使用级联公式时出现 Listofsymbols 错误

使用级联公式时出现 Listofsymbols 错误

我想使用 listofsymbols 包进行命名,基本操作似乎运行良好。我能够定义符号并通过各自的命令调用它们。出现了两个错误。首先:由于某种原因,我无法在公式中使用罗马下标。如果没有它,它可以\mathrm正常工作,使用新符号\mathrm可以正常工作,但不能作为描述为 B 的符号中的下标。

调用 listofsymbols 时出现第二个错误。实际上错误会成倍增加,但使用最小示例(仅使用符号 A)时,会出现 2 个错误,其中提到一些未定义的旧字体命令,而\bf 我只是使用 LaTex,似乎无法理解这些错误。


\test\\ \moretest




代码一瞥符号列表-package(Stefan Spreng 的 LaTeX 包 listofsymbols v0.2,电子邮件:[email protected],2003 年 8 月,请参阅https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/listofsymbols)揭示了软件包代码的几个问题:

  • 软件包内部使用旧命令,例如\bf更改字体。这些命令已弃用。如果您希望应用它们/如果您希望使用应用它们的软件包,您需要enabledeprecatedfontcommands撰稿人-班级。

  • 在最后,listofsymbols.pdf你会发现一个漂亮的代码列表,其中显示了 的内容listofsymbols.sty。但是 的代码listofsymbols.sty根本没有注释。因此,当你试图了解该包试图实现和执行哪些类型的算法时,你完全只能靠自己了。

  • 包/.sty 文件没有正确考虑 LaTeX 的读取装置。例如,它并不总是考虑到在标记左花括号后读取装置会切换到状态 M(行中),因此左花括号后的空格会产生空格标记,而这反过来又会在水平模式下产生可见的水平粘连,在收集非分隔参数的开头期间不会丢弃空格标记的情况下。

  • 该包提供了一个选项pageno。通过应用包选项,pageno可以显示页码以指示相关符号/下标的定义位置。

    这对我来说没有意义,因为页码与生成的输出文件(.dvi 或 .pdf)相关,而符号是在 .tex 源文件中定义的,而不是在生成的输出文件中定义的。

    因此,在草稿模式下表示 .tex 源文件的名称和路径以及行号可能更有意义。

  • 该包定义并使用一个命令\addsymline将内容写入辅助文件。该命令反过来不考虑\immediate\writeLaTeX 的机制。\protect

    1. 这会导致在不方便的时刻扩大诸如\mathbf或之类的事情。\mathrm


      在不方便的时候扩展内容也会导致辅助文件中出现奇怪的东西。例如,通过我们的提问者提供的示例,我在 .sym 文件中发现了以下内容:

      \printsymline{\mathbf{\Theta }_\protect \relax \protect \begingroup \immediate \write \@unused   \def \MessageBreak  
       \let \protect \edef  You're in trouble here.  Try typing  <return>  to proceed.\MessageBreak If that doesn't work, type  X <return>  to quit.  \errhelp \let \def \MessageBreak  
                      \def   \errmessage  LaTeX Error: \mathrm allowed only in math mode.
      See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
      Type  H <return>  for immediate help   \endgroup \relax {asd}}{\mathbf{\Theta }_\protect \relax \protect \begingroup \immediate \write \@unused   \def \MessageBreak  
       \let \protect \edef  You're in trouble here.  Try typing  <return>  to proceed.\MessageBreak If that doesn't work, type  X <return>  to quit.  \errhelp \let \def \MessageBreak  
                      \def   \errmessage  LaTeX Error: \mathrm allowed only in math mode.
      See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
      Type  H <return>  for immediate help   \endgroup \relax {asd}}{moretest}{B}{1}


      \printsymline{\mathbf{\Theta }_\mathrm  {asd}}{\mathbf{\Theta }_\mathrm  {asd}}{moretest}{B}{\thepage }

      这些奇怪的事情反过来会\errmessage在输入 .sym 文件时产生奇怪的错误消息。

    2. -command\addsymline还会将页码 ( \thepage) 写入辅助文件。这意味着页计数器的值是以 的形式写入的\immediate\write。这没有考虑到输出例程的异步性,因此执行时的页计数器的值\addsymline不一定是材料作为输出文件/.pdf 文件/.dvi 文件的页面的一部分发送出去时页计数器的值。


    \addtocontents我建议使用基于/衍生自 LaTeX 2ε /机制的东西来重新实现\@starttoc


%% This is file `listofsymbols_CHANGED_BY_UD_IN_2020_03_18.sty',
%% derived in March 18, 2020 from listofsymbols.sty
%% which is part of the
%%    LaTeX package listofsymbols v0.2
%%    by Stefan Spreng 
%%    e-mail: [email protected] 
%%    August 2003
%% See: https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/listofsymbols
%% Licence:
%% --------
%% This material is derived from listofsymbols.sty which is
%% subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
%% This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
%% For the details of that license see:
%% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html
%% For the copyright also see the file listofsymbols.dtx.
%% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed
%% with new filenames distinct from listofsymbols.sty.
%% For distribution of the original source see the terms
%% for copying and modification in the file listofsymbols.dtx.
%% Purpose:
%% --------
%% The purpose of this material is providing the functionality
%% of listofsymbols.sty while retaining both the LaTeX2e-\protect-mechanism
%% and delayed writing of page-numbers.
%% My opinion about the "pageno"-option:
%% -------------------------------------
%% By applying the package-option "pageno" page-numbers can be displayed
%% for indicating where the symbol/subscript in question is defined.
%% This does not make sense to me because page-numbers are related
%% to the resulting output-file (.dvi or .pdf)
%% while symbols are defined in the .tex-source-file, not in the resulting 
%% output-file.
%% Therefore denoting the name and path of the .tex-source-file and
%% the line-number in draft mode might probably make more sense.
%% The number of the line of .tex-input that currently is processed is
%% available in (La)TeX. 
%% In case you wish to obtain the name and path of the current
%% .tex-input-file, Martin Scharrer's currfile-package might be of interest,
%% see: https://www.ctan.org/pkg/currfile .
%% Be that as it may.


