`\listoffigures` 会自动在不同章节的图表之间插入不需要的空格

`\listoffigures` 会自动在不同章节的图表之间插入不需要的空格


从上图可以看出,图 1.3 和 2.1 的条目间距与同一章的图的条目间距不同。表格列表也是如此。我希望所有条目的间距完全相同

解决方案删除 LoF 中各章节图片之间的间距 此处不起作用。尝试将其添加到下面的示例中

    \patchcmd{\@chapter}{\addtocontents{lof}{\protect\addvspace{10\p@}}}{}{}{}% LoF
    \patchcmd{\@chapter}{\addtocontents{lot}{\protect\addvspace{10\p@}}}{}{}{}% LoT






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    \caption{Impact of impedance ratios with different angles in the same quadrant on grid strength at the reference POI.}



    \caption{Top Five Weakest Combinations of POIs Identified with Exhaustive Search Method and the Proposed Method}





\subsection{Review of Control or Compensation Based Techniques to Mitigate Grid Weakness Symptoms}

\section{Background About Round-Off Errors During the Inversion of Ill-Conditioned Matrices}




\chapter{A Method to Identify Weak Points of Interconnection of Renewable Energy Resources}

\section{Proposed Method to Update ${Z}_{bus}$ to Account for Changes in the Series Impedance of a Branch}




\chapter{Vector-Based Approach to Analyze Transmission Network Effect on Interaction Among Renewables}

\section{A Mathematical Basis for Understanding the Relationship Between Interaction and Structural Changes in Power Grid}




\subsection{Combined Effect of $\bar{w}_{ij}$ Angle and Magnitude Near When its Angle is Near $\pm 90^{\degree}$}









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        % Fonts

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    \caption{Impact of impedance ratios with different angles in the same quadrant on grid strength at the reference POI.}



    \caption{Top Five Weakest Combinations of POIs Identified with Exhaustive Search Method and the Proposed Method}





\subsection{Review of Control or Compensation Based Techniques to Mitigate Grid Weakness Symptoms}

\section{Background About Round-Off Errors During the Inversion of Ill-Conditioned Matrices}




\chapter{A Method to Identify Weak Points of Interconnection of Renewable Energy Resources}

\section{Proposed Method to Update ${Z}_{bus}$ to Account for Changes in the Series Impedance of a Branch}




\chapter{Vector-Based Approach to Analyze Transmission Network Effect on Interaction Among Renewables}

\section{A Mathematical Basis for Understanding the Relationship Between Interaction and Structural Changes in Power Grid}




\subsection{Combined Effect of $\bar{w}_{ij}$ Angle and Magnitude Near When its Angle is Near $\pm 90^{\degree}$}

