% scrartcl ist eine abgeleitete Artikel-Klasse im Koma-Skript
% zur Kontrolle des Umbruchs Klassenoption draft verwenden
\def\coord(#1){node[circle, red, draw, inner sep=1pt,pin={[red, overlay, inner sep=0.5pt, font=\tiny, pin distance=0.1cm, pin edge={red, overlay,}]45:#1}](#1){}}
%\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % Alternativ unter Windows
% Abstand obere Blattkante zur Kopfzeile ist 2.54cm - 15mm
% Für Zeichnung
% Schriftgröße der Caption
\cs_set_eq:NN \fpeval \fp_eval:n
% Microtype - für gleichbleibende Zeilenumbrüche
\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.75,transform shape]
\draw (-1,0) to [short] (11,0);
\draw (-1,0) to [V<=$U_{\mathrm{in}}$,invert] (-1,4);
\draw (-1,4) to [short,-*] (2,4);
% 1. Parallele Zweig
\draw (2,0) to [C,l=$\mathrm{C_{1}}$,*-*] (2,4);
\draw (2,4) to [short] (3,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (3.5,4) to node[nigfete,rotate=90](nigfet){} (3.5,4);
\draw (nigfet.G) node[anchor=north]{$\mathrm{S_{buck}}$};
\draw (4.25,4) to [short] (5,4);
% 2. Parallele Zweig (Diode)
\draw (5,0) to [D*,l=$\mathrm{D_1}$,*-*] (5,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (5,4) to [cute inductor,l=$\mathrm{L}$,-*] (8,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig (IGBT)
\draw (8,0) to [short,*-] (8,1.5);
\draw (8,2) to node[nigbt](nigbt){} (8,2);
\draw (nigbt.B) node[anchor=east]{$\mathrm{S_{boost}}$};
\draw (8,2.75) to [short] (8,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (8,4) to [D*,l=$\mathrm{D_2}$,-*] (11,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig
\draw (11,0) to [C,l=$\mathrm{C_{2}}$,*-*] (11,4);
% Last-Zweig
\draw (11,4) to [short,-o] (14,4);
\draw (11,0) to [short,-o] (14,0);
\draw[->] (14,3.75) -- (14,0.25);
\draw (14.25,2) node[anchor=west] {$U_{\mathrm{out}}$};
\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.5,transform shape]
\draw (-1,0) to [short] (11,0);
\draw (-1,0) to [V<=$U_{\mathrm{in}}$,invert] (-1,4);
\draw (-1,4) to [short,-*] (2,4);
% 1. Parallele Zweig
\draw (2,0) to [C,l=$\mathrm{C_{1}}$,*-*] (2,4);
\draw (2,4) to [short] (3,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (3.5,4) to node[nigfete,rotate=90](nigfet){} (3.5,4);
\draw (nigfet.G) node[anchor=north]{$\mathrm{S_{buck}}$};
\draw (4.25,4) to [short] (5,4);
% 2. Parallele Zweig (Diode)
\draw (5,0) to [D*,l=$\mathrm{D_1}$,*-*] (5,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (5,4) to [cute inductor,l=$\mathrm{L}$] (8,4);
\draw (8,4) to [D*,l=$\mathrm{D_2}$,-*] (11,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig
\draw (11,0) to [C,l=$\mathrm{C_{2}}$,*-*] (11,4);
% Last-Zweig
\draw (11,4) to [short,-o] (14,4);
\draw (11,0) to [short,-o] (14,0);
\draw[->] (14,3.75) -- (14,0.25);
\draw (14.25,2) node[anchor=west] {$U_{\mathrm{out}}$};
\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.5,transform shape]
\draw (-1,0) to [short] (11,0);
\draw (-1,0) to [V<=$U_{\mathrm{in}}$,invert] (-1,4);
\draw (-1,4) to [short,-*] (2,4);
% 1. Parallele Zweig
\draw (2,0) to [C,l=$\mathrm{C_{1}}$,*-*] (2,4);
\draw (2,4) to [short] (5,4);
\draw (5,0) to [D*,l=$\mathrm{D_1}$,*-*] (5,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (5,4) to [cute inductor,l=$\mathrm{L}$,-*] (8,4);
