\usepackage{changepage}% http://ctan.org/pkg/changepage
\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
I would like to add a black border on the left of all ``adjustwidth'' blocks:
\[\Delta = b^2 - 4ac\]
muzimuzhi 的提议不起作用,因为当嵌套的子校样大于一页时,它会移动到下一页(在第一页留下一点空白),并且这些条有点难看,因为在下一页上内条比外条长:
\tcbuselibrary{breakable, skins}
blanker, breakable, left=2.5em,
borderline west={1pt}{0pt}{black}}
-- 编辑 3 --
我还发现这个答案这似乎提供了一些使用 tikz 在多页之间画线的技巧。我想这可能是一个解决方案...
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/532948/robustly-add-a-border-to-the-left-of-a-text-spanning-several-pages
line width=1pt,
transform canvas={xshift=-\subproofsDefaultShift/2+.5pt},
%%% Deal with drawings and marking.
% Warning: tikz does not like ExplSyntax since it removes spaces
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\p5=(pic cs:endTikzmark#1) in %
(\x1-\x2+\x3,\y3) to (\x1-\x2+\x3,\y5);%
% \checkmarkpage{label}{if before}{if same page}{if after}
% Apply different codes if we are on a page before, the current page,
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\else #4%
%%% Starts expl3 syntax https://mirrors.concertpass.com/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/expl3.pdf
%%% For the list of modules and everything http://linorg.usp.br/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/interface3.pdf
%%% (this also provides a quickstart at the beginning)
%%% For functions https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/492794/how-to-define-two-expl3-functions-with-the-same-base-name-and-different-signatur
%%% This code is certainly not an example of LaTeX programming as it's the first time I use expl3...
% l=local, name, type. Note that this is only convention, it could be named "\foo" instead.
% clist are list separated by commas.
% To remove stuff https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/5754/delete-an-element-from-a-comma-delimited-list
% Inspired by https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/528774/excess-vertical-space-in-vdots/528775#528775
% See also https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/622881/align-element-tikzmark-with-top-of-the-current-line-instead-of-baseline/622936#622936
% TODO: Read also https://fr.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Articles/Boxes_and_Glue%3A_A_Brief%2C_but_Visual%2C_Introduction_Using_LuaTeX
\edef\thisMarkId{\thenextMarkId}% Temporary variable to use at the end.
\seq_gput_right:NV \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq \thisMarkId % Add it to the list
\dealWithOneLine:V{\thisMarkId}% Draw the line for the current one. TODO
% Ensures a group is inserted around the BODY
{ \noindent \BODY \par }%
%% Create a new function (see http://linorg.usp.br/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/interface3.pdf page 14)
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%%%%%%%%%% We have not yet seen the beginTikzMark... Don't care.
}{ %%%%%%%%%% We are on the page of the start.
{%%%%%%%%%% The end is later
{%%%%%%%%%% The end is on the same page
}{% The end was on a previous page... impossible
}{ %%%%%%%%%% The start point is on a previous page
{%%%%%%%%%% The end is later
{%%%%%%%%%% The end is on the same page
}{%%%%%%%%%% The end has already been seen... I don't care
% defines \dealWithOneLine:V that expands its argument
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \dealWithOneLine:n { V }
%% Create a new function (see http://linorg.usp.br/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/interface3.pdf page 14)
\cs_new:Nn \dealWithAllLines:N {
\seq_map_inline:Nn \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq {
We prove now that $1+1+1 = 3$. First we will prove that $1+1+1=3$:
In order to prove that $1+1+1=3$, we first prove that $1+1=2$.
By definition $2 = 1+1$.
But we can show that $1+1+1=2+1$.
Indeed, by associativity of the addition, we know that
But we saw above that $1+1=2$ so $1+1+1=2+1$
It is now possible to see that $1+1+1=3$
We can use now Eq.~\ref{eq:abc} and the definition of $3$:
As you can see, there is an ugly space just above.
Also the line adapts to height and depth \rule[-1cm]{2cm}{3cm}.
This error is also present at the end of this subproof. \lipsum[1-3]
请注意,prooftcolorbox 基于 tcolorbox(这不是问题,因为我不嵌套它们,因为subproofs
它不基于 tcolorbox)。然而,这意味着整个证明的边框没有使用 tikz 样式……这有点令人难过。我尝试编写自己的没有 tcolorbox 的证明,但我遇到了间距问题。
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/532948/robustly-add-a-border-to-the-left-of-a-text-spanning-several-pages
% \directlua{ require("drawboxes")}
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% Shift towards the center of the line
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%%% Deal with drawings and marking.
