



在搜索 stackexchange 后我发现这个问题,它会修改\part环境并将每个问题部分及其分数写入辅助文件,然后将它们放入表中。除了分数的显示方式外,我可以根据自己的喜好进行更改。建议的解决方案默认使用问题部分,而我只想查看每个问题的总数。因此,问题是计算每个的总数\question

我当前的代码(主要是@Andrew 提出的代码)如下:

% redefine \question command to be \myquest
% redefine \part command to be \mypart


% this will become a sequence of the part numbers and scores
% like: 1a,10,1b,8,1c,9,2a,6,2b,8,3,12,4,14, ...
\clist_new:N \g_grades_clist
\clist_new:N \g_grades_aux_clist

\int_new:N \g_questions_row_int
\int_new:N \g_scores_row_int
\int_new:N \g_spaces_row_int

\int_new:N \g_grade_total_int
\int_new:N \g_number_of_scores_int
\int_new:N \g_total_questions

% add a question/part number and score to \g_grades_clist
\cs_new:Nn \__add_to_grades_list:nn {
  \clist_gput_right:Nx \g_grades_clist { #1 }
  \clist_gput_right:Nx \g_grades_clist { #2 }

    % don't do anything special inside solutions
      % store both the part number and score in \g_grades_clist
      \__add_to_grades_list:nn { Auf.~\arabic{question} } { #1 }

    % don't do anything special inside solutions
      % store both the part number and score in \g_grades_clist
      \__add_to_grades_list:nn { Auf.~\arabic{question}\alph{partno} } { #1 }

  \iow_now:cx { @auxout } {
    \token_to_str:N \SetGradeList { \g_grades_clist  } ^^J
% set grade list from the aux file
\NewDocumentCommand\SetGradeList{m}{\clist_gset:Nn \g_grades_aux_clist {#1}}
% Draw quesions
\cs_new:Nn \__add_questions_to_grade_table: {
    \int_gincr:N \g_questions_row_int
       \clist_item:Nn \g_grades_aux_clist {2*\g_questions_row_int-1} \int_compare:nT {\g_questions_row_int < (\g_number_of_scores_int)} { & \__add_questions_to_grade_table: }
% Draw scores
\cs_new:Nn \__add_scores_to_grade_table: {
     \int_gincr:N \g_scores_row_int
       \clist_item:Nn \g_grades_aux_clist {2*\g_scores_row_int} \int_compare:nT {\g_scores_row_int < \g_number_of_scores_int} { & \__add_scores_to_grade_table: }
% Draw empty spaces
\cs_new:Nn \__add_spaces_to_grade_table: {
     \int_gincr:N \g_spaces_row_int
         \int_compare:nT {\g_spaces_row_int < \g_number_of_scores_int} { & \__add_spaces_to_grade_table: }

\NewDocumentCommand\PrintGradeTable{}{% the new grade table
  \int_set:Nn \g_number_of_scores_int {(\clist_count:N \g_grades_aux_clist)/2}
  \int_gzero:N \g_questions_row_int % a counter to step through the rows
  \int_gzero:N \g_scores_row_int % a counter to step through the rows
  \int_gzero:N \g_spaces_row_int % a counter to step through the rows
  % create the grade table
    \begin{tabular}{|c|*{\int_eval:n {(\clist_count:N \g_grades_aux_clist)/2-1}}{c|}c}
        \int_compare:nT {\g_number_of_scores_int>0} { \__add_questions_to_grade_table: } & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\hphantom{A}~\large\textbf{Note}~\hphantom{A}} \\
        \int_compare:nT {\g_number_of_scores_int>0} { \__add_scores_to_grade_table: } & \\
        \int_compare:nT {\g_number_of_scores_int>0} { \__add_spaces_to_grade_table: } & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{} \\







我最终修改了内置的表函数。如果有人需要做同样的事情,我引入了一个较短版本的 emptycols 迭代器,它少创建一个单元格,并将所有循环更改为在主要部分后添加 & 符号,因此它们不会在它们之前留下一个空单元格,而是在它们之后留下一个。这样,它就不是包含所有名称或为空的第一列,而是最后一列。


  % Called only by \@multirowtable.
  % It's either bonus or regular, but not combined:
  \addtocounter{current@row}{1}% Set to the number of the current row
  % When we finish \do@pq@indexloop@h, either we've finished a
  % complete row of page numbers (or questions), or we've done all
  % the page numbers (or questions) through \last@pq@index, or both:
  \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
    % We've inserted all the page or question numbers, and there's
    % room remaining on the current line for \@htword (or \@bhtword):
    \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
      % This is the last row; put in the total:
      % This isn't the last row.  We insert (\value{num@cols} -
      % \value{cols@done}) ampersands.
  % Point values go here!
  % When we finish \do@ptloop@h or \do@bptloop@h, either
  % we've finished a complete row of point values, or we've done all
  % the question (or page) numbers through \last@pq@index, or both:
  \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
    % We've inserted all the point values, and there's room
    % remaining on the current line for Total Points:
    \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
      % This is the last row; put in the total:

      % This isn't the last row.  We insert (\value{num@cols} -
      % \value{cols@done}) ampersands.
  % We hold off on putting in the "\\ \hline" because we may want to
  % immediately follow it with either an "\end{tabular}" or another
  % "\hline".
  % Scores?
  \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
    % This is the last line!  End the tabular:
    % Don't end the tabular:
  % Check if we should repeat:
  \ifnum \value{current@row} < \value{num@rows}\relax
}% do@lines@h

  % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h.
  % We insert at most one row of pq@index:
  \ifnum \value{pq@index} > \last@pq@index\relax
    % Do nothing!
    Aufg. \refto@index{pq@index}%
  \ifnum \value{pq@index} < \last@pq@index\relax
    \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% do@pq@indexloop@h

  % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h.
  % We insert at most one row of non-bonus point values:
  \ifnum \value{pq@index@pts} > \last@pq@index\relax
    % Do nothing!
  \ifnum \value{pq@index@pts} < \last@pq@index\relax
    \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% do@ptloop@h

  % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h.
  % We insert (\value{num@cols} - \value{cols@done}) ampersands,
  % and then either \@htword or \@bhtword or \@chtword:
      Gesamt \hidden@ampersand \textbf{Note}
      Gesamt \hidden@ampersand \textbf{Note}
      Gesamt \hidden@ampersand \textbf{Note}
}% do@note

  % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h.
  % We insert (\value{num@cols} - \value{cols@done}) ampersands
  % and then the total points:
}% do@totalpts@h

  % Called by \do@lines@h, \do@comblines@h, \do@note,
  % \do@totalpts@h, and \do@totalbpts@h.
  % We insert \value{@iterator} ampersands:
  \ifnum \value{@iterator} > 1\relax
}% do@emptycols@h

产生以下结果: 在此处输入图片描述

