

我正在尝试排版一本旧圣经(1582 年兰斯新约如下所示)。文本为段落形式,诗句在内页边距,注释和参考资料在外页边距。我试过 \marginpar 和 \marginnotes。但是,在同一段落的不同侧放置边距注释并不断切换似乎不起作用。


\marginpar[1]When\marginpar{The holy feaſt of the \textit{Epiphanie} called \textit{Twelfth-day} the 6 of Januarie. upon which day this is the Goſpel.} {\scshape Jesus} therfore was *\marginnote{Luc. 2:7.} borne in Bethlehem in Juda in the dayes of Herod the King, behold, there came Sages from the Eaſt to Hieruſalem, \dagger{}\marginpar[2] ſaying, where is he that is borne King of the Jewes?

问题在于,诗句编号(1 和 2)不是出现在内页边距上,而是与其他文本一起出现在外页边距上。除第一节外,每个诗句编号都对应一把匕首,需要在内页边距上与其对齐。



The \bv{1} booke of the * \marginpar{This Goſpel is moſt ſolemly ſung in holy Church at Matins upon Chriſtmas day.} generation of  {\scshape Jesus}  Christ, the ſonne of David, the ſonne of Abraham.\par †\bv{2}* \marginpar{As alſo it is the Goſpel of the \textbf{\emph{Conception}} and \textbf{\emph{Nativitie}} of our Blessed Lady: becauſe here is declared the pedegree of her alſo.} Abraham begat Iſaac,

1 被放置在它应该在的位置,如下图所示,但是“这本福音书是......”消失了,而不是位于外边距中先前的边注下方。




\usepackage[noresetlinenumannotation, series={A}, noend,noeledsec,nofamiliar,noledgroup]{reledmac}

\textbf{\large Chapter I}\par
\textit{\scriptsize The pedegree of Jesus, to shew that he is Christ, promised to
*\marginpar{\scriptsize \flushleft The {\scshape first} part of this Goſpel, of the Infancie of our Saviour Christ.}
Abraham and * David. 18. That he was conceived and borne of a Virgin, as Esay prophesied of him.}\par
The \bv{1} booke of the 
*\marginpar{\scriptsize \flushleft This Goſpel is moſt ſolemly ſung in holy Church at Matins upon Chriſtmas day.}
generation of  {\scshape Jesus}  Christ, the ſonne of David, the ſonne of Abraham.\par
†\bv{2}* \marginpar{\scriptsize \flushleft As alſo it is the Goſpel of the \textbf{\emph{Conception}} and \textbf{\emph{Nativitie}} of our Blessed Lady: becauſe here is declared the pedegree of her alſo.} Abraham begat Iſaac, And Iſaac begat Jacob. And Jacob begat Judas and his brethren/par

1582 年兰斯新约中文本、边注和诗句的处理方式。

我正在尝试创建的 PDF 输出


normal\marginnote不适用于 reledmac(手册中对此进行了解释)。


\usepackage[noresetlinenumannotation, series={A}, noend,noeledsec,nofamiliar,noledgroup]{reledmac}
\textbf{\large Chapter I}\par
\textit{\scriptsize The pedegree of Jesus, to shew that he is Christ, promised to *\marginpar{\scriptsize \flushleft The {\scshape first} part of this Goſpel, of the Infancie of our Saviour Christ.}  Abraham and * David. 18. That he was conceived and borne of a Virgin, as Esay prophesied of him.}\par
The \bv{1} booke of the * \ledsidenote{\scriptsize \flushleft This Goſpel is moſt ſolemly ſung in holy Church at Matins upon Chriſtmas day.} generation of  {\scshape Jesus}  Christ, the ſonne of David, the ſonne of Abraham.\par
†\bv{2}* \ledsidenote{\scriptsize \flushleft As alſo it is the Goſpel of the \textbf{\emph{Conception}} and \textbf{\emph{Nativitie}} of our Blessed Lady: becauſe here is declared the pedegree of her alſo.} Abraham begat Iſaac, And Iſaac begat Jacob. And Jacob begat Judas and his brethren/par

