defernumbers 选项与定制环境之间的冲突

defernumbers 选项与定制环境之间的冲突

我有一份文档(下面不是 MWE),我想有一个A类文件B类文件参考书目。我使用biblatex\newrefcontext命令来实现这一点。


我面临的问题是,如果A型或者B型引用文件里面第一次进入环境时,参考书目计数器不再起作用,返回 [0](或 [TA-0] 或 [TB-0],根据文档中的定义)作为参考。

如果引用文件,则不会发生这种情况外部环境req第一(见第 130 行)。


相反,它可以追溯到defernumbers=true的选项biblatex,这是实现不同 的正确编号所必需的refcontext。通过将其注释掉,可以实现编号(即使它不是正确的编号)。





    sorting       = none,
    defernumbers  = true,
    backend       = biber,
    % bibstyle    = ieee,
    % % citestyle = numeric,
    % isbn        = true,
    % doi         = false,
    % % sorting   = nty,
    % % sorting   = debug,
    % % url       = false,
    % bibencoding = utf8,

% required to define the 'req' environment:

%%% definition of the 'req' environment and its associated comments


    \newcommand{\reqlabel}[2]{\protected@edef\@currentlabel{#2}\label{#1}} %

{ % begin code
            row 1 & {#1}-\theReqCounter \reqlabel{#8}{{#1}-\theReqCounter}  \\
            % id & {#1}-\theReqCounter \reqlabel{thisisthelabel}{thisisthereference} \\
            row 2 & #2 \\
            row 3 & #3 \\
            row 4 & #4 \\
            row 5 & #5 \\
            row 6 & #6 \\
            row 7 & #9 \\
            row 8 & #7 \\
{ % end code
    % nothing to declare


        author      = {author, first},
        title       = {{project name doc 1}},
        institution = {company one},
        year        = {2021},
        type        = {type A},
        number      = {documet code 1},
        address     = {},
        keywords    = {tadoc},

        author      = {author, first},
        title       = {{project name doc 2}},
        institution = {company one},
        year        = {2021},
        type        = {type A},
        number      = {documet code 2},
        address     = {},
        keywords    = {tadoc},

        author      = {author, first},
        title       = {{project name doc 3}},
        institution = {company one},
        year        = {2021},
        type        = {type A},
        number      = {documet code 3},
        address     = {},
        keywords    = {tadoc},

        author      = {author, second},
        title       = {{type B document title}},
        institution = {Company B},
        year        = {2021},
        type        = {Type B},
        number      = {n/a},
        address     = {},
        keywords    = {tbdoc},



\printbibliography[keyword=tadoc,title=Type A Documents]

\printbibliography[keyword=tbdoc,title=Type B Documents]

\chapter{first chapter}

%%% If the following cite commands are commented out, the references are printed as [0]
%%% Uncommenting the \cite commands the references behave normally as expected
% \cite{doc01}
% % \cite{doc02}
% % \cite{doc03}
% \cite{doc04}

{title 1}
{statement 1}
{\cite[page 4, Table 1,][]{doc01}}
{lorem ipsum}
{req:01} % no spaces between these brackets!

{   title 2}
{   statement 2}
{ \cite[page 4, Table 1,][]{doc01}}
{ T}
{ False}
{ lorem ipsum}
{req:02} % no spaces between these brackets!

\section{section title}

{title 3}
{statement 3}
{ \cite[page 29,][]{doc01}}
{ default}
{ False}
{ lorem ipsum}
{req:03} % no spaces between these brackets!

{title 5}
{statement 5}
{   \cite[page 29,][]{doc01}}
{ T}
{ False}
{ \cite{doc04}}
{req:05} % no spaces between these brackets!
lorem ipsum  \cite[Sec.~4, p.~13]{doc02} dolor sit amet \cite{doc04}

% \begin{req}{BB-DD}
% {title 6}
% {statement 6}
% {\cite[Sec.~xxx, p.~xxx][]{doc03}}
% % {  }
% { % verification method
%   R
% }
% { % verification status
%   False
% }
% { % validation
%   lorem ipsum
% }
% {req:06} % no spaces between these brackets!
% {n/a}
% \end{req}




更新biblatex至版本 >= 3.13 可解决该问题。请参阅重复引用的问题。
