我正在尝试编写一个宏来支持为两列 IEEE 论文中的附录制作一系列情节提要。
计数器的值是否可以立即扩展为宏?目前 \theboardnumber 的值仅扩展为最终值。请参阅注释 % <- PROBLEM 的行。
% #1 is the storyboard title
% #2 is the image filename
% #3 is the image reference name
% #4 is the image caption
% #5 is the story to go with the image
\newcommand{\storyboard}[6]{ %
\stepcounter{boardnumber} %
\boardset{#3}{storyboard \theboardnumber} % <- PROBLEM
\begin{table*}[h!] %
\begin{tabular}{|l|r|} %
\hline %
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.70\linewidth} %
\vspace{0.1mm} %
\begin{center} %
\underline{\textbf{\boardget{#3}: #1}}\\ %
\end{center} %
#5 %
\end{minipage} & %
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.25\linewidth} %
{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{#2}} %
\captionof{figure}{#4}\label{#3} %
\end{minipage} \\ \\ %
\hline %
\end{tabular} %
\end{table*} %
\storyboard{Appearance of 5 RGB white point sources}
{MagnifiedQuincunx_source}{fig:Quincunx_source}{Source image}
{Five point sources are presented to the subject.}
\storyboard{Appearance of 5 RGB white point sources centered on retina}
{MagnifiedQuincunx_target}{fig:Quincunx_target}{Target image}
If the center white point is on the optic axis,
this is how refraction and diffraction modify the image.
Fig.~\ref{fig:Quincunx_target} in \boardget{fig:Quincunx_target}
is the image formed on the retina when
Fig.~\ref{fig:Quincunx_source} in \boardget{fig:Quincunx_source}
is centered on the optic axis of a human retina.
Fig. 2 in storyboard 2 is the image formed on the retina when Fig. 1 in
storyboard 2 is centered on the optic axis of a
human retina.
Fig. 2 in storyboard 2 is the image formed on the retina when Fig. 1 in
storyboard 1 is centered on the optic axis of a
human retina.
我花了几个小时寻找解决方案并尝试了许多方法,包括 \immediate\write、\edef、\xdef 和许多其他方法。
这是使用 David Carlisle 的评论的更正版本。将源代码复制到 .tex 文件中,pdflatex 会按照我的要求对其进行解释。您必须将“MagnifiedQuincunx_.*”文件和名称替换为您机器本地的文件和名称。
\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % includes graphicx
% #1 is the storyboard title
% #2 is the image filename
% #3 is the image reference name
% #4 is the image caption
% #5 is the story to go with the image
\boardset{#3}{storyboard \theboardnumber}%
\underline{\textbf{\boardget{#3}: #1}}\\%
\end{minipage} &%
\end{minipage} \\ \\%
\section{Optics Storyboards}
\storyboard{Appearance of 5 RGB white point sources}
{img/MagnifiedQuincunx_source}{fig:Quincunx_source}{Source image}
{Five point sources are presented to the subject.}
\storyboard{Appearance of 5 RGB white point sources centered on retina}
{img/MagnifiedQuincunx_target}{fig:Quincunx_target}{Target image}
If the center white point is on the optic axis,
this is how refraction and diffraction modify the image.
Fig.~\ref{fig:Quincunx_target} in \boardget{fig:Quincunx_target}
is the image formed on the retina when
Fig.~\ref{fig:Quincunx_source} in \boardget{fig:Quincunx_source}
is centered on the optic axis of a human retina.