

我使用 forest 包制作了一个树形图。为了防止图表超出页面,我将其放在一个框中。我如何将此框放在文本中,以便 Latex 可以确定其在最终文档中的位置,从而使文本在两侧顺利延续?对于图形、表格等,我曾使用 [h!] 作为参数来实现此效果。但我不确定如何在此处复制此效果。


The following tree-diagram illustrates blah... \makebox[15ex][r]{
[$ \omega $
\end{forest} } The idea is that a distinct structure blah....



有几种方法可以考虑在文本重排系统中放置对象。TeX 主要是浮动的概念。也就是说,一个对象可以指定文本可以围绕对象流动的区域,这似乎就是您在此处所要求的(文本围绕内联浮动对象的平滑流动)。此示例页面的下半部分显示了此类示例。 在此处输入图片描述 浮动可能移动到的位置在此处讨论
如何影响 LaTeX 中图形和表格等浮动环境的位置?



\usepackage{blindtext,letltxmacro,xcolor,xparse,lipsum}% for demo only [start]

\usepackage{showframe}% for demo only [end]


\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.15} %modified for ilustration

\blindtext[1] \textbf{Here we see (or don't as the case may be) The following tree-diagram illustrates blah... [fixed ending]}\begin{center}[float is n/a]\newline\begin{forest}[(Fixed here by a centre environment)\\$ \omega $[Physical][Mental]]\end{forest}\end{center}\textbf{The idea is that a distinct structure blah.1...}%
\blindtext[1] \textbf{Here we see (or dont as the case may be) The following tree-diagram illustrates there is not enough room blah... .[floating]}\begin{figure}[bh]\centering\begin{forest}[(Float here as a figure environment)\\$ \omega $[Physical][Mental]]\end{forest}%
% replace this comment but KEEP one blank line

We can add some floating comment
The idea is that a distinct structure blah.2...\blindtext[1] 



这是非常脆弱尤其是与您指定的 1.5 baselinestretch 相结合(如果这是默认值 1,效果会更好。可能需要对cutwin包进行调整以重新计算奇数基线值。请注意,cutwin最好将行数精确指定为适合插入的行数。

“我怎样才能将这个框放置在文本中,以便 Latex 可以确定它在最终文档中的位置,从而使文本在两侧顺利延续?”




\usepackage{lipsum}% for demo only




\def\windowpagestuff{\centering \begin{minipage}{0.85\textwidth}
\begin{tcolorbox}[fit basedim=50pt]\centering\begin{forest}[$ \omega $[Physical][Mental]]\end{forest}\end{tcolorbox}~%

\begin{cutout}{2}{0.33\textwidth}{0.33\textwidth}{6} % {lines above}{space to left}{space to right}{lines high}
\noindent The following tree-diagram illustrates that both Physical and Mental attributes are a result of $\omega$ ...The idea is that a distinct structure is achieved by trial and errors....\lipsum[66]