\draw (8,0) to [short,*-] (8,1.5);
\draw (8,2) to node[nigbt](nigbt){} (8,2);
\draw (nigbt.B) node[anchor=east]{$\mathrm{S_{boost}}$};
\draw (8,2.75) to [short] (8,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (8,4) to [D*,l=$\mathrm{D_2}$,-*] (11,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig
\draw (11,0) to [C,l=$\mathrm{C_{2}}$,*-*] (11,4);
% Last-Zweig
\draw (11,4) to [short,-o] (14,4);
\draw (11,0) to [short,-o] (14,0);
\draw[->] (14,3.75) -- (14,0.25);
\draw (14.25,2) node[anchor=west] {$U_{\mathrm{out}}$};
如您所见,我使用了 3 个 Circuitikz 图形来绘制每个拓扑。我的目标是创建这样的 Tikzpicture:
编辑:好的,我已经将我的 CircuitikZ 图片嵌入到树木环境中:
% scrartcl ist eine abgeleitete Artikel-Klasse im Koma-Skript
% zur Kontrolle des Umbruchs Klassenoption draft verwenden
\def\coord(#1){node[circle, red, draw, inner sep=1pt,pin={[red, overlay, inner sep=0.5pt, font=\tiny, pin distance=0.1cm, pin edge={red, overlay,}]45:#1}](#1){}}
%\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % Alternativ unter Windows
% Abstand obere Blattkante zur Kopfzeile ist 2.54cm - 15mm
% Für Zeichnung
% Schriftgröße der Caption
\cs_set_eq:NN \fpeval \fp_eval:n
% Microtype - für gleichbleibende Zeilenumbrüche
treenode/.style={align=center, rectangle, draw=black},
root/.style={treenode, inner sep= 5pt, text width = 12.5cm},
1/.style={treenode, inner sep= 5pt, text width = 10cm},
2/.style={treenode, inner sep= 5pt, text width = 1.5cm},
level1/.style = {sibling distance=11cm, level distance=5.5cm},
level2/.style = {sibling distance=3cm, level distance=2.5cm}
\node[root]{ \begin{figure}[H]
\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.75,transform shape]
\draw (-1,0) to [short] (11,0);
\draw (-1,0) to [V] (-1,4);
\draw (-1,4) to [short,-*] (2,4);
% 1. Parallele Zweig
\draw (2,0) to [C,*-*] (2,4);
\draw (2,4) to [short] (3,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (3.5,4) to node[nigfete,rotate=90](nigfet){} (3.5,4);
%\draw (nigfet.G) node[anchor=north]{$\mathrm{S_{buck}}$};
\draw (4.25,4) to [short] (5,4);
% 2. Parallele Zweig (Diode)
\draw (5,0) to [D*,*-*] (5,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (5,4) to [cute inductor,-*] (8,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig (IGBT)
\draw (8,0) to [short,*-] (8,1.5);
\draw (8,2) to node[nigbt](nigbt){} (8,2);
%\draw (nigbt.B) node[anchor=north]{$\mathrm{S_{boost}}$};
\draw (8,2.75) to [short] (8,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (8,4) to [D*,-*] (11,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig
\draw (11,0) to [C,*-*] (11,4);
% Last-Zweig
\draw (11,4) to [short,-o] (14,4);
\draw (11,0) to [short,-o] (14,0);
\draw[->] (14,3.75) -- (14,0.25);
%\draw (14.25,2) node[anchor=west] {$U_{\mathrm{out}}$};
\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.5,transform shape]
\draw (-1,0) to [short] (11,0);
\draw (-1,0) to [V,invert] (-1,4);
\draw (-1,4) to [short,-*] (2,4);
% 1. Parallele Zweig
\draw (2,0) to [C,*-*] (2,4);
\draw (2,4) to [short] (3,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (3.5,4) to node[nigfete,rotate=90](nigfet){} (3.5,4);
%\draw (nigfet.G) node[anchor=north]{$\mathrm{S_{buck}}$};
\draw (4.25,4) to [short] (5,4);
% 2. Parallele Zweig (Diode)
