如何在 LaTeX 中绘制带有箭头的方框图片?

如何在 LaTeX 中绘制带有箭头的方框图片?





\documentclass[10pt, a4paper] {article}
\usepackage [Symbol]{upgreek}

    \draw[ultra thick] [ | ->] (0,4.4) --(3,4.4)
    \draw[fill=white] (4,4) rectangle (5,5);
    \begin{scope}[xshift=-1cm] \draw [fill=white] (4,4) rectangle (5,5);


你知道你不需要要使用 TikZ,这里有一个替代方案元帖子。您需要使用lualatexTeX 版本来编译此示例。


def drawtailarrow expr p = _apth := p; _fintarr enddef;
def _fintarr text t =
  draw (up--down) scaled 3 shifted point 0 of _apth t;
  draw _apth t;
  filldraw arrowhead _apth t
    numeric ht, wd; ht = 21; wd = 34;

    path box[];
    box1 = unitsquare xscaled wd yscaled ht;
    box3 = box1 shifted (3 wd, 0);
    box5 = box1 shifted (6 wd, 0);

    box2 = unitsquare scaled ht shifted point 1 of box1;
    box4 = unitsquare scaled ht shifted point 1 of box3;
    box6 = unitsquare scaled ht shifted point 1 of box5;

    z0 = center box1 shifted (-3/2 wd, 0);
    label("$C$", z0);
    label("$4$", center box1);
    label("$6$", center box3);
    label("$6$", center box5);
    label("Nil", center box6);

    forsuffixes $=1,2,3,4,5,6: draw box$ withcolor 3/4 blue; endfor

    interim linecap := 0;  % these parameters improve the look of 
    interim linejoin := 0; % the arrows drawn with a fat pen
    interim ahangle := 30;

    drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1.2 withcolor 2/3 red);
    drawtailarrow z0 shifted 10 right -- point 7/2 of box1;
    drawtailarrow center box2 -- point 7/2 of box3;
    drawtailarrow center box4 -- point 7/2 of box5;




\begin{tikzpicture}[mp/.style args={#1/#2}{rectangle split,rectangle split horizontal,
rectangle split parts=2,text width=2em,align=center,minimum height=2.2em,
on chain,draw,node contents={#1\nodepart[text width=3em]{two}#2}}]
 \begin{scope}[start chain=going right,node distance=4em]
  \node[on chain](C) {C};
  \node (A1)[mp=4/~];
  \node (A2)[mp=4/~];
  \node (A3)[mp=6/Nil];
 \draw[very thick,|-latex] (C) -- (A1); 
 \foreach \X in {1,2}
 {\draw[very thick,|-latex] (A\X.two north|-A\X) -- (A\the\numexpr\X+1);}


将来,请始终发布您尝试过的代码,切勿使用屏幕截图(否则您真的希望其他人从中输入文本),也不要使用代码链接(因为这些链接可能会失效,并且通常不要在互联网上跟踪随机链接)。此外,您的屏幕截图描绘了一个代码片段。但是,希望发布以 开头、\documentclass以 结尾\end{document}、尽可能简洁并且可以编译的完整文档。


% we load two libraries. shapes.multipart allows us to draw partitioned boxes
% and chains makes it possible to place nodes along chains 
\begin{tikzpicture}[mp/.style args={#1/#2}{ %<- defines a style that takes 2 args
    rectangle split,%<- we want a partitioned rectangle
    rectangle split horizontal,%<- the partitions should be horizontal
    rectangle split parts=2,%<- two partitions, please
    text width=2em,%<- overall text width (we will change the second one
    align=center,%<- texts should be centered
    minimum height=2.2em,%<- selfexplantory
    on chain,%<- puts them on the chain
    draw,%<- draw node boundaries
    node contents={#1\nodepart[text width=3em]{two}#2}}
    ]% ^ here we specify how the arguments are to be used
    % whatever is before the / will go in the first part, 
    % what comes after in the second
 \begin{scope}[start chain=going right,% start a chain growing to the right
    node distance=4em]% distance between nodes 
  \node[on chain](C) {C};
  \node (A1)[mp=4/~]; %<- use the mp style to create a node of name A1
        % with first part 4 and second part just a space (standard trick)
  \node (A2)[mp=4/~];
  \node (A3)[mp=6/Nil];
 \draw[very thick,|-latex] (C) -- (A1); 
 \foreach \X in {1,2}
 {\draw[very thick,|-latex] (A\X.two north|-A\X) -- (A\the\numexpr\X+1);
  % ^ draws the arrow from the center of the right partition of node \X
  % to node \X+1 (we need to evaluate \X+1, hence \the\numexpr)

附录:对 lucky1928 的扩展评论/回复,他建议使用join。这是一个好主意,但必须对第一个节点进行一些额外的处理。

\begin{tikzpicture}[mp/.style args={#1/#2}{rectangle split,rectangle split horizontal,
rectangle split parts=2,text width=2em,align=center,minimum height=2.2em,
on chain,draw,join,node contents={#1\nodepart[text width=3em]{two}#2}}]
 \begin{scope}[start chain=going right,node distance=4em,
 every join/.style={very thick,|-latex,to path={(\tikztostart.two north|-\tikztostart) -- (\tikztotarget)}}]
  \node[on chain,rectangle split,rectangle split horizontal,
    rectangle split parts=2,inner xsep=0.5pt](C) {C};
  \node (A1)[mp=4/~];
  \node (A2)[mp=4/~];
  \node (A3)[mp=6/Nil];




\usepackage{array, bigstrut}
\bigstrut #1 \tabularnewline

\usepackage{pst-node, pst-arrow, auto-pst-pdf}


  [name =C]C &\mybox{4 & \pnode[0, 0.7ex]{A}} & \mybox{ 6 & \pnode[0, 0.7ex]{B}} & \mybox{ 6 & Nil}
\psset{linewidth=1.33pt, arrows=|-v, veearrowangle=60, veearrowlength=2mm, veearrowlinewidth=1.33pt, linejoin=1, nodesepB=-2.67pt}


