使用 \quoting 将脚注放在引用文本下

使用 \quoting 将脚注放在引用文本下


我尝试过使用 minipage 方法,正如这里所示,但未能实现:例如,引用的文本没有保留在它的列中,或者我收到错误消息。



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    Immob was this too! A landscape of bleak solemnities punctuated with pratfalls both programmed and unprogrammed\footnote{Computers!}! A nation of unsmiling priests top-heavy with mission and frozen-mugged with dedication, stopping every so often, at every pratfall, to laugh at unholy glee at themselves\footnote{Your dog is nice.} and each other–at the symbols of their mission and the objects of their dedication. Here was ambivalence with a vengeance: a whole\footnote{The cake is pink.} inspired people plunging the dagger of the horselaugh into the bowels of its inspiration.







    % QUOTE TEXT MARGINS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    % FOOTNOTES IN QUOTATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



Immob was this too! A landscape of bleak solemnities punctuated with pratfalls both programmed and unprogrammed\qtfootnote{*}{Computers!}! A nation of unsmiling priests top-
heavy with mission and frozen-mugged with dedication, stopping every so often, at every
 pratfall, to laugh at unholy glee at themselves\qtfootnote{\#}{Your dog is nice.} and
 each other–at the symbols of their mission and the objects of their dedication. Here was
 ambivalence with a vengeance: a whole\qtfootnote{\$}{The cake is pink.} inspired people
 plunging the dagger of the horselaugh into the bowels of its inspiration.



