


参见下面的示例,其中图形是 PNG 图形:


\section*{Section A}


A lot of contents spanning several pages. 

I would like to have the figure above repeated at the top of each page 
of Section A.

\section*{Section B}


A lot of contents spanning several pages. 

I would like to have the figure above repeated at the top of each page 
of Section B.




问题 1


问题 2







%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.









好的,我一直在尝试这个,它只是一个非常最小/基本的解决方案。版本 1(请参阅 V2 和 V3 的后续编辑 :-)

我不得不从几个答案中借用一些片段来获得足够稳定的结果,但是在版本 1(基于章节编号)中,我打破了您提供的一个要求(章节/章节定义中没有数字星号)


我不允许这样使用右侧或左侧(我假设只有右上角),如果您希望某个部分为空白,则需要该部分的清晰/空白图像。(但是这些问题在版本 2 中会得到解决)


\documentclass[english,draft]{article}% use draft to observe numbering then remove for print run

\newlength\Hoffset \Hoffset 0.0cm
\newlength\Voffset \Voffset 0.5cm
    }         }             }

\usepackage{lipsum} %remove after demo


\section{Section A}% NOTe the star version will zero chapter counter thus blocking an image number


A lot of contents spanning several pages. 
I would like to have the figure above repeated at the top of each page 
of Section A.

\newpage % newpage is needed to split count from old section to new section
\section{Section B}

A lot of contents spanning several pages. 

I would like to have the figure above repeated at the top of each page 
of Section B.

版本 2

问题已扩展,包括一些标题的开/关控制,我对最初与部分编号的绑定(可能会被隐藏)并不满意。对于版本 2,我根据修改后的问题使用了花哨的标题。但请注意,这种方法仍然存在一些弱点。



\documentclass[english]{book} % I suspect LyX may be adding to and shuffling this preamble I set to book to show dual sided  abilities

%--- just for the examples

% globally remove fancy style rules since \pagestyle{plain} for chapters etc. = no header, and footer only contains page number centered
% set fancy to be similar default just have the page number
\fancyfoot[C]{\textbf{\thepage}} % common method to use simple Bottom centre page numbers
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% common method to blank (zero) the top header rule

\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyfoot[C]{\textbf{\thepage}} % except the center

\floatpagestyle{plain}% Page style for float-pages
%\usepackage[style=plain]{clrdblpg} this option will ensure verso pages are also plain

\fancypagestyle{logo}{%change LO,RE v RO,LE for opposite side or just C for centre
\fancyfoot[C]{\textbf{\thepage}} % except the center

%the following is a lyx construct so although not used I am leaving in place
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.

\pagenumbering{arabic} % reset page number counter
\pagestyle{logo} %  If you want a fancy layout on a page containing \maketitle you must issue a \thispagestyle{fancy} after the \maketitle.
%\pagestyle{plain} % uncoment to reset
\section{first still with logo}
\newpage \pagestyle {plain} % if header style change is required it can usually be combined with \newpage at the same time
\section {without header image}
Page style ``Plain'' default usually has only page number at bottom centre but no header.\newline\par


版本 3 - 与章节无关(使用当前页面作为开始停止)

这是基于非常基本的 Bg NoBg 应用水印的众多方法之一(可以使用更复杂的方法来选择页面),因此对于更具体的控制选择,请阅读background
在此示例中,我排除了第一页和最后一页上的“徽标”,并在所有其他页面上使用 50% 的不透明度。



\usepackage[ %<===== Add to preamble

\makeatletter %<=====  Not needed here by TeX but as a LyX construct I am retaining for LyX users
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\makeatother %<=====  Not needed here by TeX but as a LyX construct I am retaining for LyX users


\pagestyle{fancy}% Change as you wish
\fancypagestyle{plain}{ % Change as you wish

% for example use only

Hello World my name is X

\BgThispage % we start logo on this page
\NoBgThispage % we end logo this page