% Warning: tikz does not like ExplSyntax since it removes spaces
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% \checkmarkpage{label}{if before}{if same page}{if after}
% Apply different codes if we are on a page before, the current page,
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\ifnum\thepage=\markpage\relax #3%
\else #4%
%%% Starts expl3 syntax https://mirrors.concertpass.com/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/expl3.pdf
%%% For the list of modules and everything http://linorg.usp.br/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/interface3.pdf
%%% (this also provides a quickstart at the beginning)
%%% For functions https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/492794/how-to-define-two-expl3-functions-with-the-same-base-name-and-different-signatur
%%% This code is certainly not an example of LaTeX programming as it's the first time I use expl3...
% l=local, name, type. Note that this is only convention, it could be named "\foo" instead.
% clist are list separated by commas.
% To remove stuff https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/5754/delete-an-element-from-a-comma-delimited-list
% Inspired by https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/528774/excess-vertical-space-in-vdots/528775#528775
% See also https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/622881/align-element-tikzmark-with-top-of-the-current-line-instead-of-baseline/622936#622936
% TODO: Read also https://fr.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Articles/Boxes_and_Glue%3A_A_Brief%2C_but_Visual%2C_Introduction_Using_LuaTeX
%%%% Uncomment to have the "baselinemode" (and comment next definition)
%%%% Uncomment to have the "hrule" version:
% \long\def\addZeroWidthLine#1{%
% \vskip\lineskip\hrule height0pt\noindent#1\hrule height0pt\vskip\lineskip%
% }
\edef\thisMarkId{\thenextMarkId}% Temporary variable to use at the end.
\seq_gput_right:NV \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq \thisMarkId % Add it to the list
\dealWithOneLine:V{\thisMarkId}% Draw the line for the current one.
% Ensures a group is inserted around the BODY
{ \noindent \BODY \par\nobreak}% nobreak is used to ensure the tikzmark is not pushed on a new page.
\edef\thisMarkId{\thenextMarkId}% Temporary variable to use at the end.
\seq_gput_right:NV \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq \thisMarkId % Add it to the list
\begin{proof}\phantom{x}% Not sure why, using ~ does not work.
\dealWithOneLine:V{\thisMarkId}% Draw the line for the current one.
% Ensures a group is inserted around the BODY
{ \noindent \BODY }% nobreak is used to ensure the tikzmark is not pushed on a new page.
% \hrule height0pt also "fake" a zero-width line.
\qedhere\hrule height0pt\tikzmark{endTikzmark\thisMarkId}\end{adjustwidth}%%
% \NewEnviron{wholelinedproof}{%
% A\addZeroWidthLine{\addTikzmarkAndPagesInfo{\thenextMarkId}}B%
% %\vskip\lineskip\noindent \hrule height0pt\addTikzmarkAndPagesInfo{\thenextMarkId}\hrule height0pt%
% \edef\thisMarkId{\thenextMarkId}% Temporary variable to use at the end.
% \seq_gput_right:NV \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq \thisMarkId % Add it to the list
% \dealWithOneLine:V{\thisMarkId}% Draw the line for the current one.
% \begin{proof}%
% \stepcounter{nextMarkId}%
% % Ensures a group is inserted around the BODY
% { \noindent \BODY }% nobreak is used to ensure the tikzmark is not pushed on a new page.
% % \hrule height0pt also "fake" a zero-width line.
% \qedhere\hrule height0pt\tikzmark{endTikzmark\thisMarkId}%%
% \end{proof}
% }%
% \NewEnviron{wholelinedproof}{%
% \addTikzmarkAndPagesInfo{\thenextMarkId}%
% %\vskip\lineskip\noindent \hrule height0pt\addTikzmarkAndPagesInfo{\thenextMarkId}\hrule height0pt%
% \edef\thisMarkId{\thenextMarkId}% Temporary variable to use at the end.
% \seq_gput_right:NV \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq \thisMarkId % Add it to the list
% \dealWithOneLine:V{\thisMarkId}% Draw the line for the current one.
% \begin{proof}%
% \stepcounter{nextMarkId}%
% % Ensures a group is inserted around the BODY
% { \noindent \BODY }% nobreak is used to ensure the tikzmark is not pushed on a new page.
% % \hrule height0pt also "fake" a zero-width line.
% \qedhere\hrule height0pt\tikzmark{endTikzmark\thisMarkId}%%
% \end{proof}
% }%
\ExplSyntaxOff %tcolorbox does not like explsyntax
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/169794/outer-margin-of-tcolorbox
before skip=\topsep,
after skip=\topsep,
borderline west={0.4pt}{0.4pt}{\colorFrame},
grow to left by=\subproofsDefaultShift/2,
% colframe=,
% right=12pt, % I'd avoid this
%% Create a new function (see http://linorg.usp.br/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/interface3.pdf page 14)
\cs_new:Nn \dealWithOneLine:n{
%%%%%%%%%% We have not yet seen the beginTikzMark... Don't care.
