我正在写一份试卷,在设置页边距时遇到了困难。我需要在整个文档中设置页边距,以充分利用尽可能多的空间。我不希望页眉和页脚太大。如果可以以一种我以后可以更改以满足我的需求的方式定义页边距,我将不胜感激。这是我的 MWE:
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\title{\LARGE Lautoka Muslim College\\ \LARGE Department of Mathematics and Physics}
\begin{center}\LARGE{Term 1 Examination 2020}\end{center}
\large{\textbf{\LARGE{Y13 MATHEMATICS}}}\\
\textit{Question Paper \& Answer Booklet}
\begin{center}\large{Time Allowed: $3$ hours\\(\textit{An extra $10$ minutes is allowed for reading this paper})}\end{center}
\textbf{NAME:} \rule{7cm}{0.1pt} \hspace{5cm} \textbf{YEAR:} \rule{2cm}{0.1pt} \\
\item Write your \textbf{Name} and \textbf{Year Level} on the front page.
\item Write \textbf{all} your answers in the spaces provided
\item If you use extra sheets of paper, be sure to show clearly the question number(s) being answered and to attach each sheet securely at the appropriate places. Ensure that your \textbf{Name} and \textbf{Year Level} is written on the extra sheets.
\item Answer \textbf{all} the questions with a blue \textbf{or} black ballpoint pen or ink pen. \textbf{Do not} use red ink. You may use a pencil only for drawing. Use of \textbf{Friction Pen} is \textbf{strictly prohibited} for this exam.
\item You may use a calculator, provided it is silent, battery-operated and non-programmable.
\item Unless otherwise stated, all rounding off should be corrected to \textbf{two decimal places}. Rounding off decimal answers should be done only at the \textbf{final step}.
\item There are \textbf{$5$} questions in the paper. \textbf{All} questions are \textbf{compulsory}
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\textbf{STRAND}} & \textbf{MARKS} & \textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}SUGGESTED TIME\end{tabular}} \\ \hline
1 & Complex Numbers & 25 & 45 MINUTES \\ \hline
2 & Vectors & 15 & 27 MINUTES \\ \hline
3 & Graphs of Functions & 30 & 54 MINUTES \\ \hline
5 & Limits and Continuity & 15 & 27 MINUTES \\ \hline
6 & Algebra & 15 & 27 MINUTES \\ \hline
& \textbf{TOTAL} & \textbf{100 MARKS} & \textbf{180 MINUTES} \\ \hline
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\textbf{STRAND 1} \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \textbf{COMPLEX NUMBERS} \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad \hfill{\textbf{25 MARKS}}
\item This strand has \textbf{$8$ Questions}
\item Show all working for \textbf{Questions 1-8}
\question A complex number is given as $z=2-\sqrt{3}i$. Find:
\item $Re(z)$, the \textbf{Real} part of z \hfill{($\frac{1}{2}$ mark)}
\item $Im(z)$, the \textbf{Imaginary} part of z \hfill{($\frac{1}{2}$ mark)}
\item $\bar{z}$, the \textbf{Conjugate} of z \hfill{($\frac{1}{2}$ mark)}
\item $z+\bar{z}$\hfill{($1$ mark)}
\question if $v=1-i$ and $w=5+4i$, find:
\item $|w|$\hfill{($1$ mark)}
\item $v+w$ \hfill{($1$ mark)}
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\item $vw$\hfill{($2$ marks)}
\question Use the quadratic formula, $x=\cfrac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}{2a}$ to solve $x^{2}-2x=-5$ where $x\in Z$ \hfill{($3$ marks)}
\question Let $w=\sqrt{12}+\sqrt{2}i$
\item Find $Arg(w)$, the \textbf{Argument} of w \hfill{($1 \frac{1}{2}$ marks)}
\item Find $|w|$, the \textbf{modulus} of w \hfill{($1$ mark)}
\item Convert $w$ into \textbf{polar} form \hfill{($1$ mark)}
Polar Form$=\rule[-0.5em]{2in}{1pt}$
\item Use \textbf{De Movire's Theorem} to evaluate $w^{3}$ in rectangular form\hfill{($2$ marks)}\\
DMT : $Z^{n}=r^{n}(\cos n\theta + i\sin n\theta)$
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\question Express $\cfrac{1}{2-3i}$ in the form $a+bi$ \hfill{($2$ marks)}
\question Solve for $x$ and $y$ in $(-2+3i)(x+yi)=6-12i$ \hfill{($2$ marks)}
\question Represent on an \textbf{Argand Diagram}: $1<|z|\leq 3$ \hfill{($2$ marks)}
\question Solve the equation $z^{2}=64(\cos {90\degree} +i\sin {90\degree})$ obtaining \textbf{two} distinct complex roots.
Leave your answers in polar form. \textit{Hint}:$W_{k}=\sqrt[n]{r}(\cos \frac{\theta + 360k}{n}+i\sin \frac{\theta + 360k}{n})$ \hfill{($4$ marks)}
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