Merge 后我无法在表格环境中写入长文本。我的代码是:
A R T I C L E I N F O & A B S T R A C T\\ \cline{1-1}
Article history: & \multirow{1}{0.5\textwidth}{\justifying This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text.. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text} \\
Received 1 May 2018 & \\
Revised 26 July 2018 & \\
Accepted 25 August 2018 & \\
Available online 20 September 2018 & \\
& \\ \cline{1-1}
Keywords: & \\
Bi-level linear programming & \\
Fuzzy programming & \\
Compromise solution & \\
& \\ \hline
正如评论中提到的,这里有一个使用 minpages 的解决方案:
A R T I C L E I N F O \\
Article history: \\
Received 1 May 2018 \\
Revised 26 July 2018 \\
Accepted 25 August 2018 \\
Available online 20 September 2018 \\
Keywords: \\
Bi-level linear programming \\
Fuzzy programming \\
Compromise solution \\
This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text.. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text
下面是一个 MWE,我使用嵌套制表符来实现效果。文本与页边距齐平,并使用书形制表符来获得更好的间距。此外,我建议使用微字体来设置字母间距。如果您更喜欢缩进的文本,只需将行
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\usepackage{array, booktabs}
% Multi-line left-aligned text with manual line breaks.
% The base line of the whole is at the top row.
\lsstyle ARTICLE INFO & \lsstyle ABSTACT\\ \cmidrule{1-1}
\tstack{\emph{Article history}:\\
Received 1 May 2018 \\
Revised 26 July 2018 \\
Accepted 25 August 2018 \\
Available online 20 September 2018 \\
\\ \cmidrule{1-1}
\emph{Keywords}: \\
Bi-level linear programming \\
Fuzzy programming \\
Compromise solution \\
} &
This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text.. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. This is a sample text
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