







  • 它们非常强大,因此可以在“移动论证”中毫无问题地使用;

  • 它们会自动处理两端的斜体校正,方式与预定义命令一致(实际上,通过相同的算法)。

事实上,预定义的命令\textit\textbf本身通过 定义\DeclareTextFontCommand,你可以在 LaTeX 源中轻松检查(例如,在 中latex.ltx)。请注意,鉴于这一事实,您为新命令选择的名称应始终以 开头\text...


% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.

\newcommand*{\nonRobustCommand}{I'm not robust!}
\DeclareRobustCommand*{\robustCommand}{I'm robust!}


Normal text and \textbfit{text that is both boldfaced and italicized}.  By way
of comparison, \textbf{this is text that is oly boldfaced} (but not italicized),
and \textit{this is text that is only italicized} (but not boldfaced).

Test for italic correction:
        bold-italic followed by normal: \textbfit{f}f
        bold-italic followed by bold: \textbfit{f}\textbf{f}
        bold-italic followed by italic: \textbfit{f}\textit{f}
In the last case, you might argue that the italic correction should 
\textbfit{not} be used, as in {\bfseries\itshape f}{\itshape f}, but that's the 
way \LaTeX\ is programmed!

\typeout{Test for robustness: \textbfit}
\typeout{(Compare with this: \nonRobustCommand}
\typeout{And with this: \robustCommand)}




新 MWE:

% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.


\newcommand*{\nonRobustCommand}{I'm not robust!}
\DeclareRobustCommand*{\robustCommand}{I'm robust!}


Normal text and \textbfit{text that is both boldfaced and italicized}.  By way
of comparison, \textbf{this is text that is oly boldfaced} (but not italicized),
and \textit{this is text that is only italicized} (but not boldfaced).

Test for italic correction:
        bold-italic followed by normal: \textbfit{f}f
        bold-italic followed by bold: \textbfit{f}\textbf{f}
        bold-italic followed by italic: \textbfit{f}\textit{f}
In the last case, you might argue that the italic correction should 
\textbfit{not} be used, as in {\bfseries\itshape f}{\itshape f}, but that's the 
way \LaTeX\ is programmed!

Compatibility with the \textsf{amsmath} (or \textsf{amstext}) package:
\( T_{\textbfit{bold-italic}} \ne T_{\textit{italic}} \ne T_{\textbf{bold}} \).

\typeout{Test for robustness: \textbfit}
\typeout{(Compare with this: \nonRobustCommand}
\typeout{And with this: \robustCommand)}



第二个 MWE 的输出
