




问候 Jesper




\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}   %used for the item box around



    % static objects shared by all frames
        \path[use as bounding box,red] (0,5) rectangle (15,12);
        \draw [thick] (0,5) rectangle (15,12);

    \draw[] (1.6,6.8) rectangle ++(0.1,3.5);
    \draw[] (1.2,8.6) rectangle ++(0.1,1.7);
    \draw[] (1.4,7.9) rectangle ++(0.1,2.4);
    \draw[] (1,9.0) rectangle ++(0.1,1.3);

    \node[] at (10.5,9.5) {Channel 1};
    \node[] at (10.5,8.5) {Channel 2};
    \node[] at (10.5,7.5) {Channel 3};
    \node[] at (10.5,6.5) {Channel 4};

    \node [circle,draw,fill = red] at (\neuronX,\neuronY) (N1) {};
    \node [circle,draw,below right = 1cm and 0.8cm of N1,fill = green] () {};
    \node [circle,draw,below right = 2.2cm and 0.2cm of N1,,fill = blue] () {};
    \coordinate (A1) at (2.5,10);
    \coordinate (B1) at (2,6);
    \coordinate (A2) at (4 , 10);
    \coordinate (B2) at (4.5 , 6);

        % save bounding box coordinates
        \coordinate (LowerLeft) at (current bounding box.south west);
        \coordinate (UpperRight) at (current bounding box.north east);
    % two shaded objects
        \path[use as bounding box,draw] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);
        \shade[top color=orange,bottom color=orange,middle color = red,fill opacity=0.4] (A2) to [bend right=10] (B2) to [] (B1) to [bend right=10] (A1) to (A2);
        %\node[yshift = 10.5cm,xshift = 7.5cm] () {Light Pulse};
        \path[use as bounding box,draw] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);
        \shade[top color=white,bottom color=white,middle color = white] (A2) to [bend right=10] (B2) to [] (B1) to [bend right=10] (A1) to (A2);
    % the empty graph to start with
        \path[use as bounding box,draw] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);
    % putting the animation together
        \xusebox{staticElems} %first frame showing only the static objects
            % set line colour, vertical graph displacement and which shaded
            % object to use


            \ifdim 5.3pt < \rx pt\relax%
            \ifdim  5.6pt > \rx pt\relax%
            %neuron 1
            \ifdim 5.5pt < \rx pt\relax%
            \ifdim  5.6pt > \rx pt\relax%

            \ifdim 6.3pt < \rx pt\relax%
            \ifdim  6.4pt > \rx pt\relax%

            %neuron 1
            \ifdim 6.3pt < \rx pt\relax%
            \ifdim  6.6pt > \rx pt\relax%

            \ifdim 6.5pt < \rx pt\relax%
            \ifdim  6.6pt > \rx pt\relax%


            % assemble the graph

            \pgfmathsetmacro{\chTwo}{\dyTwo+\nOne + \nTwo+\yTwo}%
            \pgfmathsetmacro{\chThree}{\dyThree   + \nThree+ + \yThree}%
            \pgfmathsetmacro{\chFour}{\dyFour     + \nThree +  \yFour}%

                %repeat previous graph
%               %
%               %append new line segments
                \begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round]
                \path[use as bounding box] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);
                \draw (\oldx,\oldyOne) -- (\rx,\chOne);         
                \draw (\oldx,\oldyTwo) -- (\rx,\chTwo);
                \draw (\oldx,\oldyThree) -- (\rx,\chThree);
                \draw (\oldx,\oldyFour) -- (\rx,\chFour);
            % shaded object in the background
            % overlay the static objects
            % put graph in the foreground





% writing timeline file
\foreach \i in {0,1,...,80} {
    % appending `x0' to transparency number --> keep all them all visible
    \immediate\write\TimeLineFile{::\i x0}


    %starting points of curves


    % putting the animation together
        % static objects shared by all frames
        \path[use as bounding box] (0,6) rectangle (14,11);

        \draw[] (1.6,6.8) rectangle ++(0.1,3.5);
        \draw[] (1.2,8.6) rectangle ++(0.1,1.7);
        \draw[] (1.4,7.9) rectangle ++(0.1,2.4);
        \draw[] (1,9.0) rectangle ++(0.1,1.3);

        \node[] at (10.5,9.5) {Channel 1};
        \node[] at (10.5,8.5) {Channel 2};
        \node[] at (10.5,7.5) {Channel 3};
        \node[] at (10.5,6.5) {Channel 4};

        % save bounding box coordinates
        \coordinate (LowerLeft) at (current bounding box.south west);
        \coordinate (UpperRight) at (current bounding box.north east);
            % line segments
            \ifdim 5.3pt < \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim  5.4pt > \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim 6.3pt < \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim  6.4pt > \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim 6.3pt < \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim  6.6pt > \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim 6.8pt < \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim  6.9pt > \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim 7.1pt < \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim  7.2pt > \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim 7.5pt < \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim  7.6pt > \dimx\relax%
            % assemble the graph
            \pgfmathsetmacro{\chTwo}{\dyTwo+\nOne + \nTwo+\yTwo}%
            \pgfmathsetmacro{\chThree}{\dyThree   + \nThree+ + \yThree}%
            \pgfmathsetmacro{\chFour}{\dyFour     + \nThree +  \yFour}%
            %new line segments
            \begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round, draw=\linecolor]
            \path[use as bounding box] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);

           \draw (\oldx,\oldyOne) -- (\rx,\chOne);         

            \draw (\oldx,\oldyTwo) -- (\rx,\chTwo);

            \draw (\oldx,\oldyThree) -- (\rx,\chThree);

            \draw (\oldx,\oldyFour) -- (\rx,\chFour);

            \node [circle,draw,fill = red] at (\neuronX,\neuronY) (N1) {};
            \node [circle,draw,below right =  1cm and 0.8cm of N1,fill = green] (N2) {};
            \node [circle,draw,below right = 2.2cm and 0.2cm of N1,,fill = blue] (N3) {};
            \begin{scope}[on background layer]
            \fill[red,fill opacity=\myopa,preaction={fill=white,fill opacity=1}] 
             ([xshift=-2mm,yshift=2mm]N1.north west) 
             -- ([xshift=2mm,yshift=2mm]N1.north east)
             -- ([xshift=2mm,yshift=2mm]N2.north east)
             -- ([xshift=2mm,yshift=-2mm]N2.south east)
             -- ([xshift=2mm,yshift=-2mm]N3.south east)
             -- ([xshift=-2mm,yshift=-2mm]N3.south west)
             -| cycle;           



            \ifdim 6.3pt < \dimx\relax%
            \ifdim  6.6pt > \dimx\relax%

