


This is some text before the list
\item This is an item on the first level and has a run-in label
\item This is an item on the first level and has a run-in label
  \item This is an item on the second level and looks more familiar
  \item This is an item on the second level and looks more familiar


This is some text
before the list

(1)   This is an
item on the first
level and has a 
run-in label

(2)   This is an
item on the first
level and has a 
run-in label

a)  This is an item
    on the second 
    level and looks
    more familiar

b)  This is an item
    on the second 
    level and looks
    more familiar



\noindent This is some text before the list
\begin{enumerate}[itemindent=17pt, leftmargin=0pt, label=(\arabic*)]
\item This is an item on the first level and has a run-in label
\item This is an item on the first level and has a run-in label
  \begin{enumerate}[itemindent=0pt, labelsep=10pt, leftmargin=20pt,label=\alph*)]
  \item This is an item on the second level and looks more familiar
  \item This is an item on the second level and looks more familiar




\usepackage{showframe} % <---- remove in actual document.

\setlist[enumerate, 1]{label={(\arabic*)}, wide=0pt, widest=99, labelsep=15pt}
\setlist[enumerate, 2]{label={\alph*)}, align=left,labelsep=*}

This is some text before the list. This is some text before the list. This is some text before the list. This is some text before the list. 
\item This is an item on the first level and has a run-in label This is an item on the first level and has a run-in label This is an item on the first level and has a run-in label This is an item on the first level and has a run-in label
\item This is an item on the first level and has a run-in label
  \item This is an item on the second level and looks more familiar This is an item on the second level and looks more familiar This is an item on the second level and looks more familiar 
  \item This is an item on the second level and looks more familiar


您可以通过 enumitem 包提供的许多选项进行这些自定义缩进,这是根据您的问题的 MWE:

% pdflatex


This is some text before the list
\begin{enumerate}[leftmargin = 0.25\textwidth, rightmargin = 0.25\textwidth]
\item This is an item on the first level and has a run-in label
\item This is an item on the first level and has a run-in label
\item This is an item on the second level and looks more familiar
\item This is an item on the second level and looks more familiar

