我希望我的 LaTeX 制作的表格看起来垂直拉伸更多,这样它就不会显得垂直紧凑。我希望它看起来更像 google docs 的版本(见图)。我该怎么做呢?
>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\hsize=0.138\hsize}X }
& & Unrestricted Funds 2019 & Restricted Funds 2019 & Total Funds 2019 & Total Funds 2018\\
& \small{Note} & £ & £ & £ & £\\
\textsc{Income} &&&&&\\
\hspace{3mm} Voluntary Income & \footnotesize{2} & 43,933 & - & 43,933 & 36,196\\
\hspace{3mm} Investment Income & \footnotesize{2} & - & - & - & 31\\
\hspace{3mm} Charitable Activities & \footnotesize{2} & 597 & - & 597 & 530\\ \cmidrule{3-6}
\textsc{Total Income} && 44,530 & - & 44,530 & 36,757\\[10mm]
\textsc{Expenditure} &&&&&\\
\hspace{3mm} Charitable Activities & \footnotesize{3,4,5,6} & 39,359 & - & 39,359 & 28,343\\
\hspace{3mm} Governance Costs & \footnotesize{4} & 412 & - & 412 & 110\\ \cmidrule{3-6}
\textsc{Total Expenditure} && 39,771 & - & 39,771 & 28,453\\[10mm]
\textsc{Net Income (Expenditure)} && 4,759 & - &4,759 & 8,304\\
\textsc{Net Movement in Funds} && 4,759 & - &4,759 & 8,304\\[10mm]
\textsc{Reconciliation of Funds} &&&&&\\
Total Funds Brought Forward && 35,356 & - &35,356 & 27,052\\
Total Funds Carried Forward && 40,115 & - &40,115 & 35,356\\ \cmidrule{3-6}
您为 定义了值\cellspacetop/bottomlimits
- 后者会为您完成。此外,您对系数的计算\hsize=...
\usepackage{tabularx,booktabs, cellspace}
@{} S{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash\hsize=2\hsize}X}
& &\multicolumn{2}{c}{ Funds 2019 } & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Total} \\[-0.5ex]
\cmidrule(lr){3-4} \cmidrule(lr){5-6}
& & Unrestricted& Restricted & Funds 2019 & Funds 2018\\
& \small{Note} & £ & £ & £ & £\\
\textsc{Income} &&&&&\\
\hspace{3mm} Voluntary Income & \footnotesize{2} & 43,933 & - & 43,933 & 36,196\\
\hspace{3mm} Investment Income & \footnotesize{2} & - & - & - & 31\\
\hspace{3mm} Charitable Activities & \footnotesize{2} & 597 & - & 597 & 530\\ \cmidrule(l){3-6}
\textsc{Total Income} && 44,530 & - & 44,530 & 36,757\\[10mm]
\textsc{Expenditure} &&&&&\\
\hspace{3mm} Charitable Activities & \footnotesize{3,4,5,6} & 39,359 & - & 39,359 & 28,343\\
\hspace{3mm} Governance Costs & \footnotesize{4} & 412 & - & 412 & 110\\ \cmidrule(l){3-6}
\textsc{Total Expenditure} && 39,771 & - & 39,771 & 28,453\\[10mm]
\textsc{Net Income (Expenditure)} && 4,759 & - &4,759 & 8,304\\
\textsc{Net Movement in Funds} && 4,759 & - &4,759 & 8,304\\[10mm]
\textsc{Reconciliation of Funds} &&&&&\\
Total Funds Brought Forward && 35,356 & - &35,356 & 27,052\\
Total Funds Carried Forward && 40,115 & - &40,115 & 35,356\\ \cmidrule(l){3-6}
>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\hsize=0.138\hsize}X }
& & Unrestricted Funds 2019 & Restricted Funds 2019 & Total Funds 2019 & Total Funds 2018\\
& \small{Note} & £ & £ & £ & £\\
\textsc{Income} &&&&&\\
\hspace{3mm} Voluntary Income & \footnotesize{2} & 43,933 & - & 43,933 & 36,196\\
\hspace{3mm} Investment Income & \footnotesize{2} & - & - & - & 31\\
\hspace{3mm} Charitable Activities & \footnotesize{2} & 597 & - & 597 & 530\\ \cmidrule{3-6}
\textsc{Total Income} && 44,530 & - & 44,530 & 36,757\\[10mm]
\textsc{Expenditure} &&&&&\\
\hspace{3mm} Charitable Activities & \footnotesize{3,4,5,6} & 39,359 & - & 39,359 & 28,343\\
\hspace{3mm} Governance Costs & \footnotesize{4} & 412 & - & 412 & 110\\ \cmidrule{3-6}
\textsc{Total Expenditure} && 39,771 & - & 39,771 & 28,453\\[10mm]
\textsc{Net Income (Expenditure)} && 4,759 & - &4,759 & 8,304\\
\textsc{Net Movement in Funds} && 4,759 & - &4,759 & 8,304\\[10mm]
\textsc{Reconciliation of Funds} &&&&&\\
Total Funds Brought Forward && 35,356 & - &35,356 & 27,052\\
Total Funds Carried Forward && 40,115 & - &40,115 & 35,356\\ \cmidrule{3-6}