INFORMS3 latex 样式,参考书目问题

INFORMS3 latex 样式,参考书目问题

我的情况相当神秘。我按照 建立一个文件,这是我的 MWE。问题出在参考书目中。在标准的循环中pdflatex mwe.tex,然后bibtex mwe.aux然后pdflatex第一的 pdflatex命令它有时显示为citep{“未定义”。但最终,它做了正确的事情。您可能会问问题是什么。问题是我有一个更大的文件,它是此 MWE 的“超集”,并且在 Linux 命令行(TeXLive)和 Overleaf 中都显示此错误。经过几次强力的pdflatexs 后,它确实编译并产生了正确的东西。但我感觉我在这里使用书目的方式有些不对劲。我natbib在序言中添加了,还提供了一个示例*.bib文件供您参考。该informs2014.bst文件可以在上面的链接中找到。这是我第一次使用natbib。仅通过查看下面的 MWE,组件交互的方式以所述方式弄乱了书目有什么问题?

\TheoremsNumberedThrough     % Preferred (Theorem 1, Lemma 1, Theorem 2)
\EquationsNumberedThrough    % Default: (1), (2), ...
\def\mb#1{\mbox{\mathbfmath $#1$}}                
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\AUTHOR{Snidely Slippery}
\AFF{Department of Bread Spread Engineering, Dairy University, Cowtown, IL 60208, \EMAIL{[email protected]}} %, \URL{}}
\AUTHOR{Marg Arinella}
\AFF{Institute for Food Adulteration, University of Food Plains, Food Plains, MN 55599, \EMAIL{[email protected]}}
% Enter all authors
} % end of the block


\KEYWORDS{keywords, more keywords} 






    title = {Strategic price complexity in retail financial markets},
    author = {Carlin, Bruce I.},
    year = {2009},
    journal = {Journal of Financial Economics},
    volume = {91},
    number = {3},
    pages = {278-287},
    abstract = {There is mounting empirical evidence to suggest that the law of one price is 
            violated in retail financial markets: there is significant price dispersion even when products are 
            homogeneous. Also, despite the large number of firms in the market, prices remain above marginal 
            cost and may even rise as more firms enter. In a non-cooperative oligopoly pricing model, I show that 
            these anomalies arise when firms add complexity to their price structures. Complexity increases the market power of the 
            firms because it prevents some consumers from becoming knowledgeable about prices in the market. In the model, 
            as competition increases, firms tend to add more complexity to their prices as a best response, rather 
            than make their disclosures more transparent. Because this may substantially decrease consumer 
            surplus in these markets, such practices have important welfare implications.},
    keywords = {Complexity Price dispersion Oligopoly},
    url = {}

编辑:当通过运行该论文的完整版本时pdflatex,第一次运行显示此错误消息: 在此处输入图片描述 这一切之后又出现了更多错误: 在此处输入图片描述

final.bbl也许(finalMWE 所依据的实际论文在哪里)的内容可以提供一些启示:

\providecommand{\urlprefix}{URL }

\bibitem[{Bellos et~al.(2017)Bellos, Ferguson, \protect\BIBand{}
Bellos I, Ferguson M, Toktay LB (2017) The car sharing economy: Interaction of
  business model choice and product line design. \emph{Manufacturing \& Service
  Operations Management} 19(2):185--201,

\bibitem[{Benjaafar et~al.(2019)Benjaafar, Kong, Li, \protect\BIBand{}
Benjaafar S, Kong G, Li X, Courcoubetis C (2019) Peer-to-peer product sharing:
  Implications for ownership, usage, and social welfare in the sharing economy.
  \emph{Management Science} 65(2):477--493,

\bibitem[{Bimpikis et~al.(2019)Bimpikis, Candogan, \protect\BIBand{}
Bimpikis K, Candogan O, Saban D (2019) Spatial pricing in ride-sharing
  networks. \emph{Operations Research} 67(3):744--769,

\bibitem[{Boyd \protect\BIBand{} Vandenberghe(2004)}]{Boyd:2004:CO:993483}
Boyd S, Vandenberghe L (2004) \emph{Convex Optimization} (New York, NY, USA:
  Cambridge University Press), ISBN 0521833787.

Carlin BI (2009) Strategic price complexity in retail financial markets.
  \emph{Journal of Financial Economics} 91(3):278--287,


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