}{ %%%%%%%%%% We are on the page of the start.
{%%%%%%%%%% The end is later
%\printList:N{} Size is \seq_count:N \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq%
{%%%%%%%%%% The end is on the same page
%% We can remove the item from the list so that we don't process it anymore.
\seq_gremove_all:Nn \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq {#1}%
%\printList:N{} Size is \seq_count:N \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq%
}{% The end was on a previous page... impossible
}{ %%%%%%%%%% The start point is on a previous page
{%%%%%%%%%% The end is later
%\printList:N{} Size is \seq_count:N \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq%
{%%%%%%%%%% The end is on the same page
%% We can remove the item from the list so that we don't process it anymore.
\seq_gremove_all:Nn \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq {#1}%
%\printList:N{} Size is \seq_count:N \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq%
}{%%%%%%%%%% The end has already been seen... I don't care
% defines \dealWithOneLine:V that expands its argument
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \dealWithOneLine:n { V }
%% Create a new function (see http://linorg.usp.br/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/interface3.pdf page 14)
\cs_new:Nn \dealWithAllLines:N {
\seq_map_inline:Nn \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq {
%% Create a new function (see http://linorg.usp.br/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/interface3.pdf page 14)
\cs_new:Nn \printList:N {
\seq_map_inline:Nn \l_ListOfLinesToDraw_seq {
% \begin{subproof}
% \end{subproof}
\begin{linedproof}~% Use '~' to ensure the subproof starts on a new line.
% See also https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/122954/starting-a-proof-with-paragraph
% \begin{subproof}%
We prove now that $1+1+1 = 3$. First we will prove that $1+1+1=3$:
In order to prove that $1+1+1=3$, we first prove that $1+1=2$.
By definition $2 = 1+1$.
But we can show that $1+1+1=2+1$.
Indeed, by associativity of the addition, we know that
But we saw above that $1+1=2$ so $1+1+1=2+1$
It is now possible to see that $1+1+1=3$
We can use now Eq.~\ref{eq:abc} and the definition of $3$:
As you can see, the spacing issues are now solved. See \texttt{\subproofsDefaultFirstPointYShift} to move more or less the first point on the y axis (to ensure it's not too close to the above line). It defaults to \texttt{0.3em}.
Also the line adapts to height and depth \rule[-1cm]{2cm}{3cm}.
Bla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla biblobi blabla blabla Bla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla% If this is the last thing, use \qedhere so that the qed is on the same line as this text.
Which concludes the proof. Which concludes the proofWhich concludes the proofWhich concludes the proofWhich the proof. Which concludes the proof. Which concludes the proofWhich concludes the proof.
\begin{prooftcolorbox} We prove now that $1+1+1 = 3$. First we will prove that the equation $1+1+1=3$ is true:
In order to prove that $1+1+1=3$, we first prove that $1+1=2$.
By definition $2 = 1+1$.
But we can show that $1+1+1=2+1$.
Indeed, by associativity of the addition, we know that
But we saw above that $1+1=2$ so $1+1+1=2+1$
It is now possible to see that $1+1+1=3$
We can use now Eq.~\ref{eq:abc} and the definition of $3$:
As you can see, the spacing issues are now solved. See \texttt{\subproofsDefaultFirstPointYShift} to move more or less the first point on the y axis (to ensure it's not too close to the above line). It defaults to \texttt{0.3em}.
Also the line adapts to height and depth \rule[-1cm]{2cm}{3cm}.
Bla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla biblobi blabla blabla Bla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla bla blaBla bla bla\qedhere
Check alignement of tcolorbox proof:
Normal proofs
\begin{proof} Here is my proof.
\begin{proof} Here is my proof.
\begin{proof} Here is my proof.
Tcolorbox proof
\begin{prooftcolorbox} Here is my proof.
\begin{prooftcolorbox} Here is my proof.
\begin{prooftcolorbox} Here is my proof.
Normal proofs
Here is my proof.
Here is my proof.
Here is my proof.
Lined proofs
\begin{linedproof} Here is my proof.
\begin{linedproof} Here is my proof.
\begin{linedproof} Here is my proof.
编辑 有关的:删除证明环境前后的空格
编辑 我设法得到了一个处理脚注的版本。参见这里。
\tcbuselibrary{breakable, skins}
blanker, breakable, left=2.5em,
borderline west={1pt}{0pt}{black}}
的文档,第 17.4 节。
\newtcolorbox{badbox}{blanker, enforce breakable, left=2em,
borderline west={1pt}{0pt}{black}}