针对 Sage 命令进行字符串检查,是否发出扩展命令?

针对 Sage 命令进行字符串检查,是否发出扩展命令?



% #1 is the sagevariable, 
% #2 is what I want to check to see if it is equal to 
% #3 is the action to take if they are equal.

}% End of \sagecheck

     %This is the part I don't know how to write. It should detokenize the result of the \sage command, but not the \sage command itself, and it should check that against the expected sage string output, which is of the form (in the sout file):
%     \newlabel{@sageinline0}{{%
%     (sage_variable_output)}{}{}{}{}}

k = 4
\sagecheck{k}{4}{This should work}
\sagecheck{k}{15}{This should do nothing}
\sagecheck{foo}{12}{Ideally this would error, since there is no sage variable named 'foo'}
