

我目前正在使用下面的代码。我很好奇 - 如何更改 SetPaperName 下标题中的字体?目前 S 看起来不像 S。是否有类似的字体可以用来获得更好的 S,我该如何更改它?





%% [LianTze] The newspaper package also provides 
%% these commands to set various metadata:

%% The banner headline on the first page
%%   (The colon after s: is to get a more
%%   modern majuscule s in this font instead of 
%%   the medieval tall s. For anyone interested 
%%   in the history: 
%%  http://medievalwriting.50megs.com/scripts/letters/historys.htm)
\SetPaperName{The Post}

%% The name used in the running header after
%% the first page
\SetHeaderName{The  Post}

%% and also...


% [LianTze] times (the package not the font) is rather outdated now; use newtx (see later)
% \usepackage{times}
%uasage of picinpar:

%% [LianTze] Contains some modifications
%%... so now you can redefine the headline and byline style if you want to.
%% These can be issued just before any
%% byline or headline in the paper, to
%% individually style each article
% \renewcommand{\headlinestyle}{\itshape\Large\lsstyle}
% \renewcommand{\bylinestyle}{\bfseries\Large\raggedright}

%%%%%%%%%  Front matter   %%%%%%%%%%




\byline{Introduction }{Benjamin J. Cowen}



newspaper-mod.styLianTze Lim tex.SE 用户提供:

\patchcmd{\headline}{#1}{\headlinestyle #1}{}{}
\patchcmd{\byline}{#1}{\bylinestyle #1}{}{}


您使用以及 st- 和 he-连字根据传统印刷规则是正确的黑体字字体。然而,英国和美国的报纸标题并没有严格遵循这些规则,这显然是有先例的,这并不是什么新鲜现象:

  • 第一期华盛顿邮报从 1877 年开始:没有长 s,没有连字符
  • 早期发行时代自 1788 年起:不再使用 He-ligature,但罗马字体的长 s 直到 1803 年才被废弃


  • 法兰克福汇报:对于某些人来说,这可能很难识别
  • 法语报:长 s 以及 k、A 和 z 可能对某些人来说难以识别

(请注意,“难以识别的形状”是由于使用了属于 Fraktur 组的字体造成的。如果盎格鲁撒克逊报纸使用这种字体作为标题,我会感到惊讶。)

因此,印刷规则会随着时间而变化,并取决于文化背景,对于你来说,放弃传统规则并打破这些连字符可能是合适的(以次优的方式) 通过

\SetPaperName{Th\/e Pos:\/t}




嗯,这里的问题是该命令\maketitle直接使用了 fractur 字体(顺便说一下,编程不是很好......):

{\setlength\fboxsep{3mm}\raisebox{12pt}{\framebox[1.2\width]{\parbox[c]{1.15in}{\begin{center}\small \@paperslogan\end{center}}}}}\hfill%
{\textgoth{\huge\usefont{LYG}{bigygoth}{m}{n} \@papername}}\hfill%  <==================
\raisebox{12pt}{\textbf{\footnotesize \@paperlocation}}\\
{\small VOL.\MakeUppercase{\roman{volume}}\ldots No.\arabic{issue}} \hfill \MakeUppercase{\small\it\@date} \hfill {\small\MakeUppercase{\@paperprice}}\\


{\setlength\fboxsep{3mm}\raisebox{12pt}{\framebox[1.2\width]{\parbox[c]{1.15in}{\begin{center}\small \@paperslogan\end{center}}}}}\hfill%
{\Huge\usefont{T1}{phv}{m}{n} \@papername}\hfill%    % <==================
\raisebox{12pt}{\textbf{\footnotesize \@paperlocation}}\\
{\small VOL.\MakeUppercase{\roman{volume}}\ldots No.\arabic{issue}} \hfill \MakeUppercase{\small\it\@date} \hfill {\small\MakeUppercase{\@paperprice}}\\

因此,有了完整的 mwe





%% [LianTze] The newspaper package also provides 
%% these commands to set various metadata:

%% The banner headline on the first page
%%   (The colon after s: is to get a more
%%   modern majuscule s in this font instead of 
%%   the medieval tall s. For anyone interested 
%%   in the history: 
%%  http://medievalwriting.50megs.com/scripts/letters/historys.htm)
\SetPaperName{The Post}

%% The name used in the running header after
%% the first page
\SetHeaderName{The  Post}

%% and also...


% [LianTze] times (the package not the font) is rather outdated now; use newtx (see later)
% \usepackage{times}
%uasage of picinpar:

%% [LianTze] Contains some modifications
%%... so now you can redefine the headline and byline style if you want to.
%% These can be issued just before any
%% byline or headline in the paper, to
%% individually style each article
% \renewcommand{\headlinestyle}{\itshape\Large\lsstyle}
% \renewcommand{\bylinestyle}{\bfseries\Large\raggedright}

%%%%%%%%%  Front matter   %%%%%%%%%%

{\setlength\fboxsep{3mm}\raisebox{12pt}{\framebox[1.2\width]{\parbox[c]{1.15in}{\begin{center}\small \@paperslogan\end{center}}}}}\hfill%
{\Huge\usefont{T1}{phv}{m}{n} \@papername}\hfill%    % <==================
\raisebox{12pt}{\textbf{\footnotesize \@paperlocation}}\\
{\small VOL.\MakeUppercase{\roman{volume}}\ldots No.\arabic{issue}} \hfill \MakeUppercase{\small\it\@date} \hfill {\small\MakeUppercase{\@paperprice}}\\



\byline{Introduction }{Benjamin J. Cowen}




生成的 pdf

