Biblatex @inbook 语法错误

Biblatex @inbook 语法错误


found "mph", expected end of entry ("}" or ")") (skipping to next "@")


author = {Cécile Caby},
Gender = {sf},
title = {Fondation et naissance des ordres religieux},
shorttitle = {Fondation et naissance},
booktitle = {Mittelalterliche Orden und Klöster im Vergleich},
year = {2007},
editor = {G. Melville and A. Müller},
subtitle = {Remarques pour une étude comparée des ordres religieux au Moyen Âge},
booksubtitle = {Methodische Ansätze und Perspektiv},
series = {Vita Regularis Abhandlungen},
number = {34},
location = {Münster},
Keywords                 = {Cisterciens, Mémoire}

这是我在 Caby,Cécile,《宗教秩序的基础与诞生:对中世纪宗教秩序的比较研究的评论》,载于:比较中的中世纪秩序与修道院,从直视中的方法论视角与观点。由 G. Melville 和 A. Müller 编著,明斯特,2007 年,《Vita Regularis Abhandlungen》34。

用于加载 biblatex 的行是那些



Process started

INFO - This is Biber 2.9 INFO - Logfile is 'Barth - Fiche - KD § 75.blg'

INFO - Reading './Barth - Fiche - KD § 75.bcf' INFO - Found 1 citekeys in bib section 0 INFO - Processing section 0 INFO - Looking for bibtex format file '/mnt/E6A87F28A87EF701/Documents/Etudes/Z Outils/Bibliographie/Zbibtheologie.bib' for section 0 INFO - LaTeX decoding ... INFO - Found BibTeX data source '/mnt/E6A87F28A87EF701/Documents/Etudes/Z Outils/Bibliographie/Zbibtheologie.bib' ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: /tmp/YhijtomnmR/Zbibtheologie.bib_5463.utf8, line 768, syntax error: found "mph", expected end of entry ("}" or ")") (skipping to next "@") INFO - ERRORS: 1

Process exited with error(s)

第 768 行是我的参考书目文件中“maintitle”字段的行。


问题中显示的条目CabFon在语法上是符合要求的,不会引发任何 Biber 错误。但在评论中,您发布了以下条目

  author    = {Karl Barth},
  title     = {Die Taufe als Begründung des christlichen Lebens (\emph{§~75 / Fragment})},
  booktitle = {Die Lehre der Versöhnung. Das christliche Leben} \emph{(KD IV/4)}},
  year      = {1991},
  series    = {Studienausgabe},
  number    = {30},
  publisher = {Theologischer Verlag},
  location  = {Zürich},

事实上,该条目将导致错误,因为}之后的Leben关闭booktitle了该字段,因此\emph{(KD IV/4)}}保持悬空。


  author    = {Karl Barth},
  title     = {Die Taufe als Begründung des christlichen Lebens (\emph{§~75 / Fragment})},
  booktitle = {Die Lehre der Versöhnung. Das christliche Leben \emph{(KD IV/4)}},
  year      = {1991},
  series    = {Studienausgabe},
  number    = {30},
  publisher = {Theologischer Verlag},
  location  = {Zürich},




\mkbibemph\emph是应该在格式化上下文中使用的的版本biblatex\addspacein\addcomma\addspace相对于 没有任何优势,因此内核和标准样式\space中所有类似的惯用表达都使用。biblatex\addcomma\space
