\documentclass[tikz, border=5pt]{standalone}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
% nodes
\node (A) at (3.5, 5) {ABC};
\node (B) at (3.5, 4) {some slightly longer text in here};
\node (C) at (1, 3) {some other thext here};
\node (D) at (6, 3) {name of node displayed here};
\node (E) at (9.5, 2) {name of another node about here};
\node (F) at (4, 2.5) {next node's titletext};
\node (G) at (4, 1) {final node displayed here};
% arrows
\draw[->, to path={-| (\tikztotarget)}]
(A) edge (B) (B) edge (C) (C) edge (F)
(C) edge (G)
(B) edge (D) (D) edge (E) (E) edge (G);
不幸的是,箭头的位置不正确。我想大致保留节点的配置,让一些箭头从节点底部开始(例如节点 (A) 的底部中间)或直接到达底部(例如(从 (C) 到 (G))而不是先水平然后垂直。下图以黑色显示了上述代码的输出;红色显示了我大致想要得到的线条(当然是箭头),尽管如果它使代码更简单、更健壮,我并不十分确定这些确切的线条。
\documentclass[tikz, border=5pt]{standalone}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
% nodes
\node (A) at (3.5, 5) {ABC};
\node (B) at (3.5, 4) {some slightly longer text in here};
\node (C) at (1, 3) {some other thext here};
\node (D) at (6, 3) {name of node displayed here};
\node (E) at (9.5, 2) {name of another node about here};
\node (F) at (4, 2.5) {next node's titletext};
\node (G) at (4, 1) {final node displayed here};
% arrows
% \draw[->, to path={-| (\tikztotarget)}]
% (A) edge (B) (B) edge (C) (C) edge (F)
% (C) edge (G)
% (B) edge (D) (D) edge (E) (E) edge (G);
\draw [thick,dash dot, red] (A) -- (B);
\draw [thick,dash dot, red] (B) -- (C);
\draw [thick,dash dot, red] (C) -- (F);
\draw [thick,dash dot, red] (C) -- (G);
\draw [thick,dash dot, red] (B) -- (D);
\draw [thick,dash dot, red] (D) -- (E);
\draw [thick,dash dot, red] (E) -- (G);
对于距离节点 (C) 太近的节点 (D),\xshift
添加 4.5
\documentclass[tikz, border=5pt]{standalone}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
% nodes
\node (A) at (3.5, 5) {ABC};
\node (B) at (3.5, 4) {some slightly longer text in here};
\node (C) at (1, 3) {some other thext here};
\node (D) at (6, 3) {name of node displayed here};
\node (E) at (9.5, 2) {name of another node about here};
\node (F) at (4.5, 2) {next node's titletext};
\node (G) at (4, 1) {final node displayed here};
% arrows
% \draw[->, to path={-| (\tikztotarget)}]
% (A) edge (B) (B) edge (C) (C) edge (F)
% (C) edge (G)
% (B) edge (D) (D) edge (E) (E) edge (G);
\draw [->,thick,dash dot, red] (A) -- (B);
\draw [->,thick,dash dot, red] (B) -- (C);
\draw [->,thick,dash dot, red] (C) -- (F);
\draw [->,thick,dash dot, red] (C) -- (G);
\draw [->,thick,dash dot, red] (B) -- (D);
\draw [->,thick,dash dot, red] (D) -- (E);
\draw [->,thick,dash dot, red] (E) -- (G);
用于Manhattan style
混合regular style
节点 H 定义为新的箭头原点
节点 D 向右移动,为从节点 H 向下的箭头腾出空间
\documentclass[tikz, border=5pt]{standalone}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
% nodes
\node (A) at (3.5, 5) {ABC};
\node (B) at (3.5, 4) {some slightly longer text in here};
\node (C) at (1, 3) {some other thext here};
\node (D) at (7, 3) {name of node displayed here};
\node (E) at (9.5, 2) {name of another node about here};
\node (F) at (4.5, 2) {next node's titletext};
\node (G) at (4, 1) {final node displayed here};
\node (H) at (3.6,4) {};
% \node (J) at (3.6,4) {};
% arrows
% \draw[->, to path={-| (\tikztotarget)}]
% (A) edge (B) (B) edge (C) (C) edge (F)
% (C) edge (G)
% (B) edge (D) (D) edge (E) (E) edge (G);
\draw [thick,dash dot, red] (A) -- (B);
\draw (B) |- (C);
\draw [ red] (C) |- (F);
\draw [->,thick,dash dot, red] (C) |- (G);
\draw [->,thick, red] (H) |- (D);
\draw [->,thick,dash dot, red] (D) -- (E);
\draw [->,thick,dash dot, red] (E) -- (G);
\documentclass[tikz, border=5pt]{standalone}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm]
% nodes
\node (A) at (3.5, 5) {ABC};
\node (B)[below of=A]{some slightly longer text in here};
\node (C)[below left= and -1cm of B]{some other thext here};
\node (D)[below right= and -2cm of B]{name of node displayed here};
\node (E)[below right= and -2cm of D] {name of another node about here};
\node (F)[below =2cm of B]{next node's titletext};
\node (G)[below=of F]{final node displayed here};
% arrows
\draw[->, to path={-| (\tikztotarget)}](B) edge (C)
(B) edge (D)
(D) edge (E);
\draw[->, to path={|- (\tikztotarget)}](C) edge (F)
(C) edge (G)
(E) edge (G) ;
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm]
% nodes
\node (A) at (3.5, 5) {ABC};
\node (B)[below of=A]{some slightly longer text in here};
\node (C)[below left= and -1cm of B]{some other thext here};
\node (C1)[right = -1.5cm of C]{\phantom{l}};
\node (D)[below right= and -2cm of B]{name of node displayed here};
\node (E)[below right= and -2cm of D] {name of another node about here};
\node (F)[below =2cm of B]{next node's titletext};
\node (G)[below=of F]{final node displayed here};
% arrows
\draw[->, to path={-| (\tikztotarget)}](B) edge (C)
(B) edge (D)
(D) edge (E);
\draw[->, to path={|- (\tikztotarget)}](C1) edge (F)
(C) edge (G)
(E) edge (G) ;
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm]
% nodes
\node (A) at (3.5, 5) {ABC};
\node (B)[below of=A]{some slightly longer text in here};
\node (Cb)[below= of B.south west]{\phantom{l}};
\node (C)[below left= and -1cm of B]{some other thext here};
\node (C1)[right = -1.5cm of C]{\phantom{l}};
\node (Cd)[below= of B.south east]{\phantom{l}};
\node (D)[below right= and -2cm of B]{name of node displayed here};
\node (De)[below= of D.south east]{\phantom{l}};
\node (E)[below right= and -2cm of D] {name of another node about here};
\node (F)[below =2cm of B]{next node's titletext};
\node (G)[below=of F]{final node displayed here};
% arrows
\draw[->](B.south west) -- (Cb);
\draw[->](B.south east) -- (Cd);
\draw[->](D.south east) -- (De);
\draw[->, to path={|- (\tikztotarget)}](C1) edge (F)
(C) edge (G)
(E) edge (G) ;