在两列 IEEE 文档中插入多页表

在两列 IEEE 文档中插入多页表

我正在使用 IEEE 模板创建一篇论文,其中包含一个跨越两列且(几乎)适合整个页面的表格。






\usepackage{adjustbox, booktabs, longtable, tabularx, afterpage, xtab, multicol}

    \IEEEPARstart{T}{his} demo file is intended to serve as a ``starter file''
    for IEEE Computer Society journal papers produced under \LaTeX\ using
    IEEEtran.cls version 1.8b and later.
    I wish you the best of success.

    \subsection{Subsection Heading Here}
    Subsection text here.

    \subsubsection{Subsubsection Heading Here}
    Subsubsection text here.

    The conclusion goes here.

\appendix  %



            H.~Kopka and P.~W. Daly, \emph{A Guide to \LaTeX}, 3rd~ed.\hskip 1em plus
            0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Harlow, England: Addison-Wesley, 1999.



        \caption{Summary of research papers about forecasting.}
        \begin{tabular} {p{3cm} c c p{5cm}}
            \textbf{Authors} & \textbf{Year} & \textbf{Methods} & \textbf{Comments}\\
            \citeauthor{Sindhu2006} & \citeyear{Sindhu2006} & Backpropagation and GA & \\
            \citeauthor{Zhang2008} & \citeyear{Zhang2008} & HsMM \\
            \citeauthor{Etemad-Shahidi2008} & \citeyear{Etemad-Shahidi2008} & Statistical models \\
            \citeauthor{Dong2010} & \citeyear{Dong2010} & Backpropagation and GA \\
            \citeauthor{Alegre-Sanahuja2014} & \citeyear{Alegre-Sanahuja2014} & Statistical models \\
            \citeauthor{Chretien2014} & \citeyear{Chretien2014} & --- & Surveys papers about Influenza forecasting. The methods
            used were 
            either Statistical or related to Epidemiology. \\
            \citeauthor{Singla2015} & \citeyear{Singla2015} & Statistical models & Patent, no experiments performed. \\
            \citeauthor{Kang2015} & \citeyear{Kang2015} & KNN & The KNN algorithm was used to predict malicious network traffic. \\
            \citeauthor{Prakash2016} & \citeyear{Prakash2016} & HMM & The flu was predicted through Twitter using HMM to process
            related to the flu. \\
            \citeauthor{Hsu2016} & \citeyear{Hsu2016} & Statistical models, ANN and SVM & AI better then statistics, SVM better 
            than ANN \\
            \citeauthor{Nguyen2018} & \citeyear{Nguyen2018} & FFN & Before running the experiments a Random Walk analysis was
            performed on
            the data. If the data was found to be a random walk there would be no reason to forecast it. \\
            \citeauthor{Lv2018} & \citeyear{Lv2018} & GRU & Predicted system call sequences as if they where natural language. 
            Strugled on longer system calls. \\
            \citeauthor{Shen2018} & \citeyear{Shen2018} & LSTM & Performance is reduced when handling imbalanced data. It cannot 
            discover zero-day attacks. \\
            \citeauthor{Fischer2018} & \citeyear{Fischer2018} & LSTM and time series & Concluded that LSTMs outperform Random
            Deep Learning and Linear Regresion when forecasting market trends. \\
            \citeauthor{Xu2018} & \citeyear{Xu2018} & Statistical models & Used Privacy Rights Clearinghouse dataset. \\
            \citeauthor{Werner2018} & \citeyear{Werner2018} & ARIMA and Bayesian Networks & Predicting the intensity of attacks 
            can be easier using longer time ranges. ARIMA struggled with forecasts which were too large or too small. \\
            \citeauthor{Ghafir2019} & \citeyear{Ghafir2019} & HMM & HMM were used to predict the next step of an Advanced
            Persistent Threat.
            \citeauthor{George2019} & \citeyear{George2019} & --- & Focuses on data collection, cleaning and distribution. Also 
            sugests better data visualisation methods. \\
            \citeauthor{Scarpino2019} & \citeyear{Scarpino2019} & --- & Uses permutation entropy to determine if a desease 
            outbreak is predictable or not. \\
            \citeauthor{Meng2019} & \citeyear{Meng2019} & Statistical models & The Hill Equation was used as they modeled the 
            Android malware spread based on epidemiology. \\

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\documentclass[journal,compsoc]{IEEEtran} % 10pt font size is default size
\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx} % not used package is removed
\usepackage{stfloats}   % new, for placement floats at bottom of page

    \IEEEPARstart{T}{his} demo file is intended to serve as a ``starter file''
    for IEEE Computer Society journal papers produced under \LaTeX\ using
    IEEEtran.cls version 1.8b and later.
    I wish you the best of success.