\draw (5,0) to [D*,*-*] (5,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (5,4) to [cute inductor] (8,4);
\draw (8,4) to [D*,-*] (11,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig
\draw (11,0) to [C,*-*] (11,4);
% Last-Zweig
\draw (11,4) to [short,-o] (14,4);
\draw (11,0) to [short,-o] (14,0);
\draw[->] (14,3.75) -- (14,0.25);
%\draw (14.25,2) node[anchor=west] {$U_{\mathrm{out}}$};
\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.5,transform shape]
\draw (-1,0) to [short] (11,0);
\draw (-1,0) to [V,invert] (-1,4);
\draw (-1,4) to [short,-*] (2,4);
% 1. Parallele Zweig
\draw (2,0) to [C,*-*] (2,4);
\draw (2,4) to [short] (5,4);
\draw (5,0) to [D*,*-*] (5,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (5,4) to [cute inductor,-*] (8,4);
\draw (8,0) to [short,*-] (8,1.5);
\draw (8,2) to node[nigbt](nigbt){} (8,2);
%\draw (nigbt.B) node[anchor=north]{$\mathrm{S_{boost}}$};
\draw (8,2.75) to [short] (8,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (8,4) to [D*,-*] (11,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig
\draw (11,0) to [C,*-*] (11,4);
% Last-Zweig
\draw (11,4) to [short,-o] (14,4);
\draw (11,0) to [short,-o] (14,0);
\draw[->] (14,3.75) -- (14,0.25);
%\draw (14.25,2) node[anchor=west] {$U_{\mathrm{out}}$};
但我不知道如何实现 4 级(Zustandsraum)节点,以及如何将它们合并到 5 级(SSA)。
使用 a 时使用 es tikzpicture
\savebox\circuiti{\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.75,transform shape]
\draw (-1,0) to [short] (11,0);
\draw (-1,0) to [V] (-1,4);
\draw (-1,4) to [short,-*] (2,4);
% 1. Parallele Zweig
\draw (2,0) to [C,*-*] (2,4);
\draw (2,4) to [short] (3,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (3.5,4) to node[nigfete,rotate=90](nigfet){} (3.5,4);
%\draw (nigfet.G) node[anchor=north]{$\mathrm{S_{buck}}$};
\draw (4.25,4) to [short] (5,4);
% 2. Parallele Zweig (Diode)
\draw (5,0) to [D*,*-*] (5,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (5,4) to [cute inductor,-*] (8,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig (IGBT)
\draw (8,0) to [short,*-] (8,1.5);
\draw (8,2) to node[nigbt](nigbt){} (8,2);
%\draw (nigbt.B) node[anchor=north]{$\mathrm{S_{boost}}$};
\draw (8,2.75) to [short] (8,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (8,4) to [D*,-*] (11,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig
\draw (11,0) to [C,*-*] (11,4);
% Last-Zweig
\draw (11,4) to [short,-o] (14,4);
\draw (11,0) to [short,-o] (14,0);
\draw[->] (14,3.75) -- (14,0.25);
%\draw (14.25,2) node[anchor=west] {$U_{\mathrm{out}}$};
\savebox\circuitii{\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.5,transform shape]
\draw (-1,0) to [short] (11,0);
\draw (-1,0) to [V,invert] (-1,4);
\draw (-1,4) to [short,-*] (2,4);
% 1. Parallele Zweig
\draw (2,0) to [C,*-*] (2,4);
\draw (2,4) to [short] (3,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (3.5,4) to node[nigfete,rotate=90](nigfet){} (3.5,4);
%\draw (nigfet.G) node[anchor=north]{$\mathrm{S_{buck}}$};
\draw (4.25,4) to [short] (5,4);
% 2. Parallele Zweig (Diode)
\draw (5,0) to [D*,*-*] (5,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (5,4) to [cute inductor] (8,4);
\draw (8,4) to [D*,-*] (11,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig
\draw (11,0) to [C,*-*] (11,4);
