更改参考书目条目和 Babel 问题的格式

更改参考书目条目和 Babel 问题的格式


  author    = {Ian Goodfellow and Jean Pouget-Abadie and Mehdi Mirza and Bing Xu and David Warde-Farley and Sherjil Ozair and Aaron Courville Yoshua Bengio},
  title     = {Generative adversarial networks},
  booktitle = {{NIPS}},
  editor    = {Z. Ghahramani and M. Welling and C. Cortes and N. D. Lawrence and K. Q. Weinberger},
  pages     = {2672--2680},
  year      = {2014},
  publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
  location  = {New York},


Ian Goodfellow、Jean Pouget-Abadie、Mehdi Mirza、Bing Xu、David Warde-Farley、Sherjil Ozair 和 Aaron Courville Yoshua Bengio。生成对抗网络。主题:神经信息处理系统. Toim. Z. Ghahramani、M. Welling、C. Cortes、ND Lawrence 和 KQ Weinberger。纽约:Curran Associates, Inc.,2014 年,第 2672–2680 页。


Ian Goodfellow、Jean Pouget-Abadie、Mehdi Mirza、Bing Xu、David Warde-Farley、Sherjil Ozair 和 Aaron Courville 与 Yoshua Bengio 2014。生成对抗网络。-神经信息处理系统. 编著 Z. Ghahramani、M. Welling、C. Cortes、ND Lawrence 和 KQ Weinberger。纽约:Curran Associates, Inc.,第 2672–2680 页





编辑,添加 MWEB


\usepackage[estonian .notilde]{babel}

\usepackage[backend=biber, citestyle=authoryear, maxbibnames=99]{biblatex}
\DeclareFieldFormat{labelnumberwidth}{} % Doesn't print anything in the label
\setlength{\biblabelsep}{0pt} % Eliminates the spacing before the entries
\DeclareFieldFormat*{title}{#1} % No quotation marks

% This redefinition doesn't change anything due to babel

  author    = {Ian Goodfellow and Jean Pouget-Abadie and Mehdi Mirza and Bing Xu and David Warde-Farley and Sherjil Ozair and Aaron Courville Yoshua Bengio},
  title     = {Generative adversarial networks},
  booktitle = {{NIPS}},
  editor    = {Z. Ghahramani and M. Welling and C. Cortes and N. D. Lawrence and K. Q. Weinberger},
  pages     = {2672--2680},
  year      = {2014},
  publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
  location  = {New York},




estonain.lbx重新定义了 bibmacro in:\DeclareBibliographyExtras以一种违背分离风格和本地化思想的方式,但有时这被认为是必要的;在英语中也能看到类似的效果如何去掉三位或更多作者列表中的“牛津逗号”?, 法语:在 biblatex 中保留小写,意大利语:Biblatex 中的自定义破折号,一个更极端的例子是magyar.lbx)。如果您想覆盖该定义,则需要在内进行\DefineBibliographyExtras{estonian}

我还根据您的示例条目更改了一些 bibstring(我不懂爱沙尼亚语,我只采用了英文字符串)。



\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear, maxbibnames=99]{biblatex}



  editor           = {ed\adddot},
  editors          = {ed\adddot},
  byeditor         = {ed\adddot},
  page             = {p\adddot},
  pages            = {pp\adddot},

  author    = {Ian Goodfellow and Jean Pouget-Abadie and Mehdi Mirza
               and Bing Xu and David Warde-Farley and Sherjil Ozair
               and Aaron Courville Yoshua Bengio},
  title     = {Generative adversarial networks},
  booktitle = {{NIPS}},
  editor    = {Z. Ghahramani and M. Welling and C. Cortes
               and N. D. Lawrence and K. Q. Weinberger},
  pages     = {2672--2680},
  year      = {2014},
  publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
  location  = {New York},



Goodfellow, Ian、Jean Pouget-Abadie、Mehdi Mirza、Bing Xu、David Warde-Farley、Sherjil Ozair 和 Aaron Courville Yoshua Bengio (2014)。生成对抗网络。– NIPS。编者 Z. Ghahramani、M. Welling、C. Cortes、ND Lawrence 和 KQ Weinberger。纽约:Curran Associates, Inc.,第 2672-2680 页。