    \subsection{Subsection Heading Here}
    Subsection text here.

    \subsubsection{Subsubsection Heading Here}
    Subsubsection text here.

    The conclusion goes here.

\appendix  %
    \begin{table*}[b] % placement option ([b]) has sense due to stfloats package
\caption{Summary of research papers about forecasting.}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l l l X @{}} % changed table environment
\textbf{Authors} & \textbf{Year} & \textbf{Methods} & \textbf{Comments}\\
\citeauthor{Sindhu2006} & \citeyear{Sindhu2006} & Backpropagation and GA & \\
\citeauthor{Zhang2008} & \citeyear{Zhang2008} & HsMM \\
\citeauthor{Etemad-Shahidi2008} & \citeyear{Etemad-Shahidi2008} & Statistical models \\
\citeauthor{Dong2010} & \citeyear{Dong2010} & Backpropagation and GA \\
\citeauthor{Alegre-Sanahuja2014} & \citeyear{Alegre-Sanahuja2014} & Statistical models \\
\citeauthor{Chretien2014} & \citeyear{Chretien2014} & --- & Surveys papers about Influenza forecasting. The methods
used were
either Statistical or related to Epidemiology. \\
\citeauthor{Singla2015} & \citeyear{Singla2015} & Statistical models & Patent, no experiments performed. \\
\citeauthor{Kang2015} & \citeyear{Kang2015} & KNN & The KNN algorithm was used to predict malicious network traffic. \\
\citeauthor{Prakash2016} & \citeyear{Prakash2016} & HMM & The flu was predicted through Twitter using HMM to process
related to the flu. \\
\citeauthor{Hsu2016} & \citeyear{Hsu2016} & Statistical models, ANN and SVM & AI better then statistics, SVM better
than ANN \\
\citeauthor{Nguyen2018} & \citeyear{Nguyen2018} & FFN & Before running the experiments a Random Walk analysis was
performed on
the data. If the data was found to be a random walk there would be no reason to forecast it. \\
\citeauthor{Lv2018} & \citeyear{Lv2018} & GRU & Predicted system call sequences as if they where natural language.
Strugled on longer system calls. \\
\citeauthor{Shen2018} & \citeyear{Shen2018} & LSTM & Performance is reduced when handling imbalanced data. It cannot
discover zero-day attacks. \\
\citeauthor{Fischer2018} & \citeyear{Fischer2018} & LSTM and time series & Concluded that LSTMs outperform Random Forest,
Deep Learning and Linear Regresion when forecasting market trends. \\
\citeauthor{Xu2018} & \citeyear{Xu2018} & Statistical models & Used Privacy Rights Clearinghouse dataset. \\
\citeauthor{Werner2018} & \citeyear{Werner2018} & ARIMA and Bayesian Networks & Predicting the intensity of attacks
can be easier using longer time ranges. ARIMA struggled with forecasts which were too large or too small. \\
\citeauthor{Ghafir2019} & \citeyear{Ghafir2019} & HMM & HMM were used to predict the next step of an Advanced
Persistent Threat.
\citeauthor{George2019} & \citeyear{George2019} & --- & Focuses on data collection, cleaning and distribution. Also
sugests better data visualisation methods. \\
\citeauthor{Scarpino2019} & \citeyear{Scarpino2019} & --- & Uses permutation entropy to determine if a desease
outbreak is predictable or not. \\
\citeauthor{Meng2019} & \citeyear{Meng2019} & Statistical models & The Hill Equation was used as they modeled the
Android malware spread based on epidemiology. \\

    H.~Kopka and P.~W. Daly, \emph{A Guide to \LaTeX}, 3rd~ed.\hskip 1em plus
    0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Harlow, England: Addison-Wesley, 1999.


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Lots of text in many pages and two columnns
\begin{figure*}[b] % put the fullwidth figure at the bottom of the page
% the graphic
Maybe more text.

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