尝试从 flushright 中排除文本

尝试从 flushright 中排除文本

我正在用 LaTex 制作简历,在对齐一些文本时遇到了一些困难。请参阅以下代码:


% misc
\renewcommand{\familydefault}{bch} % font
\pagestyle{empty} % no pagenumbering
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % no paragraph indentation

% required packages (add your own)
\usepackage{flowfram} % column layout
\usepackage[top=1cm,left=0.5cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm]{geometry}% margins
\usepackage{graphicx} % figures
\usepackage{url} % URLs
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % color
\usepackage{multicol} % columns env.
\usepackage{paralist} % compact lists



{\bfseries #1} & {#2} \\%
{#3} &\\%

% Create column layout
% define length commands

% frame setup (flowfram package)
% left frame

% small static frame for the vertical line

% content of the static frame
    \draw[loosely dotted,color=RoyalBlue,line width=1.5pt,yshift=0]
    (0,0) -- (0,\textheight);}%

% right frame

% define macros (for convience)

    {\ignorespaces\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} About me}}

    {\ignorespaces\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} Objective}}


    {\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} #1}}

% Begin document

% Left frame

    \footnotesize{ \href{https://www.google.be/}{xxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyy}} \\
    \scriptsize{[email protected]}  \\
    \scriptsize{+xx yyy xx xx xx} \\
    \scriptsize{xx years} \\
    \scriptsize{WallStreet 10}  \\
    \scriptsize{New York} \\ 
    \scriptsize{USA} \\
    \textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} \raggedright{Languages}} \\
    \item \scriptsize{Spanish}
    \item \scriptsize{English}
    \item \scriptsize{French} \\ \tiny{(Elementary proficiency)}


% End document

因此,所有内容都放在这个 flushright 标签中,但我想从这个 flush 中排除“语言”标题,但还不能这样做。


有人知道怎么做吗?*当前情况: 在此处输入图片描述

*我想要实现的目标: 在此处输入图片描述

如果我只是从最后几行中删除 flushright,它会把所有内容都弄乱,并且文本会放置在图片上等。




  • \footnotesize\scriptsize类似字体大小是开关,而不是环境。我纠正了它们的所有错误用法
  • 我改变了你的定义\cventry
  • 我为第二列添加了文本(从我对您上一个问题的回答中复制而来),您可以在其中看到使用修改后的定义的优点\cventry
  • 在序言中,将包移到hyperref已加载包的末尾,并删除包,url因为它是\hyperref

完整的 MWE,具有更改字体大小的正确方法:

% misc
\renewcommand{\familydefault}{bch} % font
\pagestyle{empty} % no pagenumbering
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % no paragraph indentation

% required packages (add your own)
\usepackage{flowfram} % column layout
\usepackage[top=1cm,left=0.5cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm]{geometry}% margins
\usepackage{graphicx} % figures
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % color
\usepackage{multicol} % columns env.
\usepackage{paralist} % compact lists



\newcommand{\cventry}[3]{% modified, considered is my answer to your previous 
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} X @{\hspace{1cm}} r @{}}
\bfseries #1    & #2    \\
#3              &       \\

% Create column layout
% define length commands

% frame setup (flowfram package)
% left frame

% small static frame for the vertical line

% content of the static frame
    \draw[loosely dotted,color=RoyalBlue,line width=1.5pt,yshift=0]
    (0,0) -- (0,\textheight);}%

% right frame

% define macros (for convience)

    {\ignorespaces\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} About me}}

    {\ignorespaces\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} Objective}}


    {\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} #1}}

% Begin document

% Left frame

    \href{https://www.google.be/}{xxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyy} \\
    [email protected]        \\
    +xx yyy xx xx xx                \\
    xx years                        \\
    WallStreet 10                   \\
    New York                        \\
    USA                             \\
    \textbf{\textcolor{RoyalBlue}{Languages}}\hfill~ \\ % <----
    \item   Spanish
    \item   English
    \item   Frenc\\ \tiny(Elementary proficiency)

% About me
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s
% Experience
\cventry{master 1}{2017--2020}{school}
\cventry{master 1}{2017--2019}{school}
\cventry{master 1}{2017--Present}{school}

\cventry{master 1}{2017--2020}{school}
\cventry{master 1}{2017--2019}{school}
\cventry{master 1}{2017--Present}{school}

% End document




  1. 要将文本语言移至左侧,请使用命令

    \textbf{\color{RoyalBlue}{Languages}}\hfill~ \\% <==================
  2. 为了获得更多空间,以便能够在一行中打印非常长的电子邮件而不超出页边距,只需使用以下代码放大简历中的第一列:

    \newflowframe{0.25\textwidth}{\textheight}{0pt}{0pt}[left] % <=========== .2 -> .25
        \setlength{\LeftMainSep}{0.25\textwidth} % <========================= .2 -> .25
  3. 您的代码中还有更多问题,例如,\RequirePackage而不是正确的\usepackage,或者您使用了\scriptsize错误的命令,它们是开关,这意味着在调用后\scriptsize保持不变,直到您使用新命令更改字体大小(如\footnotesize或其他)。或者您使用像这样的组{\scriptsize ...},那么字体大小仅用于内部的文本{...}。请注意,我使用了选项showframegeometry可视化输入区域和边距。现在您可以检查您的电子邮件是否进入左边距。对于您的真实文档,请评论此选项!并且请使用值来-5cm获得命令中图像和以下个人信息之间的适当空间

    \vspace{-5cm} % <=================================================== -7cm -> -5cm

请参阅以下更正的 MWE


% misc
\renewcommand{\familydefault}{bch} % font
\pagestyle{empty} % no pagenumbering
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % no paragraph indentation

% required packages (add your own)
\usepackage{flowfram} % column layout
  showframe % <=========================================================
]{geometry}% margins
\usepackage{graphicx} % figures
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % color
\usepackage{multicol} % columns env.
\usepackage{paralist} % compact lists

\usepackage{titlesec} % <===============================================

\usepackage{url} % URLs
\usepackage{hyperref} % <===============================================


  {\bfseries #1} & {#2} \\%
  {#3} &\\%

% Create column layout
% define length commands

% frame setup (flowfram package)
% left frame
\newflowframe{0.25\textwidth}{\textheight}{0pt}{0pt}[left] % <=========== .2 -> .25
    \setlength{\LeftMainSep}{0.25\textwidth} % <========================= .2 -> .25

% small static frame for the vertical line

% content of the static frame
    \draw[loosely dotted,color=RoyalBlue,line width=1.5pt,yshift=0]
    (0,0) -- (0,\textheight);}%

% right frame

% define macros (for convience)

    {\ignorespaces\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} About me}}

    {\ignorespaces\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} Objective}}


    {\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} #1}}

% Begin document

% Left frame

    \vspace{-5cm} % <=================================================== -7cm -> -5cm
    \footnotesize % <===================================================
    \href{https://www.google.be/}{xxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyy} \\
    \scriptsize % <=====================================================
    [email protected]  \\
    +xx yyy xx xx xx \\
    xx years \\
    WallStreet 10  \\
    New York \\ 
    USA \\
    \textbf{\color{RoyalBlue}{Languages}}\hfill~ \\% <==================
    \item Spanish
    \item English
    \item French \\ \tiny (Elementary proficiency)

% End document


pdf 结果
