但是,在标题中,我想放“XI”,但它看起来与 X 和 I 非常不同。
我希望它显示 XI 报纸。使用此命令
\SetPaperName{\Large XI Newspaper}
\SetPaperName{\Large XI News:\/paper}
我可以让报纸中的 s 看起来更好:
如何使 XI(前两个字母)看起来更易读?
在文档类使用的 Gothic 字体中查找 X 和 I。
您可能想要使用不同的黑体字体,但 Type1 格式中实际上没有可用的字体。
如果您愿意切换到 XeLaTeX 或 LuaLaTeX 并拥有最新的 TeX 发行版,则可以使用英文黑体字体。
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Termes}
%% [LianTze] The newspaper package also provides
%% these commands to set various metadata:
%% The banner headline on the first page
%% (The colon after s: is to get a more
%% modern majuscule s in this font instead of
%% the medieval tall s. For anyone interested
%% in the history:
%% http://medievalwriting.50megs.com/scripts/letters/historys.htm)
%\SetPaperName{Committee Times:}
\SetPaperName{\Large XI Newspaper}
%% The name used in the running header after
%% the first page
\SetHeaderName{Committee Times}
%% and also...
\SetPaperLocation{Washington DC}
\SetPaperSlogan{``All the News I Feel Like Printing.''}
\SetPaperPrice{Zero Dollars}
% [LianTze] times (the package not the font) is rather outdated now; use newtx (see later)
% \usepackage{times}
%uasage of picinpar:
%% [LianTze] Contains some modifications
%%... so now you can redefine the headline and byline style if you want to.
%% These can be issued just before any
%% byline or headline in the paper, to
%% individually style each article
% \renewcommand{\headlinestyle}{\itshape\Large\lsstyle}
% \renewcommand{\bylinestyle}{\bfseries\Large\raggedright}
%%%%%%%%% Front matter %%%%%%%%%%
\byline{Geek Designs New \LaTeX{} Package}{Matthew Allen}
The package is basically a redefinition of the \verb+\maketitle+ command. The model was the New York Times---hopefully I haven't violated any copyright laws. I also had to redefine the plain pagestyle. It kept me busy for a few nights after work. The rest is packages other people have written.
\begin{window}[2,r,\includegraphics[width=1.0in]{example-image-1x1},\centerline{The Atom}] The \verb+multicol+ package allows using multiple columns without starting a new page. Using floats is not possible in a columns environment, however with the \verb+picinpar+ package, I can set a picture inside a block of text---just like you one you see here. Isn't \LaTeX{} cool?
And now we're just filling more space, and yet more space.
\headline{Another Headline}
This is just an example to fill up some space, but as long as I have your attention, I'll give some newspaper advice.
I suppose we could also show how an equation is type set:
and there you have it.