% Define paraphernalia: 
  \expandafter\los@exchange\expandafter{\csname#2\endcsname}{0 #1}%
  \los@csname\@ifdefinable{osglobaldef }{%
    \los@csname\long\def{losglobaldef }#1#2{%

% Defining paraphernalia done.

 %equal to second argument of \l@figure and \l@table:

\newcommand\los@usedphrase{Symbol used in the document.}
\newcommand\los@unusedphrase{Symbol not used in the document.}


               \PackageInfo{listofsymbols_CHANGED_BY_UD_IN_2020_03_18}{symbol/subscript #3 has no or empty description or is not used: omitted}%
                              \texttt{\char`\\#3} --- #4 (%


% \opensymdef / \closesymdef are obsolete with the \@starttoc-\addtocontents-approach.
% Thus make them no-ops:







\newcommand{\symheadingname}{List of Symbols}

\newcommand{\subheadingname}{List of Subscripts}


               \section*{\symheadingname\ (draft)} %
               \ifthenelse{\boolean{b@pageno}}{\hfill{\textbf{Defined on page}}}{}%
               \section*{\subheadingname\ (draft)} %
               \ifthenelse{\boolean{b@pageno}}{\hfill{\textbf{Defined on page}}}{}%


               \section*{\bothheadingname\ifthenelse{\boolean{b@final}}{}{ (draft)}}%




% Do something about \dontmarkasused's fouling of xspace:

% .sym and. sub get destroyed during the LaTeX-run due to \@starttoc.
% At the begin of the LaTeX-run they are not yet destroyed. Thus let's
% do things at the begin of the document.
% At the begin of the document the ..isused..-commands are not available yet.
% Thus don't have them expanded at the time of writing to the .aux-file
% but have them expanded at the time of carrying out the .aux-file's 
% \@writefile-entries at the end of the LaTeX-run.
% As \@writefile prevents expansion completely, an own \@writefile-variant
% is needed, \los@writefile, which performs the needed expansions before
% passing things to \@writefile:

        }{\@firstofone{0\expandafter} \string\losglobaldef}%

%% End of file `listofsymbols_CHANGED_BY_UD_IN_2020_03_18.sty'.



\newsym[Description of the symbol \dontmarkasused{test}.]{test}{\vec{a}_b}
\newsym[Description of the symbol \dontmarkasused{moretest}.]{moretest}{\mathbf{\Theta}_\mathrm{asd}}
\newsym[Description of the symbol \dontmarkasused{yetmoretest}.]{yetmoretest}{\mathbf{\iota}}
\newsub[Description of the subscript \dontmarkasused{subznonsubscript} as in \dontmarkasused{yetmoretest}{}\dontmarkasused{subz}]{subz}{\mathrm{z}}




\noindent The symbol \test is used here.

\noindent The symbol \test{}\subz is used here.

\noindent The symbol \moretest is used here.

\noindent The symbol \moretest{}\subz is used here.

\noindent The symbol \yetmoretest is used here.

\noindent The symbol \yetmoretest{}\subz is used here.



This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2019/dev/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2020.2.13)
LaTeX2e <2018-12-01>
Document Class: scrreprt 2019/02/01 v3.26b KOMA-Script document class (report)
Package: scrkbase 2019/02/01 v3.26b KOMA-Script package (KOMA-Script-dependent basics and keyval usage)
Package: scrbase 2019/02/01 v3.26b KOMA-Script package (KOMA-Script-independent basics and keyval usage)
Package: keyval 2014/10/28 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC)
Package: scrlfile 2019/02/01 v3.26b KOMA-Script package (loading files)
Package: tocbasic 2019/02/01 v3.26b KOMA-Script package (handling toc-files)
Package: typearea 2019/02/01 v3.26b KOMA-Script package (type area)
Package: listofsymbols_CHANGED_BY_UD_IN_2020_03_18 
Package: ifthen 2014/09/29 v1.1c Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC)
Package: calc 2017/05/25 v4.3 Infix arithmetic (KKT,FJ)
Package: amsmath 2018/12/01 v2.17b AMS math features
Package: amstext 2000/06/29 v2.01 AMS text
File: amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0 generic functions
Package: amsbsy 1999/11/29 v1.2d Bold Symbols
Package: amsopn 2016/03/08 v2.02 operator names






第二个问题更严重。同一个包使用了\immediate\write,因此诸如 之类的命令\mathbf无法继续存在。不过,这个问题有两行解决方案。


% avoid the error introduced by listofsymbols
% Work around the issue with \immediate\write by not expanding the argument untimely







