3) 在动画中,播放的四条线上的偏转在特定时刻用特定颜色着色。我想用相应的颜色为偏转两侧的两个点着色。目前只有朝下的点被着色。
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}
%used for the item box around
% static objects shared by all frames
\path[use as bounding box] (0,6) rectangle (14,11);
\draw[] (1.6,6.8) rectangle ++(0.1,3.5);
\draw[] (1.2,8.6) rectangle ++(0.1,1.7);
\draw[] (1.4,7.9) rectangle ++(0.1,2.4);
\draw[] (1,9.0) rectangle ++(0.1,1.3);
\node[] at (10.5,9.5) {Channel 1};
\node[] at (10.5,8.5) {Channel 2};
\node[] at (10.5,7.5) {Channel 3};
\node[] at (10.5,6.5) {Channel 4};
\node [circle,draw,fill = red] at (\neuronX,\neuronY) (N1) {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.4cm and 0.4cm of N1,fill = green] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 2.2cm and 0.2cm of N1,,fill = blue] () {};
% save bounding box coordinates
\coordinate (LowerLeft) at (current bounding box.south west);
\coordinate (UpperRight) at (current bounding box.north east);
% the empty graph to start with
\path[use as bounding box] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);
% putting the animation together
\xusebox{staticElems} %first frame showing only the static objects
% set line colour, vertical graph displacement and which shaded
% object to use
\ifdim 5.3pt < \rx pt\relax%
\ifdim 5.4pt > \rx pt\relax%
\ifdim 6.3pt < \rx pt\relax%
\ifdim 6.4pt > \rx pt\relax%
\ifdim 6.8pt < \rx pt\relax%
\ifdim 6.9pt > \rx pt\relax%
\ifdim 7.1pt < \rx pt\relax%
\ifdim 7.2pt > \rx pt\relax%
\ifdim 7.5pt < \rx pt\relax%
\ifdim 7.6pt > \rx pt\relax%
% assemble the graph
\pgfmathsetmacro{\chTwo}{\dyTwo+\nOne + \nTwo+\yTwo}%
\pgfmathsetmacro{\chThree}{\dyThree + \nThree+ + \yThree}%
\pgfmathsetmacro{\chFour}{\dyFour + \nThree + \yFour}%
%repeat previous graph
%append new line segments
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round, draw=\linecolor]
\path[use as bounding box,draw] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);
\draw (\oldx,\oldyOne) -- (\rx,\chOne);
\draw (\oldx,\oldyTwo) -- (\rx,\chTwo);
\draw (\oldx,\oldyThree) -- (\rx,\chThree);
\draw (\oldx,\oldyFour) -- (\rx,\chFour);
% overlay the static objects
% put graph in the foreground
带有和不带有封闭矩形的边界框略有不同。这会导致在第一个带有静态元素的帧之后重新缩放帧。从 bbox 计算中排除矩形并将其放入静态帧(它实际上属于该帧)可解决闪烁问题:
\path[use as bounding box] (0,6) rectangle (14,11); \draw [thick] (0,6) rectangle (14,11);
Acrobat Reader 中嵌套的 xsavebox 层数(PDF XObjects)似乎有上限。将函数线段放在同一层级并使用时间轴组装动画帧可解决线段消失的问题。
% writing timeline file
\foreach \i in {0,1,...,80} {
% appending `x0' to transparency number --> keep all them all visible
\immediate\write\TimeLineFile{::\i x0}
%staring points of curves
% putting the animation together
% static objects shared by all frames
\path[use as bounding box] (0,6) rectangle (14,11);
\draw [thick] (0,6) rectangle (14,11);
\draw[] (1.6,6.8) rectangle ++(0.1,3.5);
\draw[] (1.2,8.6) rectangle ++(0.1,1.7);
\draw[] (1.4,7.9) rectangle ++(0.1,2.4);
\draw[] (1,9.0) rectangle ++(0.1,1.3);
\node[] at (10.5,9.5) {Channel 1};
\node[] at (10.5,8.5) {Channel 2};
\node[] at (10.5,7.5) {Channel 3};
\node[] at (10.5,6.5) {Channel 4};
\node [circle,draw,fill = red] at (\neuronX,\neuronY) (N1) {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.4cm and 0.4cm of N1,fill = green] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 2.2cm and 0.2cm of N1,,fill = blue] () {};
% save bounding box coordinates
\coordinate (LowerLeft) at (current bounding box.south west);
\coordinate (UpperRight) at (current bounding box.north east);
% line segments
% set line colour, vertical graph displacement and which shaded
% object to use
\ifdim 5.3pt < \dimx\relax%
\ifdim 5.4pt > \dimx\relax%
\ifdim 6.3pt < \dimx\relax%
\ifdim 6.4pt > \dimx\relax%
\ifdim 6.8pt < \dimx\relax%
\ifdim 6.9pt > \dimx\relax%
\ifdim 7.1pt < \dimx\relax%
\ifdim 7.2pt > \dimx\relax%
\ifdim 7.5pt < \dimx\relax%
\ifdim 7.6pt > \dimx\relax%
% assemble the graph
\pgfmathsetmacro{\chTwo}{\dyTwo+\nOne + \nTwo+\yTwo}%
\pgfmathsetmacro{\chThree}{\dyThree + \nThree+ + \yThree}%
\pgfmathsetmacro{\chFour}{\dyFour + \nThree + \yFour}%
%new line segments
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round, draw=\linecolor]
\path[use as bounding box] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);
\draw (\oldx,\oldyOne) -- (\rx,\chOne);
\draw (\oldx,\oldyTwo) -- (\rx,\chTwo);
\draw (\oldx,\oldyThree) -- (\rx,\chThree);
\draw (\oldx,\oldyFour) -- (\rx,\chFour);