
\begin{table} ...\end{table}
Too many }'s. \end{table}
\begin{document} ended by \end{table}. \end{table}
Extra \endgroup. \end{table}
我的 TeX 文档是
\usepackage{cite} % change cite from [1,2,3] to [1-3] etc for number system
\makeatletter % change from
\renewcommand{\@biblabel}[1]{#1.} % [1] to 1. etc
\makeatother % in list of references
\cfoot{\vspace{-.35cm}\thepage} %
\tikzmarknode{n1}{\rho\frac{D\vec V}{Dt}}~=~\tikzmarknode{n2}{-\nabla p}
+ \tikzmarknode{n3}{\rho\vec g}+\tikzmarknode{n4}{\mu\nabla^2\vec V}\]
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,shorten <=1mm,font=\footnotesize\sffamily]
\begin{scope}[nodes={text width=6.5em,align=left},node distance=1ex]
\node (e1) {\underline{Total derivative}};
\node[right=of e1.north east,anchor=north west] (e2) {\underline{Pressure gradient}\\[1em]
Fluid flows in the direction\dots};
\node[right=of e2.north east,anchor=north west] (e3) {\underline{Body force term}\\[1em]
External forces\dots};
\node[right=of e3.north east,anchor=north west] (e4) {\underline{Diffusion term}\\[1em]
For a Newtonian fluid it is equatl to \dots};
\node[below=0.5ex of e1.south] (eq){$=$};
\node[below=0.5ex of eq] (tot) {$\rho\left[\frac{\partial \vec V}{\partial t}
+\left(\vec V\cdot\vec\nabla\right)\vec V\right]$};
\path (tot.south west) -- (tot.south east) coordinate[pos=0.25] (tot1)
coordinate[pos=0.75] (tot2);
\node[below left=2ex and 0ex of tot.south,text width=4em,align=left] (c1)
{Change of velosity};
\node[below right=2ex and 0ex of tot.south,text width=4em,align=left] (c2) {Convective term};
\draw[cyan,-stealth] (c1) -- (tot1);
\draw[cyan,-stealth] (c2) -- (tot2);
\foreach \X in {1,...,4}
{\draw[cyan,-stealth] (e\X) -- (n\X);}
\begin{tabular}{c c c}
% The package UTMthesis.sty will produce the output %
% of a thesis according to UTM Thesis Manual, %
% School of Graduate Studies, 2007. %
% Yusof Yaacob, Department of Mathematical Sciences, %
% Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia %
% 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia %
% e-mail: [email protected] %
% 24 December 2009 %
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% Theorem-Like-Environment
\newtheorem{example}{Example}[chapter] }
- 所用的是您所提供 MWE 的相关副本。
- 在 MWE 中,
使用了其代码,您可以在问题中提供该代码。 - 测试使用 MikTeX 进行,在 Windows 10 机器上更新至 2020.02.18。
% The package UTMthesis.sty will produce the output %
% of a thesis according to UTM Thesis Manual, %
% School of Graduate Studies, 2007. %
% Yusof Yaacob, Department of Mathematical Sciences, %
% Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia %
% 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia %
% e-mail: [email protected] %
% 24 December 2009 %
% LaTeX cod for chapter header
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\usepackage{graphicx} % .eps graphic
\usepackage{lscape} % for landscape
% Theorem-Like-Environment
\newtheorem{example}{Example}[chapter] }
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of UTMThesis
\usepackage{cite} % change cite from [1,2,3] to [1-3] etc for number system
\makeatletter % change from
\renewcommand{\@biblabel}[1]{#1.} % [1] to 1. etc
\makeatother % in list of references
\cfoot{\vspace{-.35cm}\thepage} %
