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我已经制作了自己的简单 LaTeX 替代 Beamer。我旋转页面并固定间距,然后很好地缩放所有内容。不幸的是,在我的环境中,我无法使用 Beamer 的 \pause 命令。所以我不得不允许大量的重复代码。此外,我必须在所有幻灯片的末尾留出大量额外的垂直空白,否则当前幻灯片将不会与上一张幻灯片垂直对齐。
有人对如何改进我的 LaTeX 演示环境有什么建议吗(例如添加暂停命令)或者有人可以制作具有正常外观的 LaTeX 部分(而不是使用 frametitle)和真正的 LaTeX 感觉的 beamer 样式吗?
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\title{Catalan Numbers}
\author{Max van Delft}
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\subsubsection*{Historic outline}
Around 1750 Euler had found, but not proven, a recurrence relation for the enumeration of triangulations of a regular polygon. Euler discussed the problem with Segner, a mathematician from Hungary. The latter found a now well known recurrence relation. The Catalan number sequence was popularised in France around the 1840's. Then in 1838 the Belgian mathematician Catalan came across the sequence during his research of balanced parentheses, referring to them as Segner numbers. Later in the 20th century the numbers were named after Catalan.
Catalan numbers occur quite regularly in enumerative combinatorics. Objects the enumeration of which yield the Catalan numbers are called \textit{Catalan Objects}.
\item Triangulations of an $(n+2)$'gon
\item Ordered multiplications of $(n+1)$ factors
\item $n$ Balanced parentheses
\item Dyck paths of length $2n$
\item Non-crossing partitions of $\{1,...,n\}$.
} \ \\ \\ \\ \\
Catalan numbers occur quite regularly in enumerative combinatorics. Objects the enumeration of which yield the Catalan numbers are called \textit{Catalan Objects}.
\item Triangulations of an $(n+2)$'gon
\item Ordered multiplications of $(n+1)$ factors
\item $n$ Balanced parentheses
\item Dyck paths of length $2n$
\item Non-crossing partitions of $\{1,...,n\}$.
We will present bijections between the Catalan objects listed above. \\ \\ \\ \\
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\title{Catalan Numbers}
\author{Max van Delft}
\begin{frame}{\thesection. \secname}
\textbf{Historic outline}
Around 1750 Euler had found, but not proven, a recurrence relation for the enumeration of triangulations of a regular polygon. Euler discussed the problem with Segner, a mathematician from Hungary. The latter found a now well known recurrence relation. The Catalan number sequence was popularised in France around the 1840's. Then in 1838 the Belgian mathematician Catalan came across the sequence during his research of balanced parentheses, referring to them as Segner numbers \cite{Pak2014}. Later in the 20th century the numbers were named after Catalan.
\begin{frame}{\thesection. \secname}
Catalan numbers occur quite regularly in enumerative combinatorics. Objects the enumeration of which yield the Catalan numbers are called \textit{Catalan Objects}.
\item Triangulations of an $(n+2)$'gon
\item Ordered multiplications of $(n+1)$ factors
\item $n$ Balanced parentheses
\item Dyck paths of length $2n$
\item Non-crossing partitions of $\{1,...,n\}$.
We will present bijections between the Catalan objects listed above.
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\title{Catalan Numbers}
\author{Max van Delft}
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\subsubsection*{Historic outline}
Around 1750 Euler had found, but not proven, a recurrence relation for the enumeration of triangulations of a regular polygon. Euler discussed the problem with Segner, a mathematician from Hungary. The latter found a now well known recurrence relation. The Catalan number sequence was popularised in France around the 1840's. Then in 1838 the Belgian mathematician Catalan came across the sequence during his research of balanced parentheses, referring to them as Segner numbers \cite{Pak2014}. Later in the 20th century the numbers were named after Catalan.}
Catalan numbers occur quite regularly in enumerative combinatorics. Objects the enumeration of which yield the Catalan numbers are called \textit{Catalan Objects}.}
\item Triangulations of an $(n+2)$'gon
\item Ordered multiplications of $(n+1)$ factors
\item $n$ Balanced parentheses
\item Dyck paths of length $2n$
\item Non-crossing partitions of $\{1,...,n\}$.
We will present bijections between the Catalan objects listed above.