如何使 y 轴上的箭头完整可见
\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={f(\x)=4-0.5*(\x-2)*(\x-2);}]
\begin{axis}[grid=minor, xmin=0, xmax=5, ymin=0, ymax=4.5,
xlabel=$x$, ylabel={$y$},
xtick = {}, ytick = {},
scale=1, restrict y to domain=0:4.5]
mark=at position 0.125 with {\arrow[black]{>}},
mark=at position 0.4 with {\arrow[black]{>.>}},
mark=at position 0.7 with {\arrow[black]{>}},
mark=at position 0.925 with {\arrow[black]{>.>}},
}] (0,4) --
(0,{f(4.65)}) -- plot[variable=\x,domain=4.65:2]
(\x,{f(\x)}) -- cycle;
只需使用 关闭剪辑即可clip=false
\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={f(\x)=4-0.5*(\x-2)*(\x-2);}]
\begin{axis}[grid=minor, xmin=0, xmax=5, ymin=0, ymax=4.5,
xlabel=$x$, ylabel={$y$},
xtick = {}, ytick = {},
scale=1, restrict y to domain=0:4.5,clip=false]
mark=at position 0.125 with {\arrow[black]{>}},
mark=at position 0.4 with {\arrow[black]{>.>}},
mark=at position 0.7 with {\arrow[black]{>}},
mark=at position 0.925 with {\arrow[black]{>.>}},
}] (0,4) --
(0,{f(4.65)}) -- plot[variable=\x,domain=4.65:2]
(\x,{f(\x)}) -- cycle;