tcolorbox 中的双列输出数字列表不可拆分

tcolorbox 中的双列输出数字列表不可拆分

我从 texstackexchange Answers 部分获得以下代码,twocolumn在易碎tcolorbox环境中尝试,问题是enumerate并且itemize不起作用意味着两列不平衡,请帮忙。


\newdimen\colsep \colsep=2em
\def\corrsize #1{%% #1 := #1 + \splittopskip - \topskip
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\def\begmulti #1 {\par\bgroup\penalty0 \def\Ncols{#1}
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\def\makecolumns{\bgroup % full page, destination height: \dimen1
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   \hbox{}\nobreak\vskip-\splittopskip \nointerlineskip
   \null\nobreak\medskip\hbox to\hsize{\unhbox1\unskip}
   \dimen0=\dimen1 \divide\dimen0 by\baselineskip \multiply\dimen0 by\Ncols
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   \vskip 0pt plus 1fil minus\baselineskip \break
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   \dimen1=\vsize \corrsize{\dimen1}\dimen2=\dimen1
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   %% split the material to more pages?
   \ifvoid6 \else
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      \else \balancecolumns % last balancing
   \fi \fi
\def\balancecolumns{\bgroup \setbox7=\copy6 % destination height: \dimen0
   \ifdim\dimen0>\baselineskip \else \dimen0=\baselineskip \fi
      \loop \ifnum\Ncols>\tmpnum
         \advance\tmpnum by1
              \ifvoid6 \hbox to\wd6{\hss}\else \vsplit6 to\dimen0 \fi\hss}
   \ifvoid6 \else
      \advance \dimen0 by.2\baselineskip
      \expandafter \tmp \fi}\tmp
   \hbox{}\nobreak\vskip-\splittopskip \nointerlineskip
   \null\nobreak\medskip\hbox to\hsize{\unhbox1\unskip}%

{\begin{myBoxTypeA*}[#1]\noindent\ignorespaces\begmulti 2}

arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,boxrule=0.5bp,boxsep=0pt,top=14pt,left=12pt,right=12pt,bottom=10.3pt,middle=0pt,
%colback=boxbgndonecolor, colbacktitle=boxbgndonecolor,colframe=boxruleonecolor,
coltitle=black, titlerule=0pt,titlerule style={blue,line width=0pt},
attach boxed title to top left,
pad at break=12pt,bottomrule at break=0pt,toprule at break=0pt,grow to right by = 4pc, toggle enlargement



\begin{myboxtype1}[Box Title]
The IFRSs does not further clarify who must prepare general purpose financial reports. In jurisdictions adopting IFRS, legislation and other regulatory requirements usually require general purpose financial reports from entities that have issued debt or equity securities traded in a public market. The IASB does not, however, limit general purpose financial reporting to these entities. In this regard, the \textit{Conceptual Framework} indicates that a reporting entity can be any entity that has existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors who must rely on general purpose financial reports for much of the information they need to make decisions about providing resources to the entity.

\begin{myboxtype1}[Box Title]
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
\item  they have public accountability (as defined in AASB 1053, Appendix A and B); and
\item  they are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
\item  they are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
\item  they are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
\item  they are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.

\begin{myboxtype1}[Box Title]
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
They are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
\item  they have public accountability (as defined in AASB 1053, Appendix A and B); and
\item  they are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
\item  they are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
\item  they are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
\item  they are required by legislation to comply with Australian Accounting Standards.