% Last-Zweig
\draw (11,4) to [short,-o] (14,4);
\draw (11,0) to [short,-o] (14,0);
\draw[->] (14,3.75) -- (14,0.25);
%\draw (14.25,2) node[anchor=west] {$U_{\mathrm{out}}$};
\savebox\circuitiii{\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.5,transform shape]
\draw (-1,0) to [short] (11,0);
\draw (-1,0) to [V,invert] (-1,4);
\draw (-1,4) to [short,-*] (2,4);
% 1. Parallele Zweig
\draw (2,0) to [C,*-*] (2,4);
\draw (2,4) to [short] (5,4);
\draw (5,0) to [D*,*-*] (5,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (5,4) to [cute inductor,-*] (8,4);
\draw (8,0) to [short,*-] (8,1.5);
\draw (8,2) to node[nigbt](nigbt){} (8,2);
%\draw (nigbt.B) node[anchor=north]{$\mathrm{S_{boost}}$};
\draw (8,2.75) to [short] (8,4);
% Horizontaler Zweig
\draw (8,4) to [D*,-*] (11,4);
% 3. Parallele Zweig
\draw (11,0) to [C,*-*] (11,4);
% Last-Zweig
\draw (11,4) to [short,-o] (14,4);
\draw (11,0) to [short,-o] (14,0);
\draw[->] (14,3.75) -- (14,0.25);
%\draw (14.25,2) node[anchor=west] {$U_{\mathrm{out}}$};
forked edges,
for tree={anchor=center,
l sep=2em,
fork sep=1em,
text depth=0.25ex,
execute at begin node=\strut
[$\vec X_\mathrm{pft}$,alias=pft1]
[$\vec X_\mathrm{pft}$,alias=pft2]
[$\vec X_\mathrm{pft}$,alias=pft3]
[$\vec X_\mathrm{pft}$,alias=pft4]
\path (pft1.south) -- (pft2.south) node[midway,below=2em](bulk)
{$\langle\vec X_\mathrm{bulk}\rangle$};
\path (pft3.south) -- (pft4.south) node[midway,below=2em](boost)
{$\langle\vec X_\mathrm{boost}\rangle$};
\draw[medge] (pft1.south) -- ++ (0,-1em) -| (bulk);
\draw[medge] (pft2.south) -- ++ (0,-1em) -| (bulk);
\draw[medge] (pft3.south) -- ++ (0,-1em) -| (boost);
\draw[medge] (pft4.south) -- ++ (0,-1em) -| (boost);
\node[below left=2em and 1em of bulk.south] (stat) {station\"are W.};
\node[below right=2em and 1em of bulk.south] (Lin1) {Linearisiering};
\node[below left=2em and 1em of boost.south] (nix) {station\"are W.};
\node[below right=2em and 1em of boost.south] (Lin2) {Linearisiering};
\draw[medge] (bulk) -- (stat);
\draw[medge] (bulk) -- (Lin1);
\draw[medge] (boost) -- (nix);
\draw[medge] (boost) -- (Lin2);
\path (current bounding box.west) coordinate[left=1em] (L);
\path (L|-i) node[left]{Kaskadiert};
\path (L|-ii) node[left]{Topologie};
\path (L|-on) node[left]{Schaltzust\"ande};
\path (L|-pft1) node[left]{Zustandsraum};
\path (L|-bulk) node[left]{SSA};
\caption{Some caption.}
通常是不受欢迎的(在这里搜索“嵌套 tikzpicture”...),因为结果无法保证。
\usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikz}
\newcommand{\mycirc}[3][]{% define the circuit relative to the (external)
% coordinate; use as \mycirc[options]{coord}{name}
% it will define the coordinate nw-name, sw-name etc. for further references
\draw #2 coordinate (start)
to[V] ++(0,2) to[short, *-*]
++(2,0) coordinate(R) to [D] (R|-start)
to [short, *-*] (start);
\path (start) ++(-1,-1) coordinate(sw-#3)
(R) ++(1,1) coordinate (ne-#3)
(sw-#3 |- ne-#3) coordinate (nw-#3)
(sw-#3 -| ne-#3) coordinate (se-#3);
\draw [thin] (sw-#3) rectangle (ne-#3);
\mycirc[scale=0.7, transform shape]{(-5,-7)}{left}
\mycirc[scale=0.7, transform shape]{(6,-7)}{right}
\draw[red] ([yshift=-0.2cm]$(sw-top)!0.5!(se-top)$) -- ++(0,-0.5) coordinate(a);
\draw [red,->] (a) -| ([yshift=0.2cm]$(nw-left)!0.5!(ne-left)$);