\tikzmarknode{n1}{\rho\frac{D\vec V}{Dt}}~=~\tikzmarknode{n2}{-\nabla p}
+ \tikzmarknode{n3}{\rho\vec g}+\tikzmarknode{n4}{\mu\nabla^2\vec V}\]
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,shorten <=1mm,font=\footnotesize\sffamily]
\begin{scope}[nodes={text width=6.5em,align=left},node distance=1ex]
\node (e1) {\underline{Total derivative}};
\node[right=of e1.north east,anchor=north west] (e2) {\underline{Pressure gradient}\\[1em]
Fluid flows in the direction\dots};
\node[right=of e2.north east,anchor=north west] (e3) {\underline{Body force term}\\[1em]
External forces\dots};
\node[right=of e3.north east,anchor=north west] (e4) {\underline{Diffusion term}\\[1em]
For a Newtonian fluid it is equatl to \dots};
\node[below=0.5ex of e1.south] (eq){$=$};
\node[below=0.5ex of eq] (tot) {$\rho\left[\frac{\partial \vec V}{\partial t}
+\left(\vec V\cdot\vec\nabla\right)\vec V\right]$};
\path (tot.south west) -- (tot.south east) coordinate[pos=0.25] (tot1)
coordinate[pos=0.75] (tot2);
\node[below left=2ex and 0ex of tot.south,text width=4em,align=left] (c1)
{Change of velosity};
\node[below right=2ex and 0ex of tot.south,text width=4em,align=left] (c2) {Convective term};
\draw[cyan,-stealth] (c1) -- (tot1);
\draw[cyan,-stealth] (c2) -- (tot2);
\foreach \X in {1,...,4}
{\draw[cyan,-stealth] (e\X) -- (n\X);}
\begin{tabular}{c c c}
- 将上述文档复制到您的编辑器中并以某个名称保存。
- 编译两次。
- 如果你没有得到和我一样的结果,那么你的 LaTeX 安装就有些混乱了。再检查一下!如果你也有 MikTeX,并且它以管理员和用户格式安装,你需要升级两者(参见维护和更新 miktex 安装)。
- 如果您对我的文档进行编译,但您的文档仍然存在您所报告的相同问题,那么您的文档隐藏了一些未包含在有问题的文档中的内容。
- 编写新的、简单的 MWE,如下所示:
\tikzmarknode{n1}{\rho\frac{D\vec V}{Dt}}~=~\tikzmarknode{n2}{-\nabla p}
+ \tikzmarknode{n3}{\rho\vec g}+\tikzmarknode{n4}{\mu\nabla^2\vec V}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,shorten <=1mm,font=\footnotesize\sffamily]
\begin{scope}[nodes={text width=6.5em,align=left},node distance=1ex]
\node (e1) {\underline{Total derivative}};
\node[right=of e1.north east,anchor=north west] (e2) {\underline{Pressure gradient}\\[1em]
Fluid flows in the direction\dots};
\node[right=of e2.north east,anchor=north west] (e3) {\underline{Body force term}\\[1em]
External forces\dots};
\node[right=of e3.north east,anchor=north west] (e4) {\underline{Diffusion term}\\[1em]
For a Newtonian fluid it is equatl to \dots};
\node[below=0.5ex of e1.south] (eq){$=$};
\node[below=0.5ex of eq] (tot) {$\rho\left[\frac{\partial \vec V}{\partial t}
+\left(\vec V\cdot\vec\nabla\right)\vec V\right]$};
\path (tot.south west) -- (tot.south east) coordinate[pos=0.25] (tot1)
coordinate[pos=0.75] (tot2);
\node[below left=2ex and 0ex of tot.south,text width=4em,align=left] (c1)
{Change of velosity};
\node[below right=2ex and 0ex of tot.south,text width=4em,align=left] (c2) {Convective term};
\draw[cyan,-stealth] (c1) -- (tot1);
\draw[cyan,-stealth] (c2) -- (tot2);
\foreach \X in {1,...,4}
{\draw[cyan,-stealth] (e\X) -- (n\X);}
\begin{tabular}{c c c}
- 测试它是否有效。对我来说,它有效,并且应该给出与上面显示的类似结果(仅在等式的字体大小上有所不同)。
- 如果测试失败,则说明您的 LaTeX 安装存在问题。
- 如果测试有效,则添加
。- 如果仍然有效,请继续逐步添加其他包,看看该测试文档是否仍然有效。
- 如果没有,请检查此包的内容(如果它与你在问题中显示的相同)以及你的电脑中是否只存在此包的一个版本
- 继续此过程并添加小块文档代码。
结论 您在问题中提供的代码有效。它不包含问题的原因。原因隐藏在您的文档或 LaTeX 安装中的其他地方。