\begin{tabular}{m{1cm} m{1cm}|m{1cm}}
{\begin{myfont}\textcolor{ecvsectioncolor}{position} $\:$ $\:$
{\item blah blah blah
\item yak yak yak}
} & & \tabularnewline
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\documentclass{europasscv} % use defaults
Just one Work Experience section
to show structure in question per the template so fonts are within master not here
\ecvtitle{March 2018 -- July 2018}{Position}
\ecvitem{}{Employer \newline Address (United Kingdom)}
\item evaluating blah blah blah
\item yak yak yak
\ecvitem{}{\ecvhighlight{Business or sector}\quad European institution}
- 在这种情况下切勿使用环境
,您真的不希望表格在您的简历周围漂浮...... \begin{table}
你错过了代码中的前导...- 您不能像以前那样混合类
% Possibility one % <========================================
\textcolor{ecvsectioncolor}{position} $\:$ $\:$
\ecvitem{\textcolor{ecvtextcolor}{duties}}{duties %
{\item blah blah blah
\item yak yak yak}
% Possibility two % <========================================
\textcolor{ecvsectioncolor}{position} & employer & \\
& duties & \textbullet\ blah blah blah \\
& & \textbullet\ yak yak yak
请参阅以下完整的 mwe(基于该类的示例 cv(原文如此!)):
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/494707/europasscv-trying-to-create-table
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\ecvname{Katie Smith}
\ecvaddress{12 Strawberry Hill, Dublin 8 Éire/Ireland}
\ecvmobile{+353 555 123 555}
\ecvtelephone{+353 127 6689}
\ecvworkphone{+353 999 888 777}
\ecvemail{[email protected] [email protected]}
\ecvhomepage{www.myhomepage.com www.another-homepage.com}
% \ecvgithubpage{www.github.com/smith}
% \ecvgitlabpage{www.gitlab.com/smith}
% \ecvlinkedinpage{www.linkedin.com/in/katie-smith}
% \ecvorcid[label, link]{0000-0000-0000-0000}
\ecvim{AOL Messenger}{katie.smith}
\ecvim{Google Talk}{ksmith}
% \ecvgender{Female}
\ecvdateofbirth{1 March 1975}
% \ecvpicture[width=3.8cm]{picture.jpg}
% \date{}
\ecvbigitem{Job applied for}{European project manager}
\ecvsection{Work experience}
\ecvtitle{August 2002 -- Present}{Independent consultant}
\ecvitem{}{National Youth Council of Ireland\newline 3 Montague Street, Dublin 2, D02 V327, Ireland}
\ecvitem{}{Evaluation of European Commission youth training support measures for youth national agencies and young people}
\textcolor{ecvsectioncolor}{position} $\:$ $\:$
\ecvitem{\textcolor{ecvtextcolor}{duties}}{duties %
{\item blah blah blah
\item yak yak yak}
\textcolor{ecvsectioncolor}{position} & employer & \\
& duties & \textbullet\ blah blah blah \\
& & \textbullet\ yak yak yak
\ecvtitle{March 2002 -- July 2002}{Internship}
\ecvitem{}{European Commission, Youth Unit, DG Education and Culture \newline 200, Rue de la Loi, 1049 Brussels (Belgium)}
\item evaluating youth training programmes and the partnership between the Council of Europe and European Commission
\item organizing and running a 2 day workshop on non-formal education for Action 5 large scale projects focusing on quality, assessment and recognition
\item contributing to the steering sroup on training and developing action plans on training for the next 3 years. Working on the Users Guide for training and the support measures
\ecvitem{}{\ecvhighlight{Business or sector}\quad European institution}
我个人不会使用可能性 2,可能性 1 看起来更好,即使它不完全符合你的要求......