如何在 ACM 主文章模板中的表中添加换行符?

如何在 ACM 主文章模板中的表中添加换行符?

所以我必须使用这个“ACM 主文章模板”来完成我的大学作业,并且我选择写一篇“系统评价”。








  \caption{Characteristics of the included studies}
    \textbf{Study} & \textbf{Country} & \textbf{Age (Years)} & \textbf{Setting} & \textbf{Sample Size} & \textbf{Study Design} & \textbf{Description of Intervention} & \textbf{Comparison} & \textbf{Duration} & \textbf{Outcome of Measures}\\
    Fernández-Real 2012 & Spain & 55-80 & PREDIMED study centre & 127 & RCT & Participants were randomly assigned to the MD + EVOO and MD + NUTS group; dietitians gave personalized dietary advice to participants corresponding to different diets & Control group (low-fat diet) & 2 years & Total osteocalcin; procollagen 1 N-terminal propeptide levels; homeostasis model assessment-β-cell function\\
    Lorefält 2012 & Sweden & 83.8$\pm$ 7.7 years & Residential homes & 67 & Within-subjects design & A multifaceted intervention model including education on both theoretical and practical issues for staff; individualized snacks were served to the residents & Participants were their own controls & 1 year & Energy intake; Body weight; MNA score; length of night-time fasting\\
    Kimura 2013 & Japan & 65–90 & Community centre & Baseline: 141 Intervention: 92 & Cluster-RCT & Consisted of a general lecture on the importance of dietary variety and five educational sessions. & The control group was subsequently provided with the same program as a crossover intervention group & 3 months & Food intake; frequency score; dietary variety score; self-rated health; appetite;\\
    Gibson 2012 & UK & 65-85 & Residential area & 82 & RCT & Intervention group: FV intake ≥5 portions/day & Normal diet (FV intake ≤2 portions/day) & 16 weeks & Changes of FV intake (Mean $\pm$ SD); antibody assessment\\











此外,仅通过在表头标题中使用 \thead{},我就会收到“未定义的控制序列”错误。


您的表格很大……因此,为了将其放入一页,您需要减小字体大小,并尝试找到列宽。例如,正如我在以下 MWE 中所做的那样>{\hsize=...\hsize}。在其中,我使用tabularx列环境和L从中定义的列X。我还使用geometry包来定义文本区域:

\usepackage[margin=20mm]{geometry} % <---
\usepackage{ragged2e}              % <---
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, tabularx}       % <---
\renewcommand\theadfont{\footnotesize\bfseries} % <---
\renewcommand\theadgape{}                       % <---
\newcolumntype{L}{>{\RaggedRight}X}             % <---

  \caption{Characteristics of the included studies}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} % <---
                        >{\hsize=1.65\hsize}L @{}}
    & \thead[lb]{Country}       & \thead[lb]{Age\\ (Years)}  & \thead[lb]{Setting}
    & \thead[lb]{Sample\\ Size} & \thead[lb]{Study\\ Design} & \thead[lb]{Description\\ of Intervention}
    & \thead[lb]{Comparison}    & \thead[lb]{Duration}       & \thead[lb]{Outcome\\ of Measures}  \\
Fernández-Real 2012
    & Spain     & 55-80                 & PREDIMED study centre
    & 127 & RCT & Participants were randomly assigned to the MD + EVOO and MD + NUTS group; dietitians gave personalized dietary advice to participants corresponding to different diets
    & Control group (low-fat diet) & 2 years & Total osteocalcin; procollagen 1 N-terminal propeptide levels; homeostasis model assessment-β-cell function\\
Lorefält 2012
    & Sweden    & $83.8\pm7.7$  years   & Residential homes
    & 67 & Within-subjects design & A multifaceted intervention model including education on both theoretical and practical issues for staff; individualized snacks were served to the residents & Participants were their own controls & 1 year & Energy intake; Body weight; MNA score; length of night-time fasting\\
Kimura 2013
    & Japan     & 65–90                 & Community centre
    & Baseline: 141 Intervention: 92 & Cluster-RCT & Consisted of a general lecture on the importance of dietary variety and five educational sessions. & The control group was subsequently provided with the same program as a crossover intervention group & 3 months & Food intake; frequency score; dietary variety score; self-rated health; appetite;\\
Gibson 2012
    & UK        & 65-85                 & Residential area
    & 82 & RCT & Intervention group: FV intake ≥5 portions/day & Normal diet (FV intake ≤2 portions/day) & 16 weeks & Changes of FV intake (Mean$\pm$SD); antibody assessment\\

