


需要在 lualatex 中工作。


\documentclass[12pt, twoside]{book}


  \vbox to \dimexpr\textheight-#1-2cm\relax {\leaders\hbox to \linewidth{\rule{0pt}{1cm}\hrulefill}\vfil}


    \ignorespaces \hspace{-3em}\textbf{#2} #3


        \section*{September 17}

      \personentry{Joe Blow}{He did some important stuff and we want to remember him for it. He was a top bloke and did a lot of good work, and we are thankful for it and did I mention everything that he did.}

      \personentry{Jane Doe}{Also did a lot of stuff what we really want too remember her for it because if we don't we are going to feel really guiltly about it since I am now just rambling on.}



        \section*{September 18}
      \personentry{Joe Blow}{He did some important stuff and we want to remember him for it. He was a top bloke and did a lot of good work, and we are thankful for it and did I mention everything that he did.}

      \personentry{Jane Doe}{Also did a lot of stuff what we really want too remember her for it because if we don't we are going to feel really guiltly about it since I am now just rambling on.}




前段时间,我不得不用问卷调查来解决这类问题。同意 StefanH 的观点,领导者是最好的选择。我认为你需要一个环境来做到这一点:

\documentclass[12pt, twoside]{book}


\newcommand\Linepage[1][0.25in]{% Change to suit
  \vbox to \dimexpr\textheight-\pagetotal-#1\relax {% Let TeX do the work...
    \leaders\hbox to \linewidth{\rule{0pt}{#1}\hrulefill}\vfil


  \textbf{#2\ }#3

%% Usage:
%% \begin{formatpage}{<date>}
%%   \personentry{<name 1>}{<info>}
%%   \personentry{<name 2>}{<info>}
%%   ...
%% \end{formatpage}


\begin{formatpage}{September 17}

      \personentry{Joe Blow}{He did some important stuff and we want to remember him for it. He was a top bloke and did a lot of good work, and we are thankful for it and did I mention everything that he did.}

      \personentry{Jane Doe}{Also did a lot of stuff what we really want too remember her for it because if we don't we are going to feel really guiltly about it since I am now just rambling on, and on and on and on and on and on\dots}

\begin{formatpage}{September 18}
      \personentry{Joe Blow}{He did some important stuff and we want to remember him for it. He was a top bloke and did a lot of good work, and we are thankful for it and did I mention everything that he did.}

      \personentry{Jane Doe}{Also did a lot of stuff what we really want too remember her for it because if we don't we are going to feel really guiltly about it since I am now just rambling on.}





可以用 绘制线条\leaders,问题是找到页面的结尾。在这里,我先用一天的标题开始,然后用线条填充。线条部分的高度仅为\textheight-10mm,其中10mm只是一个适合的数字。如果您更详细地描述标题应包含的内容,那么应该可以将其放在一个框中,然后找到该框的高度。线条之间的距离设置为1cm

    \Huge #1
  \vbox to \dimexpr\textheight-10mm\relax {\leaders\hbox to \linewidth{\rule{0pt}{1cm}\hrulefill}\vfil}
\Linepage{Sept 17}{Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.}

