{makeidx} % allows for indexgeneration
% References
% Thickness of the border for fbox command
\node[shape=rectangle,draw,inner sep=1.5pt] (char) {#1};}}
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/Producer (pdfTeX)
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/Keywords (PhD, Thesis)}
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\title{Title of the Document}
\author{\href{mailto:[email protected]}{\textbf{Author Name}}}
\collegeordept{\href{http://www.school.com}{School of Computing Science}}
% insert below the file name that contains the crest in-place of 'UnivShield'
\author{{\bf Name}}
% \collegeordept{School of Computing Science}
% \university{University}
% insert below the file name that contains the crest in-place of 'UnivShield'
% \crest{\includegraphics[bb = 0 0 292 336, width=120mm]{UnivShield}}
% insert below the file name that contains the crest in-place of 'UnivShield'
% \crest{\IncludeGraphicsW{UnivShield}{40mm}{14 14 73 81}}
\renewcommand{\submittedtext}{Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of}
\degree{\it Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)}
\degreedate{February 2019}
\collegeordept{\href{http://www.school.com}{School of Computing Science}}
% turn of those nasty overfull and underfull hboxes
% Put all the style files you want in the directory StyleFiles and usepackage like this:
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% A page with the abstract on including title and author etc may be
% required to be handed in separately. If this is not so, then comment
% the below 3 lines (between '\begin{abstractseparte}' and
% 'end{abstractseparate}'), normally like a declaration ... needs some more
% work, mind as environment abstracts creates a new page!
% \begin{abstractseparate}
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% \end{abstractseparate}
% Using the watermark package which is in StyleFiles/
% and to remove DRAFT COPY ONLY appearing on the top of all pages comment out below line
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\part{Introduction and Background}
\chapter{Background \texorpdfstring{\\}{} and Related Work}
\part{Part Name}
\chapter{Chapter Name}
\chapter{Chapter Name}
\chapter{Chapter Name}
\part{Part Name}
\chapter{Chapter Name}
\chapter{Conclusions and \texorpdfstring{\\}{} Future Work}
%\bibliographystyle{plainnat} %this works with package natbib
%\bibliographystyle{Classes/jmb} % bibliography style
\renewcommand{\bibname}{Bibliography} % changes default name Bibliography to References
\bibliography{References/citations} % References file
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} %adds References to contents page
可以找到 hyperref.sty 文件这里