我已经在线搜索了解决问题的方法,但我找不到解决方案来实现使用 apa 样式和包为作者和年份设置颜色链接(内部文档交叉引用)的目标biblatex
%% begin preamble%%
% set the document class
%package to create a list of acronyms which appears in the table of contents
\usepackage[acronym, toc, nopostdot, nogroupskip]{glossaries}
% acronym list entries:
\newacronym{mbb}{MBB}{moving block bootstrap}
\newacronym{rss}{RSS}{residual sum of squares}
\newacronym{mae}{MAE}{mean absolute error}
\newacronym{rmse}{RMSE}{root mean squared error}
\newacronym{ann}{ANN}{Artificial Neural Network}
\newacronym{dl}{DL}{Deep Learning}
\newacronym{mse}{MSE}{mean squared error}
\newacronym{lstmnn}{LSTM NN}{Long Short Term Memory neural network}
\newacronym{rnn}{RNN}{Recurrent Neural Network}
\newacronym{arima}{ARIMA}{Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average}
% end acronym list entries
% aligns the description entries in the list of acronyms
% setting the space between acronym and description
% prepare the document for images
% sets the directory where images are stored
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
% set spacing package to change the spacing for the table of contents
% package to create captions and subcaptions for figures and tables
% package to include notes underneath figures/tables
% package to type piecewise functions
% color package for formatting URLs
% packages for cross references within the Latex document
% package to create hyperlinks within the Latex document (including the bibliography if url is specified)
% the cleverref package enhances LATEX’s cross-referencing features,allowing the format of cross-references to be determined automatically ac-cording to the “type” of cross-reference (equation, section, etc.) and thecontext in which the cross-reference is used
\usepackage[capitalise, noabbrev]{cleveref}
% formatting the URLs
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=BrickRed, urlcolor=RoyalBlue, citecolor=BlueViolet}
% using the geometry package to set margins of the document
% creating the option to display bookmarks in the compiled pdf document
% using packages to add in customized headers and footers
% separation lines for header and footer
% specifying inputs for headers and footers (commented out for now)
\fancyhead[RO,LE]{Chapter \thechapter}
% changing the thickness of the lines in the headers and footers:
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0 pt}
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0 pt}
% creating colorlinks to the names of the authors AND the year:
% Citation Hyperlinks (not just years), thanks to Audrey.
\renewbibmacro*{cite}{% Based on cite bib macro from authoryear-comp.cbx
{\printtext[bibhyperref]{% Include labelname in hyperlink
\DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{default}% Prevent nested hyperlinks
{\printtext[bibhyperref]{% Include labelname in hyperlink
\DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{default}% Prevent nested hyperlinks
\renewbibmacro*{textcite}{% Based on textcite bib macro from authoryear-comp.cbx
{\printtext[bibhyperref]{% Include labelname in hyperlink
\DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{default}% Prevent nested hyperlinks
{\bibcloseparen% Include closing parenthesis in hyperlink
{\printtext[bibhyperref]{% Include labelname in hyperlink
\DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{default}% Prevent nested hyperlinks
{\bibcloseparen% Include closing parenthesis in hyperlink
% using the biblatex package to create references
\usepackage[style=authoryear-comp ,sorting=nyt, maxcitenames=2, natbib=true,backend=biber]{biblatex}
% This allows for an additional line-breaking pass with the amount of "tolerable" white space per line increased by 1em.
%% end preamble%%
author = {John, S.},
year = {1973},
title = {The best book ever},
%== use color in citations ==%
allcolors = black,
% creating colorlinks to the names of the authors AND the year:
% Citation Hyperlinks (not just years), thanks to Audrey.
\renewbibmacro*{cite}{% Based on cite bib macro from authoryear-comp.cbx
{\printtext[bibhyperref]{% Include labelname in hyperlink
\DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{default}% Prevent nested hyperlinks
{\printtext[bibhyperref]{% Include labelname in hyperlink
\DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{default}% Prevent nested hyperlinks
\renewbibmacro*{textcite}{% Based on textcite bib macro from authoryear-comp.cbx
{\printtext[bibhyperref]{% Include labelname in hyperlink
\DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{default}% Prevent nested hyperlinks
{\bibcloseparen% Include closing parenthesis in hyperlink
{\printtext[bibhyperref]{% Include labelname in hyperlink
\DeclareFieldAlias{bibhyperref}{default}% Prevent nested hyperlinks
{\bibcloseparen% Include closing parenthesis in hyperlink
``Some quotation'' \cite[43]{john-73}.
, 来显示引用的物理范围。