




\title{Some title}

\usepackage{graphicx} %Loading the package
\graphicspath{{graphics/}} %Setting the graphicspath


\section(Section with table in)

\captionof{table}{Word2Vec Company Similarities}
\begin{tabular}{||c| c c| c c| c c| c c||} 
 Word Input & Most Similar & 2006 & Most Similar & 2010 & Most Similar & 2014 & Most Similar & 2018 \\ [0.5ex] 
%%%%%%% Row 1 %%%%%%%%%
text          & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044\footnote{some text here} \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248} \\




\begin{adjustbox}{angle=90}     % Move adjustbox here
\captionof{table}{Word2Vec Company Similarities}
\begin{tabular}{||c| c c| c c| c c| c c||} 
 Word Input & Most Similar & 2006 & Most Similar & 2010 & Most Similar & 2014 & Most Similar & 2018 \\ [0.5ex] 
%%%%%%% Row 1 %%%%%%%%%
text          & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044\footnote{some text here} \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248} \\

%%%%%%% Row 2 %%%%%%%%%
text          & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044\footnote{some text here} \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248} \\

%%%%%%% Row 3 %%%%%%%%%
text          & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044\footnote{some text here} \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248} \\

%%%%%%% Row 4 %%%%%%%%%
text          & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044\footnote{some text here} \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248} \\

%%%%%%% Row 5 %%%%%%%%%
text          & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044\footnote{some text here} \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248} \\

%%%%%%% Row 6 %%%%%%%%%
text          & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044\footnote{some text here} \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248} \\

%%%%%%% Row 7 %%%%%%%%%
text          & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044\footnote{some text here} \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248} \\

%%%%%%% Row 8 %%%%%%%%%
text          & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044\footnote{some text here} \\  248}

              & \makecell{text \\  text  \\  text  \\  text  \\  text }
              & \makecell{12 \\  45 \\  54 \\  044 \\  248} \\

\end{adjustbox}   % Move adjustbox here




这是更新的 MWE。我建议使用包pdflscape将表格横向翻转。当然,它们会从新页面开始。此外,我建议使用三部分表,因此您可以同时拥有多页表格、表格注释和标题,而不会出现问题。该包使用长桌排版表格。此外,我还使用了书签规则,并通过添加一些空间对行进行分组。正如你所看到的,我已经使用了多行将文本放在第一列的中央,而不是将一行的内容放在 makecell 命令中。

如果您接受表注与普通脚注相冲突,则可以使用 longtable 自己的脚注。它们将排版在页面底部,即右边距,并且不会累积在表格的最后一页。


\usepackage{caption, threeparttablex, booktabs, multirow, pdflscape, longtable}

\title{Some title}   %% <======== Title here

\section{Section with table in}

Some highflying, not understandable theories here.


\item[a] Tablenotes are typeset 
\item[b] at the bottom of the last page of the table.
\item[c] some text here
\item[d] some text here
\item[e] some text here
\item[f] some text here
 Word Input & Most Similar & 2006 & Most Similar & 2010 & Most Similar & 2014 & Most Similar & 2018 \\ [0.5ex] 
% the contents of the table
        & text & 12 & text & 12 & text\footnote{Where is my footnote?} & 12 & text & 12 \\
        & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45\\
             & text & 54 & text & 54 & text & 54 & text & 54\\
            & text & 044 & text & 044 & text & 044\tnote{a} & text & 044 \\
\multirow{-5}{*}{text} & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 \\
        & text & 12 & text & 12 & text & 12 & text & 12 \\
        & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45\\
             & text & 54 & text & 54 & text\footnote{In the right margin} & 54 & text & 54\\
            & text & 044 & text & 044 & text & 044\tnote{b} & text & 044 \\
\multirow{-5}{*}{text} & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 \\
        & text & 12 & text & 12 & text & 12 & text & 12 \\
        & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45\\
             & text & 54 & text & 54 & text & 54 & text & 54\\
            & text & 044 & text & 044 & text & 044\tnote{c} & text & 044 \\
\multirow{-5}{*}{text} & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 \\
        & text & 12 & text & 12 & text & 12 & text & 12 \\
        & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45\\
             & text & 54 & text & 54 & text & 54 & text & 54\\
            & text & 044 & text & 044 & text & 044\tnote{d} & text & 044 \\
\multirow{-5}{*}{text} & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 \\
        & text & 12 & text & 12 & text & 12 & text & 12 \\
        & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45\\
             & text & 54 & text & 54 & text & 54 & text & 54\\
            & text & 044 & text & 044 & text & 044\tnote{e} & text & 044 \\
\multirow{-5}{*}{text} & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 \\
        & text & 12 & text & 12 & text & 12 & text & 12 \\
        & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45 & text & 45\\
             & text & 54 & text & 54 & text & 54 & text & 54\\
            & text & 044 & text & 044 & text & 044\tnote{f} & text & 044 \\
\multirow{-5}{*}{text} & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 & text & 248 \\
