{N2XSY}{stranded copper conductors}
{N2XSYRY}{stranded copper conductors}
{N2XSYBY}{stranded copper conductors}
{NA2XSY}{stranded aluminium conductors}
{NA2XSYRY}{stranded aluminium conductors}
{NA2XSYBY}{stranded aluminium conductors}
{stranded copper conductors}{
\IfEqCase{#1} {
{stranded aluminium conductors}{
\Conductor \\
以下是使用先前设置的数据描述导体的一些宏。使用 做这件事xstring
\tl_new:N \l_entezari_cabletype_tl
\tl_new:N \l_entezari_conductor_tl
\tl_new:N \l_entezari_csa_tl
\tl_new:N \g_entezari_types_tl
\tl_new:N \g_entezari_rltypes_tl
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \str_case:nn { VV }
{% #1 = cable type, #2 = csa
\tl_set:Nn \l_entezari_cabletype_tl { #1 }
\tl_set:Nn \l_entezari_csa_tl { #2 }
\tl_set:Nx \l_entezari_conductor_tl
\str_case:VV \l_entezari_cabletype_tl \g_entezari_types_tl
csa:~\l_entezari_csa_tl \\
RL:~\str_case:VV \l_entezari_conductor_tl \g_entezari_rltypes_tl
\tl_gset:Nn \g_entezari_types_tl { #1 }
\tl_gput_right:Nn \g_entezari_rltypes_tl
{#1}{\str_case:Vn \l_entezari_csa_tl { #2 } }
{N2XSY}{stranded copper conductors}
{N2XSYRY}{stranded copper conductors}
{N2XSYBY}{stranded copper conductors}
{NA2XSY}{stranded aluminium conductors}
{NA2XSYRY}{stranded aluminium conductors}
{NA2XSYBY}{stranded aluminium conductors}
\defineRLtype{stranded copper conductors}{
\defineRLtype{stranded aluminium conductors}{
% Define error messages to print when looking up a value using a key that
% doesn't belong to the corresponding mapping.
\msg_new:nnn { hadi } { unknown-cable-type }
{ Unknown~cable~type:~'\exp_not:n {#1}'. }
\msg_new:nnn { hadi } { unknown-conductor-type }
{ Unknown~conductor~type:~'\exp_not:n {#1}'. }
\msg_new:nnn { hadi } { unknown-whatever } % whatever = diameter?
{ Unknown~whatever:~'\exp_not:n {#1}'. }
\prop_const_from_keyval:Nn \c_hadi_conductor_for_cable_type_prop
N2XSY = stranded~copper~conductors,
N2XSYRY = stranded~copper~conductors,
N2XSYBY = stranded~copper~conductors,
NA2XSY = stranded~aluminium~conductors,
NA2XSYRY = stranded~aluminium~conductors,
NA2XSYBY = stranded~aluminium~conductors,
\prop_const_from_keyval:Nn \c_hadi_rl_for_stranded_copper_conductor_prop
150 = 34.5,
185 = 36.5,
240 = 39,
300 = 41.5,
\prop_const_from_keyval:Nn \c_hadi_rl_for_aluminium_copper_conductor_prop
150 = 39,
185 = 39.5,
240 = 41,
300 = 41.5,
% Note the omission of the initial backslash in each value
\prop_const_from_keyval:Nn \c_hadi_rl_conductor_type_mapping_prop
stranded~copper~conductors = c_hadi_rl_for_stranded_copper_conductor_prop,
stranded~aluminium~conductors = c_hadi_rl_for_aluminium_copper_conductor_prop,
\cs_new_protected:Npn \hadi_conductor_type_set_for_cable:Nn #1#2
\prop_get:NnNF \c_hadi_conductor_for_cable_type_prop {#2} #1
{ \msg_error:nnn { hadi } { unknown-cable-type } {#2} }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \hadi_conductor_type_set_for_cable:Nn { Nx }
% Fully expand #2, then store the conductor type in #1.
\NewDocumentCommand \setConductorTypeforCable { m m }
\hadi_conductor_type_set_for_cable:Nx #1 {#2}
% Similar to \setConductorTypeforCable, except it leaves the result in the
% input stream instead of storing it in a macro.
\NewDocumentCommand \conductorTypeForCable { m }
% Fully expand the argument, then store the conductor type in \l_tmpa_tl.
\hadi_conductor_type_set_for_cable:Nx \l_tmpa_tl {#1}
% Leave the conductor type in the input stream (\tl_use:N may be omitted).
\tl_use:N \l_tmpa_tl
\tl_new:N \l__hadi_conductor_type_tl
% #1: macro where the result will be stored
% #2: cable type
% #3: the other parameter (some diameter, maybe?)
\cs_new_protected:Npn \hadi_rl_set:Nnn #1#2#3
\hadi_conductor_type_set_for_cable:Nn \l__hadi_conductor_type_tl {#2}
% Get the name of the second mapping to use in \l_tmpa_tl
\prop_get:NVNF \c_hadi_rl_conductor_type_mapping_prop
\l__hadi_conductor_type_tl \l_tmpa_tl
\msg_error:nnV { hadi } { unknown-conductor-type }
% Get value from the second mapping, store result in #1 (if found).
\prop_get:cnNF { \l_tmpa_tl } {#3} #1
{ \msg_error:nnn { hadi } { unknown-whatever } {#3} }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \hadi_rl_set:Nnn { Nxx }
% Set macro #1 to the “rl” for conductor type #2 and <whatever> #3
\NewDocumentCommand \setToRl { m m m }
% Fully expand the second and third arguments, then get and store the
% result in #1.
\hadi_rl_set:Nxx #1 {#2} {#3}
% Similar to \setToRl, except it leaves the result in the input stream instead
% of storing it in a macro.
\NewDocumentCommand \Rl { m m }
\hadi_rl_set:Nxx \l_tmpa_tl {#1} {#2}
% Leave the result in the input stream (\tl_use:N may be omitted).
\tl_use:N \l_tmpa_tl
% Direct lookup
\noindent For cable type~N2XSYBY and other parameter~240:\par
% In case you want to use macros to define a “current value” for each
% parameter:
For cable type~\cableType\ and other parameter~\otherParameter:\par
\conductorType, \myResult
% Ditto, but without explicitly storing the results in macros