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author = {Hannan, Nicholas R F and Segeritz, Charis-patricia and Touboul Thomas and Vallier, Ludovic},
doi = {10.1038/nprot.2012.153},
issn = {1754-2189},
journal = {Nat. Protoc.},
month = {feb},
number = {2},
pages = {430--437},
title = {{Production of hepatocyte-like cells from human pluripotent stem cells}},
volume = {8},
year = {2013}

author = {Lim, Franklin and Sun, Anthony M.},
doi = {10.1126/science.6776628},
issn = {00368075},
journal = {Science (80-. ).},
number = {4472},
pages = {908--910},
title = {{Microencapsulated islets as bioartificial endocrine pancreas}},
volume = {210},
year = {1980}

author = {Dalheim, Marianne and Vanacker, Julie and Najmi, Maryam A. and Aachmann, Finn L. and Strand, Berit L. and Christensen, Bj{\o}rn E.},
doi = {10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.11.043},
issn = {18785905},
journal = {Biomaterials},
keywords = {Alginate,Cell adhesion,Periodate oxidation,RGD peptide,Reductive amination,Tissue engineering},
pages = {146--156},
title = {{Efficient functionalization of alginate biomaterials}},
volume = {80},
year = {2016}



% Setting chapter and section format:





% Preface

% Table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables

% Background

% Introduction
My very first reference \cite{Hannan2013}, 
and my second reference \cite{Lim1980}.

% Methods

\caption{Periodate oxidation \cite{Dalheim2016}.} % Third reference.

% Bibliography



欢迎来到 tex.stackexchange。您的代码中有几个小问题:

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你问题的根源在于\listoffigures 站在起点并调用\cite{Dalheim2016}到的。


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author = {Hannan, Nicholas R F and Segeritz, Charis-patricia and Touboul Thomas and Vallier, Ludovic},
doi = {10.1038/nprot.2012.153},
issn = {1754-2189},
journal = {Nat. Protoc.},
month = {feb},
number = {2},
pages = {430--437},
title = {{Production of hepatocyte-like cells from human pluripotent stem cells}},
volume = {8},
year = {2013}

author = {Lim, Franklin and Sun, Anthony M.},
doi = {10.1126/science.6776628},
issn = {00368075},
journal = {Science (80-. ).},
number = {4472},
pages = {908--910},
title = {{Microencapsulated islets as bioartificial endocrine pancreas}},
volume = {210},
year = {1980}

author = {Dalheim, Marianne and Vanacker, Julie and Najmi, Maryam A. and Aachmann, Finn L. and Strand, Berit L. and Christensen, Bj{\o}rn E.},
doi = {10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.11.043},
issn = {18785905},
journal = {Biomaterials},
keywords = {Alginate,Cell adhesion,Periodate oxidation,RGD peptide,Reductive amination,Tissue engineering},
pages = {146--156},
title = {{Efficient functionalization of alginate biomaterials}},
volume = {80},
year = {2016}


My very first reference \cite{Hannan2013}, 
and my second reference \cite{Lim1980}.

\caption[Periodate oxidation (from Dalheim2016)]%
{Periodate oxidation \cite{Dalheim2016}.} 



顺便说一句,该unsrtnat样式不处理 doi、issn 或任何类型或 url。如果需要,您必须找到另一个与 natbib 兼容的、可以与它们配合使用的方法。一个可能的解决方案:添加\usepackage[natbibapa]{apacite}preable 并使用 \bibliographystyle{apacite}。apacite 的一个优点是.bbl文件包含的格式不是硬编码的,而是依赖于您可以轻松自定义的宏\renewcommand

